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Generic Name: Telmisartan Amlodipine Tablets

Brand Name: Twynsta

Twynsta Drug and Medication User Reviews

Only started this the last 5 days and I saw a remarkable drop in my BP. It was140/110 and within 5 days the reading is 127/79. I am on 80 mg /5mg.

my bp was really high btw 165-175 over 120-125. this medicine was able to get in control tremendously. it never went up then 130/90

1. Chest pain 2. Feeling light-headed and dizzy intermittently. 3. Tingling of hands and right toe. 4. Creeping feeling on top of head and headache located on top of head and temples (does not last long). Rare 5. Slight tremors 6. Stomach Pain (different places) 7. Early morning leg cramps (twice during the past month). 8. Aching and tender muscles (not caused by exercise). 9. Back pain 10. Night-time and frequent urination

This drug has been horrible for me. I was switched because the new insurance wouldn't cover the old drug which had no side effects. Now, I have a tremendous headache, my abdomen hurts all the time, my face is flushed and I run a low grade fever at times. These side effects are growing worse by the day. I think I'd rather take my chances with the high blood pressure at this point. I plan to call the doctor on Monday and try to switch back. For me, this is a really, really bad option!!!!!!

been on it for year- bp is 120/70. (40-10 size) I read where this drug is typically over prescribed so I cut it in 1/2 and took my bp everyday- wow 1/2 was as good as the whole dose! If one is going to try this, be sure and keep a record of ur bp every day at same time. I graph my bp and heart rate on excell. I do notice my heart rate at rest is low (46-52 beats /minute but maybe it is due to my daily cycling. Had stroke in 2005, I'm 69 but recovered well. Not sure it it works for everyone but I never any change in the data from whole pill to half pill. Howeever i tried really hard to go for no salt (dash diet), exercise hard and dropped about 15 lbs trying to normalize bp. The dash diet and weight loss really works. Ideally i would like off this pill but it may be risky. My next move is to drop to 1/4 see what happens I do not like the drop in cycling power due to lower hr. Typically i bike at 20-23km/hour with a hr of 120 for say 40-60 kms. My hr will not get above 145.

I was taking Twynsta for months during this period I have faced problems with severe cramp on both legs. The pain was so high and when I consulted a specialist he change this medication with another high pressure medication, after that the cramp stopped . I recommend everybody to change it on the first day if a cramp will appear.

this drug inconguction with other drug have been very satifactory in treating my blood pressure.

I have just tried this in the past 2 weeks. Started medication last 2 months with different medicine however did not improve much. Doctor recommended to try this and worked well on me. Got to see reading below 80 and below 120. Not sure it is too drastic/ good indicator. Will check with my doctor.

I started Twynsta 40-10 3 yrs ago but due to extreme ankle swelling I switched to 40-5. Blood pressure back to normal and no swelling with lower dose. No other side effects.

The only blood pressure medicine that has kept my pressure under control in over 40 years of taking various other drugs. My blood pressure usually stays in the low 120 for the first time.

Works great, but changed insurance plans recently and the cost is extremely high. Trying to decide whether to change meds, or just pay the higher cost.

The medicine is great, but recently switched medical plans and the cost for a months supply is extremely high.

I have been on this medication for about 3 months. Blood pressure is great! Just recently my feet started swelling and when they are swollen, it hurts to walk. I have an appointment tomorrow, to have it checked out.

Started 2 months ago - controlled my BP when several other meds failed. Now right in line - 120/80 or lower.

I'm very satified.

I have not seen any side effects, no dizziness or blurred vision.

I have only been on this drug for 2 months and results have been great; Blood pressure is down to where it should be. No side effects noticed with this drug. Only negative would be cost and the fact that my plan D does not cover Twynsta.

i have had really good results with this medication, except i am constipated from this medication