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Generic Name: Quinidine Sulfate Tablet, Film Coated, Extended Release

Brand Name: Quinidine Sulfate

Quinidine Sulfate Drug and Medication User Reviews

I took Quinidine Sulfate ER 300 mg for 20 years with no problems..Last Nov. my prescription drug co. could no longer supply it. I was put on Betapace. Went into a-fib 1 week later. Doseage was increased. Three months later-a-fib again. Was put on Cordorone. Couldn't tolerate it so it was stopped. I'm waiting for it to clear my body. My current prescription company can supply Quinidine. I'm hoping I can go back to Quinidine.

Works very well for occasional A-fib caused by too much alcohol intake. Always causes diaherria.

I suffered from paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia and was treated with several drugs before quinidine sulfate with no effect. Within 1 hour of starting the quinidine my heart rate was normal. I took the drug for about 5 years, and then was switched to quinaglute, which is the same but time released. After 10 years the Dr. stopped it and the rate stayed in the normal range. That was 35 years ago, and I have never had to use it since, although the Dr. still has me wear the avioinics or holter every year or so to check for recurrant pvs.

Being a senior runner I have never taken a drug in my life. I was locked in a fib for six weeks before starting the drug. Eight months later I have had no problems.

I take a 300 mg tablet twice a day, morning and evening. I have had no atrial fibrillation issues since I started taking the medicine.