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Generic Name: Risperidone

Brand Name: Risperdal

Risperdal Drug and Medication User Reviews

I been using it with the injection as well for past 6 months. Now I have erectile dysfunction caused by it. I don't even crave sex or have feeling for ladies. Somehow they helped me but done a damage to my manhood. I'm so angry that at this young mid 20s I can't control my penis to crave sex. I even have insomnia since I stopped taking them. They may have helped but they seems dangerous as well

I was given this medication because I was having visual and auditory hallucinations with depression. I also take additional meds. I was prescribed Risperdal starting at 3mg upped to 6mg over time which really helped my symptoms but started severe weight gain. Very unfortunately, I had to stop taking it because of the hangover it gave me the next day. I was so tired I couldn't move. The day was worthless. I felt like I couldn't even walk to the kitchen I was so tired. I almost felt like I was drunk. Forget going out and running errands, This drug knocked me out for the following day completely but I needed it for my symptoms, so I started taking it every other day so at least I would have a few days a week when I did not feel completely wiped out. Then my Dr prescribed Latuda which I take now instead with good results. Risperdal worked for me when I needed it. And I needed it badly. It was the side effects over time that took their toll. I still keep my prescription of Risperdal because it worked so well for my hallucinations. I keep it for backup in case the Latuda stops working. I don't have my auditory or visual hallucinations any longer, I believe that is because of the length of time I took Risperdal and the high dose. The Latuda is just babysitting what the big guns did. To be clear, my auditory hallucinations were severe, like there would be times I would be in the fetal position on my couch for the entire day crying guttural sobs wishing they would stop, but there was nothing I could do, nowhere I could go. But with time Risperdal helped me.

I had a really weird feeling in stomach after withdraw. I was ordered to take Risperdal and Prozac for a week. When the week ended, I went cold-turkey. For approximately a week after that, I had a weird feeling in my stomach. It felt like a combination of heartbreak and butterflies. I do not like being on drugs for extended periods where, like another poster mentioned, I probably could have used a valium, at the time. Tartive Diskineasia is another stressor I don't want to deal with.

I took this medication when i was 13 yrs old. It and carbotrol they not only made me more suicidal they gave me homicidal tendencies, to where I would vividly imagine killing who or whatever was annoying me at the time. It got to the point where I didn't want to live anymore, I didn't want to hear or see those images. So i took both full scripts at once and I told my mom I was going to go walk around at the mall. I got onto the city bus which is less then a block away from my house and the next thing I can remember is the bus driver (who knew me well) told me that I needed to get off and get home. It was the last run of the night... Which means I had passed out on the bus ALL DAY! I don't know how or why I survived this experience, but I did and, as I walked home all I could do was cry. I still to this day have never taken either one again. Nor have I ever told my mom what happened that day.

Caused tremors similar to Parkinson’s disease after being for a month.

good but side effects is hurrible .

was on lithium and Geodon, Seroquel worked but not well, doctor kept increasing despite increasing severely dangerous side effects, (rapidly increasing blood sugar, very rapid hypertriglyceridemia, and 12-14 hrs of sleep need. Geodon worked better than seriquil, but after 2 months I could not get more than 2 hours of sleep, and was so tired I cried all night. So my new doctor put me on Risperdal.(uh, hello work the same way) stupid me thought the doctor new best. In the mean time I was having mild sexual side effects that didn't bother me in the least, but I was having muscle weakness too. my doctor tested my testosterone and it was dropping. I then spent the next to years constantly increasing testosterone (which is very had to get and keep getting, but Viagra, that's super easy despite not a single symptom Viagra treats) sexual side effects became a huge problem but no American resource mentions a thing. I asked my doctor, and said problems started on lithium, and got worse with Risperdal and my testosterone was dropping like a rock. My "doctor" then told me it wasn't the drugs, increased BOTH, then proceeded to test each and every one of the hormones Risperdal effects. she said prolactin was high but nothing to worry about. The depression from not being able to preform was devastating, and if I had known this was the cause, I would probably not been. * years of Risperdal and lithium later, Risperdal became very unstable very quick. I got a new doctor, and he took me of both and prescribed Limital, and told me What Risperdal does. I spent two months in Hell, coming off these drugs and flooded with emotions. I did not notice how much of a zombie I'd been for 15 years because of medications. AFTER I got off Risperdal, every doctor tells me it is bad news

