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Generic Name: Nevirapine

Brand Name: Viramune

Viramune Drug and Medication User Reviews

This was the first med I ever took. This medication did not work for me. After a very short time I came down with what i thought was the flu. I had an extremely high fever and my bones and muscles ached. The first symptom was severe itching. I went to the hospital where I was pretty much incoherent. I awoke 3 days later being 60 lbs. heavier from water weight and discovered I had an allergic reaction called Steve Johnson syndrome. Complete liver failure, large purple raised blotches all over my body. Could barely walk for months because of weakness, peeled like a snake, my hair fell out and am grateful I pulled through. If your going to take this med please be very cautious. It could be fatal.

After successful use of Viramune for about 12 weeks, I suddenly developed a fever, sore throat and headache. This progressed to constant cycles of chills and high fevers, along with rash and joint aches. These symptoms were misdiagnosed by my physician as just a "nasty virus" for over three weeks. When it was finally determined to be delayed reaction to Viramune (by a dermatologist, not by my doctor), my liver enzymes were 800x normal and I'd lost over 14 pounds. My concern for all who are taking this drug: an allergic reaction can happen at any time while on Viramune. Please be vigilant and beware of being misdiagnosed. I was lucky to escape without permanent liver damage or serious skin issues.

I hate all these drugs. If I must, this combo has been the easiest to live with side effects. Nausea tingling & shooting pains in the hands & feet, I don't get when I forget to take it so I'm sure it's the meds. Headache fatigue.

I have been on this medication since 2003 and it has worked the only thing that was negative is the slight elevation in liver enzymes. It is being monitored to not cause or indicate liver damage.

well it has only been one week with the medication and so far so good. i had a little naseau and some stomach pain but no more than i usually have so it was no big deal. i go for my first blood test tomorrow to check on effectiveness that is why there is no rating yet but i will let you know tomorrow. for the most part though i feel pretty good with this than i did with other hiv meds