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Generic Name: Evening Primrose Oil (evening-primrose)

Evening Primrose Oil Reviews

"Gives me palpitations and stops me sleeping whenever I take it. Be careful as some people don’t react well to EP supplements. Has a strong effect on the nervous system and should be used with caution if you are taking other omega supplements."

"Evening primrose oil capsules were recommended by a hairdresser for my hair loss. I asked my doctor if it was safe to use. She said it probably would be ok. Well, it wasn’t. I started to forget things, was confused often, had to triple check things like turning off the oven or the iron, and my memory was just breaking down so badly that I was getting severe anxiety about being able to find my way back home from the grocery store, did I remember to take the clothes out of the washer or dryer, did I forget to feed the dog or did I feed her and I don’t remember doing it? It got so bad my husband had to get my checkbook and straighten it out because I forgot to make entries. My doc ordered an MRI which thankfully came back as normal, but the symptoms got worse. It finally dawned on me that that it all started after I started taking the evening primrose oil capsules. I stopped taking them several days ago and my thinking is clearer and my memory is better. It’s scary stuff."

For Sjogren's Syndrome "At the time I discovered an article by Dr. Oz about ways to relieve the symptoms of Sjögren's, my eyes were extremely red, swollen, itchy, and dry. Nothing was helping - I was using a humidifier and had tried numerous creams and lotions. Dr. Oz suggested a list of vitamins and oils, of which Evening Primrose Oil was a significant part. I started taking 6 capsules daily, and within 3 days could see some improvement. It has been 4 months now, and my eyes are completely back to normal. I don't even have to use my gel drops anymore."

"I started taking evening primrose oil capsules a year ago. Mostly for my acne and mood swings and anxiety and stress. I am a different person now with better skin but not perfect! I have more confidence as my self esteem has increased nicely due to not being anxious and self critical. I'm not 100 percent sure if it is all the cause of taking evening primrose oil but as long as I have been taking my dose everyday my life has definitely improved hugely!"

For Hot Flashes "Nothing short of a miracle! I had at least a half dozen hot flashes a day (and nights) and couldn’t sleep. Within days of taking 1000mg a day I noticed less of them and less severe. Now, a month in, I have almost no hot flashes."

For Asthma "Unexpected improvement of dyspnea caused by antihypertensive medicines. Very effective at resolving spinal osteoarthritis nerve pain, and related referred pain in my legs and feet. Possible improvement in muscle strength."

For Hot Flashes "Taking Evening Primrose Oil for several months now has nearly eliminated hot flashes. Saw improvement within a few days of taking the supplement. Only take 1000 to 1300 mg a day."

For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome "Evening oil of primrose is great if you are feeling a little down. You need to take 3 or 4 capsules, and I find it seems to work pretty well straight away! Hope this is good information for someone!"

For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome "It gave me horrible indigestion and heart palpitations (tachycardia), definitely not a good herb for hormone balancing."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "Dramatic reduction in hot flushes achieved taking 1300 mg Evening Primrose Oil daily and almost eliminating dairy products from diet."

For Hot Flashes "Help tremendously with my hot flashes. I am able to sleep at night so much better."

For Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder "Stabilized my periods and stopped the night sweats.... YES!"

For Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder "Amazing! 1300 mg a day not only takes the edge off PMS/PMDD but chills me out every day. Also on Zoloft but EPO adds an extra something that relaxes me just right!"

For Hot Flashes "Very good for female swelling at that time of the month don't over look this natural helper"

For Hot Flashes "I've been taking evening primrose oil for a week now, 1000 mg dose. I haven't seen any reduction in the hot flashes as of yet."

For Asthma "Evening primrose oil excellent stopping hot flushes ( menopause )"

More about Evening Primrose Oil (evening primrose)

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  • Drug class: herbal products
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Evening Primrose drug information

Professional resources

  • Evening Primrose Oil product monographs

Related treatment guides

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy
  • Eczema
  • Asthma