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Generic Name: Naproxen Sodium

Brand Name: Naprelan

Naprelan Drug and Medication User Reviews

Was given this to treat plantar fasciitis. Worked very well to treat the inflammation and is the most effective med I have ever taken for pain. I know I can't take it long term; but when I do take it I not only have pain free feet, but all my other aches and pains disappear, as well. I would take it every day if it was safe to do so.

I am experiencing severe pain in my feet. This problem did not begin till I started taking this.

I had tried prednisone that caused all kinds of problems and 5 or 6 other drugs like naproxen. they did not work or worked only for a short time before the pain was back My Doctor suggested I try Naprelan. this has worked better than any thing else but still have some pain in knees and back.

I had severe diarrhea for two days - when I took my dose last night I had severe leg cramps - tingling in both arms - I read that this was a rare severe side effect. Won't take anymore and will call my doctor.

I have fibro, diagnosed in 2000. I have been to so many drs it"s ridiculous. With in 2 hrs of taking this med, I was PAIN-FREE!!!!! i could not believe it! So, I started getting active again and had a terrible relapse. It was very hard to get the pain under control again. Dr started me on relafen to try to control it again. :[