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Generic Name: Nisoldipine

Brand Name: Sular

Sular Drug and Medication User Reviews

My husband has tried many HBP and SUlar is very effective but our insurance does not pay for this medication. We pay $100 every month for 30 pills. Please help us find this medication cheaper

it lowers blood pressure,but to much on lower number, down into the 50:s and it makes my heart go to fast into the 80 and up to 90's, makes it hard to sleep

bloating, gerd, hold body muscle aching, feel like im ninety years old in the morning.im only 68 years old. bad drug.had to stop.

Brings blood pressure down quick. I have found this medicine works better for me than clonidine. I've taken many, many b.p. meds, and this one works for me! Finally! Sometning that works!

Sular has worked very well for me. I don't have the swelling I had with other calcium channel blockers and it has effectively lowered my blood pressure and helped stabelize it. I have taken it for over 2 yrs and highly recommend it. I, too, wish the price was more affordable. The URL Nisoldipine Generic has been as effective as the Brand name, but the other generic mgr Nisoldipine did not work for me. It is quite expensive and I wish it could be cheaper.

I can't imagine what this nedication contains that it should have a retail value of over $800 for 90 pills. Drug companys are in the same league as BP and the oil companys. Who can afford to pay for this medication? Maybe the pharmaceutical companys should stop the stupid, expensive tv ads telling us to ask our doctor about this or that pill. Shame on you guys.

Costs way too much.

Has anyone had any problems with stomach bloating while taking this medicine? I have changed to a healhtier diet. Reducing my salt and fat intake, plus exercising more. But my abdomen has gotten bigger in the past few months even after losing weight. It has kept my blood pressure under control, but I've experienced hair loss, ankle swelling, dizziness, vision problems, rashes, headaches, & joint pains. I didn't realize the medicine was causing these problems until after I read the reviews on this website. I've been taking it for about two years now. I've started to cut back on my meds. I'm going to eventually wean myself of Sular. Who knows what these meds are DOING TO US INTERNALLY!

headaches every day

Feelings of light-headedness in the AM usually until shortly afternoon.

I suffer with Migraines. I took Sular 17 mg for a week and experienced the worst Migraines and nausea ever. I was incapacitated with the nausea and the Migraines. My dr. told me to keep taking it but the more I took it the worse it became. I went to see an internal medicine dr. who took me off the Sular because I suffer with Migraines and switched me to a beta-blocker - Atenolol. I went to a cardiologist and she switched it to Norvasc which is also a calcium blocker. She stated I need the beta blocker to help with the Migraines but the calcium blocker to help with the chest pain when exercising and to ensure my cholesterol doesn't become a problem.

Ive been on the New Sular 8.5 since december last year. It helped my bp, but I have slowly developed more side effects. One week ago I went to ER for TIA. I believe the sular caused it. I talked to my doctor about it, he doesn't think the sular caused it, but I wasn't having TIA's last year and my blood pressure was under control even in the ER during the TIA.

I was on the old dosage of sular 20mg along with another medication and my blood pressure was perfect for 10 +years. When the dosage changed to 17.5mg I took this one around March 2009 and my pressure was high 161/101. I also started to notice hair loss. My doctor changed me to the higher dosage 25mg and my pressure is now 138/92 and the hair loss is severe in the top of my head. This new dosage does not work for me the side effects are severe. I wish they had not changed the dosage.

My doctor prescribed Sular for me after I develope a bad cough on Hyzaar 100/25. About six weeks after starting the Sular I began to have excessive swelling in my feet, ankles and lower legs up to about three inches of the knee. The swelling would be severe by evening and began turning my feet and legs bright red. I cannot over emphasize how bad this was. When I got up in the morning my feet and legs would look almost normal. My cardiologist ordered a ultra sound of my heart to make sure it was working O. K (I have four stints in my heart and was communicating through his nurse assistant). The ultra sound was normal. When I finally got to see the doctor personally he saw my legs he immediately stated the swelling was due to the Sular. My legs would burn and itch and were generally uncomfortable all day. If you have any swelling in feet and legs and are on Sular get to your doctor (insist) immediately and get the Sular stopped. It took a week using Lasix daily to get my legs back to normal.

Started taking the New Sular in December 08. No problems really first few months, but now, Im having extreme vertigo, muscle aches, and flushing, and migranes. Ive tried so many other Bp meds and nothing worked, my Bp is still not optimal, but around 140/70. Im going to have to talk to doctor, anyone else had sudden vertigo?

Sular 20mg has been a wonderful medication for me my bloodpressure is great as long i take my medcation daily.

I have been taking Sular at night and Monapril in the morning, for 8 years. I was always sleepy even after 8-10 hours of sleep. My Dr. would always check my leg above the ankle for swelling. I noticed that I was very irritable, and get angery at the drop of a hat over some comment. I just changed off of Sular a week ago, and can tell a big difference. The new medication isn't working as well, but my mind isn't so cloudy and more focused. My anger is gone too.

I have been on Sular since 1994. Originally I was on 10mg. which kept my pressure near the high borderline but acceptable.With a change of Doctors came a reveiw of medications,during this reveiw we raised the dosage to the newer 25.5mg. and the pressure came down. I do experience some flushing of the skin occasionally and some minor swelling of the feet and ankles but to me the benefits outweigh the side effects.

To all who are taking this drug. If you have been prescribed in the last six or eight months, you are taking the new Sular in new mg. The old Sular was in 10mg, 20mg, 30mg. and 40mg. It is the new Sular that is causing so much trouble with side effects. This new drug is dangerous and should be removed from the market. I took the old Sular 40mg daily for eight years without any side effects. When it was no longer available I was prescribed the new sular 34mg, this is what almost killed me. This new drug should be taken off the market, it is very dangerous. This drug company risk patient's lives just for financial gain for themselves.