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Generic Name: Amphetamine Sulfate Tablets, USP

Brand Name: Evekeo

Evekeo Drug and Medication User Reviews

It makes me very irritable, angry, and it makes me sleepy. It does practically nothing for my ADHD symptoms. I’ve even tried taking a 1/2 dose 2x per day.

I have lost a total of 40 lbs in 4 months. It isnt a magic pill, it still takes diet and exercise to lose weight but Evekeo suppresses your appetite substantially and gives you energy boosts which make the diet and exercise much easier to achieve. It has worked wonders for me. The only negative is sometimes it can make my heart beat very quickly however my blood pressure still seems to be under control.

I just cant focus, I am misplacing items and running late for appointments..this is not acceptable as an adult with responsibilities. I used to have ADHD as a child and have found that Evekeo 10mg has helped me now to get through my busy day of work and family life.

got a free trial from my dr and my son's ADHD symptoms are under control and hes doing well in school again - so happy with flexible dosing and my local pharmacy copay is only $15 a month as I found it through the manufacturers website.

Like most this is the third med I have taken for Narcolepsy. The side affects of Adderall and Vyvanse were awful. I have not had any side affects with this. I have been taking it for two months and did not think it was working until I ran out and went without taking it over the weekend. All I could do was sleep. The DR upped by dose to 10mg, which I haven't started yet (waiting on the prior approval from insurance.) I'm hoping that it will work as good or better as the 5 mg did or as well as the Adderall without the side affects. I am hoping my body does not become used to taking the Evekeo because I do not want to have to keep upping the dosage.

After trying Vyvanse and Adderall my doctor recommended this newer drug. In short, this is the drug for me. Helps me focus without the side effects of the others. I suppose everyone reacts different. Just glad I found this one.

Was prescribed Evekeo recently, and had a tough time finding a pharmacy that had it, as well as geting insurance to cover it. Pharmacy locator was helpful, but due to cost (even with coupon from doctor), I am likely going to go back to original medication (Adderall Tablet).

Failed 4 different add meds. By far the best. Just wish they had higher strengths. I take it 15mg 2 times daily and even though the tablets are easy to break.. It's annoying. I feel the best on this one though for sure. No side effects and takes care of my add.

The physical side effects outweigh any of the mental benefits, which pale in comparison to Dexedrine. Where do I begin, evekeo makes me jittery, anxious, and feel just plain weird. I know what amphetamines should feel like, when I heard 50% levo I pretty much knew what to expect but figured what the heck, its only for a month. After having been on Dexedrine and adderall for the past 3 years, and now Evekeo. I can fairly say that the levo side of amphetamines is not only inferior it also has far more side effects. This is somewhat of a known fact in the medical community. Amphetamines are either dexdro or levo or some of both. Dexdro tends to be more cerebral and calming while levo tends to be more physical and distruptive, by distruptive I mean your heart will let you know pretty quickly. Dexedrine is 100% of the dexdro side of amphetamines, Adderall is 75/25, and Evekeo is 50/50. I know that everyone's treatment is personal, so I'll speak for myself as only I can. Dexedrine is by far the superior product, Adderall comes in second because it only has 25% levo. Evekeo lags behind with its whopping 50% of levo induced jitters, palpitations and tweakiness. When my doc told my they have something new thats 50/50, I was like, you mean benzedrine, yah thats not new. Kinda like when he tried to tout zenzedi as the new cool kid on the block, I was like you mean rebranded dexadrine. I'll take my generic thanks. I had my doubts about evekeo but wanted to give it a fair shot. Having had dexedrine before I know that there's way better treatment out there.

After being on Adderall, Vyvanse and Dexedrine Spansule, I'd say Eveko is a highly effective dextro/levo amphetamine based drug. Unlike adderall, this medication is very mild compared to adderall and the feeling of being wired. This medication lasts longer and more steady than adderall XR and the peak is much longer than Adderall IR. Compared to Vyvanse, this medication has more of a steady in my system mildly vs Vyvanse being strong then wears off fast throughout the course of 12 hours. I wish they made this medication in higher doses than 5 and 10mg. It's the same thing as adderall except adderall is 75% Dextroamphetamine and 25% Levoamphetamine. This medication is freebase amphetamine sulfate so it's 50% Dextro/Levo. So a 10mg isn't much different than taking a 10mg adderall. It just releases it differently and freebase form is probably more potent than the salts.

I started Evekeo only because of the 60 day free trial -- money can be tight at times and this seemed like a sensible option. I had previously been taking Adderall XR 15mg for my Attention Deficit Disorder (no hyperactivity). Please use caution with this medication. As soon as I started taking Evekeo I became suicidal, apathetic, very irritable, and it really did not seem to do much for my ADD. My sister said I turned into a completely different person. I am sure it works wonderfully for others but it took me by surprise! This was the first kind of serious reaction I had to ADD medication -- so your first day or two trying Evekeo make sure you have loved ones around to keep an eye on you.

it lasts longer and helps me focus. much better then generic adderall. free trial is a good bonus too- so you can see if you like it.

I have been on it for about two weeks now. Great stuff, way better than adderall. However, the comedown results in behavioral changes..... as in I am a douchebag at the end of the day. This is treated with marijuana. I know it isnt legal in most states, however it helps with the behavior changes. Hope this helps.....

First time on ADHD medication and i believe i am benefiting from it. I started by taking 5mg BID and increased it to beginning adult dose of 10 mg BID. I felt sine creak at 5mg but it's expected by taking an amphetamine. That our no sleep. I am not having complications and will continue to take for now.

Been on for over a month. As the one person said, we're all different so it's nice to have another option. Evekeo for me was great because it was 60 pills for free. I take it as needed, but basically once a day. Compared to other meds I've taken, this one gives me focus without waiting for twho hours to kick in just to have a crash later in the day. To me, the best part of this new med is that I know it's working cuz I'm focused, getting thigs done, but I can sleep and I have no irritability. knowing so many friends on these types of meds, I'm certain some patients are going to not like anything. because of that, I'm glad new ones keep coming.

This product works great!!! I've tried so many other meds and they either don't work or I feel awful on them. It works quickly and lasts about 7 hours for me. I've been on it for two weeks and haven't had any side effects really. I also received a free trial and I did not have to pay anything for a 60 tablet supply. My doc also gave me a copay card to use after that will really keep the cost down. Safe to say I'll be sticking with Evekeo!

I honestly felt like Evekeo made me space out like crazy for the entire day. I am on week 3, and I haven't gotten much done in that period. Much like I was prior to being diagnosed with ADHD. Not to mention my irritability levels have been off the charts, and I've slept more than I ever have since starting the medication. I have my review apportionment tomorrow, and I'm going to request to be put back on Vyvanse. I'd rather deal with the evening crash than put up with this stagnant depressing feel...

I've been on Vyvanse for about 5 years now and could feel the effectiveness falling a little short each day. I switched over to Evekeo two months ago instead of upping my Vyvanse from 60mg to 70mg. It's effective in that it works in helping to maintain focus and it takes effect quickly. My primary problem is the mood it puts me in. I'm finding myself constantly irritable, stressed, and ready to lash out over, retrospectively, small annoyances. This is especially problematic on days where I leave my afternoon pill (it's a twice a day medication) at home. Two days ago, I was very surprised to find myself in a good mood with a generally positive outlook. Then I realized that I had not forgotten to take Evekeo that day. I'm dropping Evekeo with my next prescription and going back to Vyvanse. That being said, your experience might be different. There's a free month discount available, so it might be worth trying, but know that you might have to do some legwork to locate a pharmacy that carries it.

Ive been taking ADHD meds since professionally diagnosed in 1996 and have taken Adderall XR, Dexadrine (both Shire and generic), and many different generic Amph Salts including Teva (yuk!) Barr (yuk)...and the most effectve 4 me: Sanzoz/EOS. Ive also tried Corpharma - I use a pretty low dose 10mg 2x's day which really helps me to focus and sit still at work and finish projects. My doctor recently gave me a free trial of EVEKEO (10's) and I stopped taking it as it seems to MAKE MY BRAIN MORE SCRAMBLED! I also feel "locked-up" (even on 10's) & dont feel relaxed and able to speak normally (or speak up in Corp meetings - whcih isnt good!) Its really weird...DONT LIKE IT AT ALL. Also, I noticed it gave me headaches. (so I have 45 pills sitting here unused & want my SANDOZ back!)

Extremely water-soluble, dissolves like it's held together by air and kicks in VERY quickly (I think the RoA is due to how 'crumbly' it is?) I've been on various stimulants for close to 7 years: Adderall 10mg, 30mg, dexedrine 5mg and 10mg, desoxyn 5mg, Concerta 54mg, Vyvanse 70mg (currently still on this), and of course the generics of those listed that exist. I would say Evekeo is closest to Desoxyn in terms of how it effects me. Fast onset, short acting, no jitters or hyper-vigilance, no 'staring at all the nothing', appetite of course is suppressed so stay hydrated on this stuff. I had a "free" coupon that turned out, thanks to fine print, to cost a 30 dollar co-pay. Apparently it's quite expensive without it, so I will be going back to Dexedrine 5mg once this two month supply is up. I cannot say it has the euphoria Desoxyn can provide when taken in higher doses, but where it differs from everything I listed above, it works wonders for getting out of bed. Vyvanse takes up to an hour to kick in, and Desoxyn/Dexedrine/Adderall was simply not strong enough or not the right 'type' of stimulant to actually propel me out of bed. That said, I work 12 hour days so when it comes to taking it when Vyvanse wears off it's subtle but has a nice peak that makes my 1.5 hour commute far safer, and it wears off just a few hours after I get home. If the cost wasn't so ridiculous I'd go for this stuff, but big pharma can stuff it because consumers are forced to use generics unless they are stupid, rich, or both. Still, probably the best IR stim out there.