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Generic Name: Montelukast Sodium

Brand Name: Singulair

Singulair Drug and Medication User Reviews

This is a terrible "medication." Regrettably, I've been taking this for years to preventively control asthma and have had concomitant issues with depression, agitation, anxiety, rapid heartbeat and feelings of hopelessness DUE TO this drug; these are NOT due to other circumstances, physical or mental, and I am absolutely appalled that my physician has NEVER spoken with me about side effects of this very dangerous medication. I only learned of its deleterious side effects until recently from a pharmacist. I've stopped taking this very dangerous drug and have noticed a positively remarkable RETURN to NORMALCY of my mood, concentration and well being. I remain appalled, if not horrified, over how I've suffered while taking this "medication." CONSUMER BEWARE! (I am in my 60's. Your chart below only goes up to age 24).

So I started taking Singulair yesterday. A few hours later my airway and my lungs started feeling clearer. My initial thought was that it was temporary and my airway would go back to being lined with mucus and my lungs would go back to feeling like wet sponges through which I was constantly coughing to bring up mucus, but still feeling like it was clogged. But, here I am, day 2, lungs and airway feeling clear like they haven't in a long time. Pretty excited.

A miracle pill. No more allergy meds, steroids or shots.

It works very well for my asthma, caused by allergies. But it causes tooth pain for me! It seems that it causes the nerves to overreact terribly. Been to the dentist multiple times, he had no explanation. I stopped taking Singulair, and after a few days the pain was pretty much gone. I just started taking it again because allergies are bad, and here we go, the pain is back. I hate to say it, but I cannot take this medication! (I'm a 65 year old female)

While it works to control Asthma, it’s not worth the risk. My son started taking it at 5 years old. It does cause depression & suicidal thoughts!! as well as anxiety. My son could never sleep, had tremors, excessive sweating too. It took him getting to 18/19 years old to be able to finally realize all his depression & mood was from his medicine. He stopped taking it on his own & he saw such a huge difference. Said he would never take it again and that he felt like the darkness had finally lifted. Don’t let you kids take it. We had years of issues & never realized it was Singulair.

My son started taking this in Kindergarten. He was the sweetest, kind hearted soul and completely changed a few days after starting Singular. The pediatrician assured me there is ZERO way it could be the cause of my sons dramatic behavioral changes because it can’t cross the blood brain barrier therefore doesn’t affect the Central Nervous System. My son tried opening the car door when I was driving down the street, he started chocking his little brother in Target and was down right aggressive. His eyes looked like all the love was striped from his body. That’s the only way to describe it. I took him off the medication and within a week or 2 he was back to himself. I don’t recommend this medication to anyone!!!

I am reading these reviews because I can't tell if singular works for me, I see no difference from before I started taking it until now as I am taking it, which I have been taking it over 1yr..

WARNING!!! PLEASE READ. It was explained that this could cause mental or phycological reactions. I proceeded with caution because like many of you I was desperate to find relief. I have been taking for 3 weeks. I've had increasing irritability, anger and uncontrollable outbursts. Yesterday I felt overwhelmingly violent and took an AXE to my backyard to release the anger before I hurt myself or someone else. Later, out of nowhere, I started having SUICIDAL THOUGHTS that even looking at a butterknife I new I could do IT! I finally called someone to help talk me through it. I racked my brain, did more reading and new 100% it was this drug! I am now trying to find the safest way to taper off because I am also afraid of what reactions will occur if I stop suddenly.

This drug caused me to have brain damage that can be seen in an MRI imaging. The damage seems permanent. My life has changed in a severe and detrimental way. I think of suicide EVERYDAY after stopping it in 2013. Now it's June of 2021. I have finally found a lawyer who may help me sue MERCK. But don't know if I will make it until the suite goes to trial. I may become homeless next month. MERCK hopes you never read this review because they are a making a huge profit from this drug. And right from the beginning, they knew this drug goes primarily through the blood brain barrier. They were trying to develop a drug to treat a brain disease such as multiple district for multiple sclerosis. When they found it didn't work for that condition, they sought out other medical problems I try to use it on. But this drug is far more damage than good. WebMD needs to stress this more. Many people have developed mental health and neurological problems from taking thus drug. Singular should have never sought to sell it. The potential side effects are far too severe to risk taking this drug for allergies or asthma. I started out what's some sinus issues and now my sinuses are not better and my life will never return to normal and I may kill myself eventually. I truly have nothing to live for anymore.

