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Generic Name: Aldactone for Acne (spironolactone)

Aldactone for Acne Reviews

"If you suffer from anxiety or depression, avoid this medication. Even at a low dose, it sent my anxiety through the roof, resulting in really dark thoughts. I’ll take bad skin over my mental health any day."

"I have been taking Aldactone for adult hormonal acne for almost 2 years, and I cannot even put into words the HUGE difference it has made. In my early 20s, I began getting horrible cystic acne all over my chin and entire jawline area. I had used every product available, including Proactiv, expensive designer department store lines, Retin-A, birth control, etc. NOTHING helped! I'd have 5-15 painful nodules at once, each lasting 2-3 weeks and most scarring. My self-esteem was ruined, I was ashamed. Finally, at age 28, I went to a dermatologist and started on Aldactone 100mg/day. I saw noticeable improvement within a week and was totally clear in one month! Increased to 150mg/day after 3 months and have had flawless skin since. Truly a LIFESAVER medicine."

"I've been taking this medicine for about six months for acne, and it has done wonders for me. I saw full results after about 4 months. Other than frequently having to go to the bathroom (it's a diuretic), I've experienced no side effects. My skin is flawless, and all the insecurities I had about my skin—being anxious around the time of my period in anticipation of a breakout, not wanting to leave the house without makeup—are GONE. I've been on Accutane four or five times, and while my skin always did really well for the few months I was on it, sometime afterward I'd begin to get regular breakouts. Aldactone gives me predictably clear skin, I can take it indefinitely, AND it's cheap. If you have hormonal acne, please give this a shot!"

"Being almost 30 and having cystic acne, I began taking this as a last resort. I tried all skincare lines, found myself using Clarins, and my skin improved, but still I was oily and breaking out on my neck and cheeks. After a couple of weeks, I noticed I wasn't waking up with what seemed like a thick layer of oil on my face. I began to break out less and less. My dermatologist upped my dose, and now my painful cystic acne is gone, and my skin feels great. Although I find myself very parched at times, and you must watch your salt and alcohol intake. I like this medication."

"I am almost 46, and for 30 years, I have tried everything for chronic hormonal acne (antibiotics, Accutane, all the skincare lines, Retin-A). This medication has been a miracle for me. I still get little blackheads / small pimples around my menses, but they are barely noticeable. I continue with my Retin-A treatment, which helps with that. I haven't noticed any side effects. I do watch my potassium intake (no bananas)."

"I began this Aldactone 50 mg 2 weeks ago. 8 days later, I had a cyst rupture on my ovary. (I had a partial hysterectomy 6 months ago.) Not certain if the medicines were a part, that will have to wait to be seen. I immediately felt the oil dry and the cyst go away. One of the best things is I feel like the redness is gone as well. I love that since 7th grade till my 38th year, years of Accutane a million times, odd antibiotics, birth control, topicals, and I FINALLY FEEL FREE of my ugly red skin."

"This medication was prescribed to treat my hormonal acne. The side effects that I experienced outweighed any positives. I did observe my acne to subside, but my skin became so dry and parched doing so. My face looked sunken in, and aged. I'm only 27, and I do not smoke and only occasionally consume alcoholic beverages. My libido was nearly nonexistent. I was very dry in my genitals, and could not self lubricate for sex. My hair was also incredibly dry, and brittle, and I noticed hair thinning at my scalp. My hair was coming out noticeably more as well. I was having difficulty sleeping. I gained nearly 10 pounds since starting... I eat fairly healthy and balanced. I was only on Spiro for roughly 4 months. I've been off of it for only a few days, but I swear I already feel and look so much better. Ill take some pimples and oily (but healthy) facial skin."

"Great! Works wonders for oily skin and hormonal acne. A bonus is that it helped make me 10 lbs lighter."

More about Aldactone (spironolactone)

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  • Side effects
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  • During pregnancy
  • Generic availability
  • Drug class: aldosterone receptor antagonists
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Aldactone drug information

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Professional resources

  • Aldactone prescribing information
  • Spironolactone (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Acne
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  • Edema
  • Heart Failure