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Generic Name: Keflex for Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (cephalexin)

Keflex for Upper Respiratory Tract Infection Reviews

"Being a person with cancer in remission and following health problems- COPD, Bronchiectasis, Chronic Bronchitis, Emphysema, Chronic Sinus and ear infection, odd UTI at odd times. I passed out during the night and woke up on the floor and could not get up off the floor or walk - not Covid. After roughly four to five trips by ambulance to hospital and various drug treatments with relapses now and again my GP put me on low dose 250 mg Keflex to take one tablet every night and since that day have never had to go back to hospital or have not passed out again. So possibly l may now be helped with bacterial infections, and I can only speak of my personal experience but for me this is a wonder drug. I do realize that bacteria become immune to antibiotics but as far as I know I have had no adverse side effects. Antibiotics have come a long way, since I was a child. My age is now seventy nine years of age. I do not have diabetes or heart problems, mainly lung problems and do not smoke."

"I went to the ER, they said I had a UTI so they gave me keflex 500mg 4 times a day for a week. I despise ANY medication because of the side effects but I didn’t want a kidney infection as that’s way worse so I took it. I had nausea and some mild diarrhea about an hour in, normal right? So a few days in I felt like I was hit by a truck I woke up fatigued and my anxiety was so bad and I developed an achy back that lasted a week even after I was done taking it! I still have some mild diarrhea everyday and it’s been a week since I’ve finished the medicine, I have no clue how I pulled through and took all of it. It did indeed clear up my infection but I still feel sick. I know it’s a turn off reading this and it makes you not wanna take the medicine but you HAVE TOO unless you want a kidney infection which is way worse and you’ll be put on even more antibiotics if that happens. Just pull on through but if you genuinely don’t feel good when taking it, talk to your doctor."

"The only antibiotic that promptly and consistently resolves my chronic bronchitis."

"Horrible, did not work at all on my husband's bronchitis, and his bronchitis turned into pneumonia."

"Unfortunately, did not help 4 year old with chest infection. "

More about Keflex (cephalexin)

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  • Reviews (90)
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  • Side effects
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  • During pregnancy
  • Support group
  • Drug class: first generation cephalosporins
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Keflex drug information
  • Keflex (Cephalexin Capsules and Tablets)
  • Keflex (Cephalexin Suspension)

Other brands


Professional resources

  • Keflex prescribing information
  • Cephalexin (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Bladder Infection
  • Bacterial Infection
  • Acne
  • Bacterial Endocarditis Prevention