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Generic Name: Ospemifene Tablets

Brand Name: Osphena

Osphena Drug and Medication User Reviews

I've been taking this for a couple of years. It definitely helped the dry, itchiness but yes I have put on weight that I can't get rid of. I'm 57, went thru menopause in my late 40's, gained some weight but lost it so all was ok. Then I started this because I couldn't do hormone replacement due to blood clots, and my estrogen bottomed out. Gained weight I can't get rid of. Got to reading about the osphena and I don't understand why I was put on it with what it says about clots. I'm on blood thinner for goodness sakes !! I ran out nearly a week ago, and hadn't refilled. I am so tired,so sleepy all day. Have had sleeping problems for couple years and been treating depression for over 20 years and the Dr has all this in my chart......so why have I been taking this ? I have AFib, one of the reasons for the blood thinner . From what I've read I shouldn't have been on this at all.

This drug was/is a miracle when it comes to stopping painful intercourse and vaginal dryness. It also helped with my frequent UTIs. However... I have found if I miss a day or 2 my moods become very depressed. Has anyone else experienced this? Great as long as I take it but I'm worried about what might happen if I can't get or afford this med anymore. I have never needed antidepressants before. It concerns me.

I was the first patient to ask my doctor about Osphena, but I certainly wasn’t the last. Menopause had done a number on me, and my marriage’s sex life was in the toilet due to pain and dryness. I’ve been on this medication for six years. I will never go without it. I cannot use estrogen. This medication has meant I could choose happiness despite menopause.

Testosterone works way way way better, is safer, and doesn’t cause weight gain like Osphena does. Testosterone is a game changer! I gained much weight on Osphena and while it definitely got rid of vaginal dryness, it did nothing else. Testosterone has many beneficial effects! Stupid American doctors need to get with the program. Thank goodness, my gyn is enlightened!

I have only been on this drug for one week and have gained 3 pounds with no change in diet or exercise routine. Since I lost 10 pounds last year and now I'm at a weight I haven't seen since 8 months ago, I am very displeased. Also, it cost me $100. Of course I have not been taking it long enough to see if it could help with my vaginal issues but I don't think I want to see how much weight I'm likely to gain so considering stopping it now.

Can you say hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain, foot and leg pain, diarrhea and cramping, acne, itching, and moodiness? Oh, it works in the reducing pain and lubricating department, but my libido is still non-existent. Hubby is happy, but I could really do without all the side effects. And now I am having extreme heartburn. I came here to see if anyone else is having that as a side effect and saw all the other side effects I have been having enumerated in nearly every review. Is it worth it? For my husband it is. If it werenâ??t for him I would chuck this medicine today and save my money for a gym membership to try to dump this awful weight gain.

Very effective for symptoms. However, gained 6 pounds almost instantly, hot flashes and night sweats returned with a vengeance. For these reasons, I stopped taking it and will try something else

I have taken this drug for 1 month now and it has not helped at all with the vaginal dryness, at week 2 I started noticing thick vaginal discharge which has now turned into a full blown yeast infection. Also experiencing diarrhea and nausea, I am stopping this medication, not worth the side effects. I had a total hysterectomy 15 years ago at 45... if this is the best science has to offer, I’ll just deal with the dryness.

What a difference ! I can have sexagesimal itâ??s no pain! It worked fast too, within a month! My only issues is I get HOT flashes like never before! I feel like Iâ??m burning up....the it ease off,but itâ??s so uncomfortable! Wondering if anyone else has this? Iâ??ve cut back to 3 a week to see if it still works and maybe lessons the heat, so far,it has not!

I have BRCA 1. I had a total hysterectomy. My doctor recommended this drug. It worked like it has stated, but I was taking CBD oil for hot flashes. I have more hot flashes, anxiety is so bad and depression is mixed in there. I am getting headaches if I forget to take it in time. I am emotional wreck! Seeing my doctor on May 1st.

I have stress incontinence and had the surgery for a sling to repair the problem when I was 48. After menopause the incontinence returned. I have been on ospene for 3 years and the stress incontinence is once again under control. Best thing ever not to have to worry about peeing your pants while exercising.

I chose this drug as I didnâ??t want another cream. Read the side effects and never saw anything about weight gain or itching or rash. I have been on in for over 6 months now and after reading what other women are experiencing I am going to finishing this bottle and may take 1/2 the dosage until completed. I gave put on weight, am terribly bloated all the time and recently broke out in a rash like acne. I would rather use an OTC liquid than this experience. I only wish I could get my money back for my last refill which was almost $90.

I started using Osphena after trying all other options, I suffered vaginal dryness so bad I could hardly walk let alone have intercourse, I suffered tearing life was horrible but after using the Osphena for about a month things got better been on it for almost 3 years I am thankful my doctor found something that worked for me

This drug was a lifesaver for me! No more painful intercourse or vaginal dryness. I felt better within 2 weeks. I tried all the vaginal products and found them ineffective and very messy. Osphena is convenient and discreet. My insurance covers this drug and my new co-pay is Zero! I would highly recommend any women trying this drug.

I have been on this drug almost 2yrs! Started having terrible leg, arm, neck cramps so Doc told me to take few days a wk. That seemed to help. Them terrible watery discharge that seemed worse at nite. Fair for relief of intercourse pain. Having D

Not only has osphena helped with painful intercourse, but i have found my sex drive to be increased. I actually want to have sex now! For about 3 years I have basically felt obliged to do so, now I am interested! I do have some side effects - mostly some abdominal pains similar to menstrual cramps - not terrible but odd for a woman at least 10 years past menopause. It took about 6 weeks on the drug to actually have vaginal intercourse that wasn't painful but keep with it. Its worth it.

Excellent drug! Unfortunately because of its price I could not continue to take it. It is very expensive!

Had to stop taking it after10 days due to the daily headaches, neck pain and feeling congested (nasal). Sooo disappointed.

been taken this for about four weeks, felt lubricated right away, however, started to spot after a week and got terrible vaginal itch and burning sensation and what feels like menstrual cramping I use to experienced when I was an adolescent.