I have been lying down on my bed staring at the ceiling for six months. The positive part is that I do not have those strange hallucinatory thoughts anymore so I will give this medication a 10/10 for effectiveness; however, it makes me extremely tired and for that I canâ??t stand it. I am in a permanent sedentary position because the side effects outweigh the positives and that is disturbing! I canâ??t work or study due to the uncomfortable feeling it gives me.

medication works great, have been on for 2 years and it calms me down. Doesn't make me drowsy at all but brings me down to a good level only thing I gain lots of weight but diet and excercise I lost 6 LBS! The weight gain can be prevented, remember low carbs!

I have taken risperdal for the past 4 years and whild it has helped with my impulsiveness, It has some rather unwelcome side affects. Im tired and groggy all the time. Directly after I take the pill I have been told I resemble a drunk or high person. To top it off,I still have auditory hallucinations from time to time.

caused increased and severe mood swings primatly anger caused increased insominia

I was forced into a Canadian mental hospital in the 90s when I was 13 years old. They gave me a cup with risperdal and told me that it will help me sleep. I gained alot od weight and developed minor gynecomasita that still remained when I was 15 years old and lost all of the weight. Im in my 30s now and my other doctor said I had minor gynecomastia and recommended a ultrasound and mammogram but because the gynecomastia wasn't cancerous insurance wouldn't cover the breast glandular tissue removal. The Canadian Government should pay for it or recommend that I stop taking all antipsychotics which I have been taking for almost 2 decades

After taking this for 20 years and realizing at least the last 10 years i've been having bad hard to troubleshoot headaches, it became evident -- eventually -- that risperdal was the source of the headaches. I think for a lot of people the reason it works is that it inflicts pain and when you're focused on the pain you can't argue or defend yourself. The thing is, this medicine did nothing to remove or reduce hallucinations or delusions, I was having them when i had them regardless of dose (I've taken anywhere from 1-6mg/day), I was just busy focusing on the pain so didn't complain as much about the other symptoms.

Sugar Pill

this is a sedative not a neurotransmitter plus it gave me cancer

This medication has been a godsend. I am pretty much on it as both an extra OCD med and an extra med for my major recurrent depression. I also have general anxiety disorder and mood disorder and stress because of everything going on in my life right now. I started out on 1 mg and am now on 4. When I was on 3mg I was having really, really bad thoughts and had a really scary time that scared both my parents and me. I think it had a lot to do with the fact that I had a really serious disease where I've lost two jobs in the past 3 years, have had to move back in with them to take care of me, am going to have to get all new doctors, including a new specialist in my disease at the beginning of next year, and get new insurance so some medications I'm on now I will have to get on new ones or have quanity limits. Since they have upped my dose to 4 mgs, I'm not thrilled, but I'm much more able to deal with things and maintain control of myself and at least look at solutions instead of being just so upset I couldn't even do anything but freak out about everything going around.

I use this as both an additional medication to treat depression and also as an additional medication for obsessive compulsive disorder. It works very well for both. I'm on 3 mg and take it at night before bedtime. It helps my mind not race while I'm trying to get to sleep so I can actually sleep now without my mind worrying about a million things that I can't control. I still have anxiety; I'm just wired that way, but it definitely cuts way back on it. It's definitely helped me. I've never had the weight gain from this drug some people talk about. Knock on wood.

This medicine was working fabulously to treat my anxiety and major mood swings. I was very impressed! However, about three weeks in, I started to lactate (I'm not pregnant). The doctor took me off the medicine. I knew it was possible but I never thought it would actually happen to me!