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Generic Name: Misoprostol

Brand Name: Cytotec

Cytotec Drug and Medication User Reviews

I read reviews before using cycotec and comments scared me so much. But I have to use it in any way. I was almost 3 weeks pregnant I eat 2 and inserted 4 swear cramps starts within 4 hour but no bleeding I took 2 more and saw a little blood Next day I repeated the procedure took 2 orally and inserted 4 and after 4 hour it works perfectly and all cleared heaviest blood flow for 3 hour then normal .

I drank four tablet and inserted two into my virgina as instructed, I bled for only few hours. And my pregnancy symptoms still persist two weeks later I went for pregnancy test and I tested positive again, I don't know what to do next, just confused

Even though i was 5 weeks pregnant, the pill did not work. I did have bleeding and some small colts, but not even as much as regular period, got suspicious went back to clinic to find out that my gestational sac was still in place. Had to go back and do Vacuum Aspiration. Please be careful if you see no blood or small amount of blood even with the pain and cramps double check if this worked.

I was prescribed 3 Cytotec pills to be inserted vaginally at bed time throughout a period of 3 days before my Hysteroscopy. Let me start by saying IT IS NOT EASY! I have never been pregnat, given birth or had a miscarriage. I took my first pill right before bed, about midnight and put a pad on. I woke up with horrible cramps 2 hours into it. I couldn't go back to sleep. I felt like I was on the worst day of my period with a heavy heavy flow and cramps to the second power. Around 6am I was delirious I had no energy. I felt nauseous every time I moved and I had to move because the cramps just make you ether shake your leg or rock yourself in a little ball. I couldn't deal so I took 2 ibuprofen 800ml and went straight to bed. I woke up around 9 feeling like I was dying again in a pool or blood. PADS are so not enough! I spend the rest of my day switching out the pads feeling like I had my period, just really really bad. At around 12/1pm I started to feel normal again and the blood got less intense. At around 7pm I was spotting and had a little bit of cramps but nothing crazy. At midnight I did it all over again!!! This time I took 2 Ibuprofens right after I inserted the pills. I used one of my dogs we we pads and placed it under me while I slept and bought way better heavy duty pads. I didn't wake up till about 5/6am. This time I took half a Oxy, changed my pad and went to bed. Was fine the whole night. Woke up around 11am the next day, showered and went about my day. Still had pain but not as bad. The worst worst pain hits you 3/5 hours after taking the pill. Be heavy medicated and prepare for a heavy heavy flow and don't forget to drink water.

i found out i was two weeks pregnant so i bought cytotec drug drank two and inserted two in my vagina,i woke up the next morning with stains of blood,i bleed close to one week.later re-do the PT test it was still positive and am having this awful discharge from my vagina and is black in colour..pls help what should i do next

I took 4 pills of Cytotec after a miscarriage. I experienced very minor cramping and bleeding for less than 24 hours. My doctor and I expected much more bleeding so I took a second dose 48 hours after the first does of 4 pills again. After the second does I experienced even less cramping and bleeding.

My daughter was prescribed this medicine after giving birth. 7 days out she hemorraged and the drug was given. the doctor knew she was breastfeeding and the drug is excreted through the breast milk. The baby didn't thrive for a month and my daughters milk dried up. There have been no studies done to prove that a breastfeeding infant won't be affected by this medication

I took this vaginally 800mcg after miscarriage. It was affective but the worst pain I have ever felt in my life. It was so bad my OB admitted me to L&Dfor pain control until it was over. From start to passing of fetal tissue was about 5-6 hours . For anyone taking this take your pain meds try and stay ahead of the pain cause it hits like a brick wall!!

I was prescribed this drug for a completely different reason than nearly everyone else here, so I thought I would post. I had part of my colon removed due to obstructive kinks that caused tissue to die, which caused daily pain and abnormal stool (mucus or hard-to-pass mush). As a result of that surgery, my intestines have slowed down considerably. I go a week sometimes with no bowel movement. Doctor thought I may have to get 2nd operation to remove more bowel, but wanted to try this drug (Cytotec) as a last resort. I am 2 weeks in (taking it 4 times daily) and it seems to be working fairly well. Stomach pains that I used to have daily are fewer and far between, and bowel movements are almost at a normal frequency, consistency, and amount - it has been years since that has been the norm for me. Nausea wakes me at night sometimes, though I am unsure if it the Cytotec causing this or the fact that my gallbladder is bad (it will be removed next month, so I will find out). To sum up, Cytotec is helping regulate my digestive system. So far, so good.

I had a miscarriage, but my levels were so high my body wasn't taking care of it on it's own so I tried the cytotec. I did two tabs vaginally and had cramping, so at 5 hours I took the second dose, I started bleeding and this causes the second dose to not absorb. The next day they had me do a third dose with the same outcome (pills didn't absorb). So they had me do a fourth dose of 4 pills. I'm dizzy, nauseated, sharp pains in my stomach, and it still didn't work. The pills don't dissolve easily for vaginal use, and after 10 pills in 3 days- it's still not working for me. I do believe it works for most people though. The side effects of so many pills isn't worth it to me.

I took this med before a uterin biopsy. It gave me terrible heartburn! I take meds for my stomach anyway. They don't always work real well. Thank God I only had to take 2 pills. I don't t see how they can be prescribed for ulcers and other stomach troubles. Hope I never have to take them again. I did take them with food .

I took this medication after having a miscarriage. Unlike other reviews, I also had a d&c, I was prescribed to take this medication the night before the surgery. After about two hours of taking two pills, I started cramping, worst than any period I've ever had. My doctor did not explain to me that this would happen so I was completely shocked when I started gushing blood, I stayed in the shower for an hour because I would t stop bleeding. I've had a miscarriage before and didn't take this and medication and was further along that time. So I'm not sure why I had to take it. God forbid I miscarry again I will not be taking this medication

I was given 200mg twice, with approximately 5 hours inbetween for a miscarriage that occurred at 12 weeks. I was waiting for the D&C procedure. Given, I was in the Italian healthcare system, and may have only been given 200mg 1 time if I was in the US - since the Italian medical system is so disorganized and not urgent for these matters. The second dose sent me into unforeseen advanced yoga postures and debilitating pain. I would not wish this pain on my enemy. I assume that it worked since the operation that occurred later was successful. If given a choice, with knowledge, I would not take this again. Note: the first dose of 200mg caused pain and discomfort (pain scale 3-4/10). The second dose of 200mg was way past the pain chart - and I get migraines monthly so I know what pain is!

i experienced alot of pain by using this pill and i was pregnant at the time. i was already 2months. and i aborted my own child. it was painfull and i don't even know if i can have children in the nearer future anymore. please help

I decided to take this medication orally after I learned I had a missed miscarriage at 9 weeks. The embryo only grew to 6 weeks. I had nothing to eat the morning I took it and began feeling cramps within 10 minutes of taking it. An hour later I felt a gush. At first it was like menstrual cramps, but after a few days the contractions started. It was the worst, most uncomfortable pain I'd ever felt, and it lasted 3 days. I went to the hospital for a follow up ultrasound and was told the medication didn't fully remove the tissue and I'd need a D&C (I took the Cytotec to avoid a D&C). The Cytotec was a painful waste of time. From my personal experience, it was NOT less traumatic than a D&C. The pain was unbearable and I almost went to the ER. I don't understand why it didn't fully take when the embryo was only 6 weeks along. I don't recommend this medication to anyone