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Generic Name: Naproxen

Brand Name: Naprosyn, Anaprox, Anaprox DS

Naprosyn Drug and Medication User Reviews

These meds are great for heel spurs. I’m on my feet 12 hours a day for 4 days. And I was able to make it all four days and my 5 day I’m home and didn’t have to take it. Very happy. I had a little headache but then it goes away.

I have throbbing gout pain on my left swollen ankle due to gout. Unbearable and couldn't walk. Any type of pressure on my foot would cause so much pain that radiates upper. After taking Naprosyn 500 twice (8 hours apart of course with food) pain is 80% gone. Still swollen but at least pain was relieved. I would reccomend it.

I was given this for the pain associated with chronic fatigue syndrome and within hours of taking the first one I went numb down one side and felt very weak and dizzy, confused. I didn't take another and had awful headaches for months after. I've had strange shaky stars before my eyes many times since. I took them 2 years ago and the numbness, weakness and weird stars are still a problem for me.

After trying several prescription NSAIDs I was given Naprosyn 500mg twice daily for lower back pain post hernia surgery and prior to fusion L5/S1. It relieved my pain the best and extended the time before my next surgery. One thing I realized about taking this medication is the anxiety side effect. I had been taking it for approximately 4 years and starting feeling anxious and had some swelling in one of my ankles. After stopping the medication. I have not had anymore ankle swelling but my anxiety is still there. I had taken Xanax PRN prior to my last surgery and now I am no longer taking it. I still have some under laying anxiety I am hoping will go away with time.

I had reoccuring excessive stomach pains for years. After many tests and dr. visits, I was finally prescribed anaprox. I've never taken it on a regular basis (for example twice a day for a week). I take one tablet when in pain and it takes effect within about 30 mins. It's been almost 10 yrs and I still don't know what the issue is, but with one tablet the pain goes away quickly and I don't suffer from any side effects. I have also been suffering from stomach pain less freqently as the years pass. Not sure if this is relevant but I have never been pregnant or had any major injuries.

After taking this medication for a couple of months, I developed "itchy" throat with a very dry cough. After stopping it for 2 days the itchiness has gone away and so has the cough. I don't know if anyone else has had this problem but it was not a listed side effect of this medication. I guess I will have to just go back to plain old aspirin.

Fricken awful. Day 3 after stopping meds I'm still doubled up with ab pains. Ban the stupid drug.

my boyfriend has had major side effects. he been fainting, nausa, more chest pain, exsesive sweating and more this is jus not a good drug. how long does it take for this med to get outa the system

The pain in my knee was so severe that I carried a cane with me everywhere I went. After taking the med. for two days I am pain free.

I am able to walk without pain.

eases pain, causes heartburn, cramps stomachache

My doctor prescribed this medicine for my neck pain. I took 500 mg of Naprosyn generic 2 times a day after meal. After about 2 weeks on this medication along with an Aspirin and Lopid medication to control my tryglicerin level, I've started to have black stool since yesterday. It is an indication of bleeding in my stomach. I stopped taking all medication since yesterday. I wonder if I need to go back to tell my doctor right away.


I had a question about this drug- I'm 13, and my dr. reccomended I take 250 mg 2x a day... is it safe? I absolutely can not stand pain. Is it addicting? I didn't get it yet, but I'm haveing 2nd thoughts.... please let me know (: