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Generic Name: Mycophenolate Mofetil

Brand Name: CellCept

Cellcept Drug and Medication User Reviews

Take for autoimmune hepatitis for 6 years with no problems!

I have been on the drug for at least 10 years.I take 3 pills twice a day for total of 3000mg a day. My kidneys are functioning much better. Blood test shows better health in kidneys. Still have pain and fatigue issues. Do not know what my pain or fatigue would be without it. Very happy with the drug


I started Cellcept about a month ago due to chronic hives. I have not had a flare up after day number 3. It has also helped my breathing which I also take xolair treatments for severe allergic reaction asthma. I am at 1500 mg.

i started taking this 5 months ago after heart transplant surgery no rejection so far this along with prograf and prednisone have done the trick by the way i am off the prednisone now. side effects have been minor, headache,nausea,dizziness, and pimples

I'm 18 and I have anterior uveitis combined with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. I use this medication as a replacement for weekly methotrexate injections (methotrexate made me very very sick and stunted my growth. I most definitely don't recommend it). I take one full dose (1500mg suspension) every morning about 15 minutes before breakfast and it works wonders. Some of the side effects they don't list on here are increased vaginal discharge (a total bitch) and trouble sleeping when taken after about 5pm. This medicine definitely causes fatigue and sluggishness, along with heightened anxiety, especially in people who already suffer from agoraphobia and panic attacks (me). It also masks fevers and many other symptoms of third party illnesses. Overall, I think this medicine does the job for which it's intended, but you can't expect there to be no side effects for a drug as powerful as this one.

I take 1750 mg of cellcept per day for an autoimmune disease called dermatomyositis. When my doctor and I were looking for solutions to managing this illness, we went through many other drugs before we got to cellcept. After having violent nausea from the other drugs, I was so grateful to find cellcept- especially after my doctor mentioned it was my last hope! I have been on it for 2 years now and am happy to report that for the most part, the disease is managed (I have to also take Amlodapine and prednisone, but they are pretty low doses). I found that I am able to take cellcept only once a day, at night (versus the recommended 2x day), with my doc's permission and because my bloodwork is ok with that setup. Otherwise, I became too fatigued taking it during the day. I do, like others here, experience thinning hair. I find that I prefer the name brand to the generic, and this might relate to dietary sensitives I have. One of the generics makes me really fatigued, but when I went back to the name brand and another generic, I was ok. I don't really know what to expect long term at at age 39, I hope not to be on it forever. Still, I'm extremely grateful for this drug- it's helped me conquer a pretty terrible disease!

I am taking this for a kidney disease. Only 60% of my kidneys are working and my doctor is using this to stop the disease. It is working well so far and the only side effect I am having is I am cold all the time. Praise God for my insurance, I am only having to pay $10. for my prescription. I am currently taking 2000 MG a day.

I am taking cell cept 4 daily for SLE. it is turning out to be very good for me but it is very expensive and difficult to afford.

I have been taking mycophenolate for persistent really bad hives (uticara). It's a godsend, especially after prednisone

I have MG and began after a relapse. it was added and things went well with no adverse side effects. after plasma phereses, symptoms improved some what. however they returned, droopy eye, trouble speaking and chewing. Dr. added predisone and the problems went into remission. now reducing the Predisone. I think the CellCept was a godsend for reducing symptoms.

Had a kidney transplant and was given Cellcept along with Prednisone and Prograf to prevent rejection. I simply could not tolerate this medication. The diarrhea it caused was so bad I simply could not control it. By the time I realized I needed to go to the bathroom I had already done it in my pants. I resorted to wearing diapers whenever I left the house. I also had to wear them when I went to sleep. I considered just stopping the medication but the docs insisted that I needed to keep my kidney from rejecting. FINALLY after about a year my doctor switched me to another drug, Immuran, and the explosive diarrhea immediately went away and I was able to get to the toilet instead of doing it in my pants wherever I was when I felt the urge to go.

It prevents rejection, but causes hair loss, sore muscles and joints, and fatigue, as in many naps/day. I have been on 1000 mg twice per day since March 2014. I changed from cyclosporine and prednisone for 25 years for a heart/lung transplant. Hoping side effects will subside as time goes on. I am also on 1mg prograf Bid. 4

I am taking 500mg twice a day for Kidney Disease with nephrosis after 7 month of high dose steriods failed. I have only been on the medication a month and what I have found so far is joint pain, edema, stomache pain, overall body aches mostly legs and back and chills with some hair loss or thinning. Overall the side effects are much better to deal with than the high dose steriods. I still have good and bad days not sure if it is related to the medication or the disease itself.

Stomach irritation if taken on empty stomach.

I am taking this medication for off-label use for severe steroid-dependent asthma. The results have been amazing. This is the first time in years that I can breathe and have been able to come off of the steroids. I have noticed no side effects really. It has been life changing for me.

I've been taking Cellcept and Prograf (both immuno-suppressant) for five years since having a kidney transplant with no problems.

I started taking this medicine for RA and only took it for 5 days. I was getting really bad headaches, hot flashes, trouble sleeping. Stoped taking it three days ago and I am still suffering from my headaches. It might work but I cannot take those headaches.

I am taking this for Lupus Nephritis. I am taking 1500mg twice daily. The first couple days of taking this drug was horrible. I was getting body aches, frequent urination, chills, insomnia, negative mood changes, chest pain, and indigestion. Now, with the same dosage, I feel like my body has adjust to it. However, I still get indigestion, body aches, and insomnia. I am hoping to decrease the amount I am taking.