Watch out for side effects. It had a dramatic impact on my mood. I stopped and started again 3 times over a year to see if it was truly the Singulair. It was.

This medicine was prescribed for my 8-year-old daughter. We started her on it because she was sent home from school with a runny nose and missed 10 days due to Covid policies. We wanted her to have the best chance to get to go to school during allergy season. Like others have said, I wish we would have read more about possible side effects. Since she's been taking this, her behavior has changed drastically to the point that the last few days she has been unrecognizable. She is angry, aggressive, and screams and lashes out sometimes for no reason. She is usually an extremely happy, easygoing child. I was ready to take her to a counselor when my husband looked at the side effects. We stopped use immediately. I'm hoping it doesn't take too long to get out of her system. We would rather her deal with allergy symptoms than to not ever feel like herself.

It's not been perfect but has helped. I haven't had any of the bad effects I've read in all the other reviews. (I actually wonder if they are using this drug as a scapegoat for their issues). After years of taking this, a mix up with the pharmacy and needing a call to Dr for refill, I ended up not taking it for a couple weeks. I had lousy allergy/sinus crud that makes people look weird at you during this Covid19 snafu.

I've developed a respiratory infection because of untreated allergies. Went to the local clinic and they prescribed antibiotics and Singulair. Very easy to take and worked a little bit in the first couple days, but 9 days after starting it I had to stop because of severe side effects and ineffectiveness. Singulair has caused me to hallucinate, engage in unusual compulsive behaviors, and contemplate suicide whereas before I was perfectly fine. Severely negatively impacted my work and mental state. Would not recommend this at all.

I had terrible seasonal allergies. I took Zyrtec everyday but it wasnâ??t enough . My dr gave me singulair. Took a few days to work but wow I am so much better. I take it in the morning when I first get up. I stopped using my albuterol

FAST HEART RATE / PANIC ATTACKS Ask your doctor for some "Metoprolol Tartrate". i also had these attacks. it keeps your heart rate down and blood pressure in a safe area. i found these attacks to happen most often after Eating. Avoid spicy foods They stopped after 10 days of Quitting Montelukast QVAR inhaler seemed to make it worse, its a bad combo. Also i had Bronchial Exertion in my chest. Shortness of breath, Burning, Ache and pain This lasted much longer, around 3 weeks or more Keep a Rescue Inhaler handy. Albuterol Avoid stress, arguments and emotional situations No violent video games. or Movies REST. Dont excersize / workout . try not to get up and do stuff Avoid smoke, air freshener and cleaners / cologne,perfume Just relax and watch comedy shows and wait, it will get better

Staying at home through this pandemic means 24 hrs a day exposure to my cat - and I now know how allergic I am to him! Within a week I was wheezing, especially at night, itchy throat, eyes, sneezing constantly. Called the doc and was given a scrip for Singulair and an albuterol inhaler. After reading reviews of both drugs, I was too scared to use either. After another week of wheezing, I finally tried the inhaler and it worked instantly, but I needed it several times a day which I didn't like doing. After another week of struggling to breathe I was desperate enough to set aside the horror story reviews of Singular that I read here and finally took one. I FELT BETTER THE NEXT MORNING. I've been taking Singulair every evening for 10 days now and the wheezing is gone, I can take deep breaths and sleep soundly for the first time in a while. I still take Allegra as well, as I find the Singulair doesn't help with sneezing and itchy nose/throat. I have experienced NO side effects from Singulair. My advice is to give it a chance. I know many have had serious terrible side effects but please don't just read the scary reviews and think they will happen to you.

Tried every steroid and inhaler on the market and nothing work as well as this. No depression issues but maybe some dizziness. It's been a life changer for me.

This was excellent for my allergy-induced asthma & alleregy symptoms but the level of depression is beyond explanation. Basically I was overcome with feelings of meaninglessness - myself, my job, basically everything. Which is really too bad because it provided such relief of my allergies and asthma.

I broke out in the worst case of HIVES that you could imagine!!!!!!..... It was DEFINITELY the Singular/MONTELUKAST which I reported, with photographs, to the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). This should be taken off the market!!!!... There should be a place here in the Review Section for sharing photographs of physical reactions to drugs because I still have mine and would love to show everyone how UNBELIEVABLY SEVERE my reaction was!!!!!!!

First day on it and already short tempered...NOT good!