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Generic Name: nitrofurantoin

Brand Name: Furadantin oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I am 62, but when I was between 1 and 2, I had recurring kidney infections and UTI's. I was put on Furadantin and Chloramycetin. I ended up with aplastic anemia and had to take iron injections for a long time afterward. I would suggest close monitoring of Hgb and Hct if I had a child required to take this medication for UTI.

My daughter experienced her first UTI at 9 months old and by the age of 3, she was finally diagnosed with Grade 3 urinary reflux. She has been on this med over 3 years with no side effects. It is an expensive drug, but I believe it is a safe alternative for children who are allergic to sulfa drugs. Within the next year and a half, we are facing surgery, but expect to continue to be infection free with the help of Furadantin until that time.

My daughter was diagnosed with kidney reflux when she was just 2 months old, and put on Bactrim. She was on that for about one year when I noticed some alarming side effects (possible seizures and delayed development). She was put on the furadantin when she was 14 months, and has been fine ever since (as of this post it has been almost 2 years). She has not had any side effects, infrequently complains about taking it, it has NOT stained her teeth since we give it to her right before we brush them (per pharmacist's suggestion). She has been infection free since her diagnosis.

My three year old has to take this every night at bedtime to prevent UTI's. She has bilater refluxing ureters, so if she gets a UTI then she could also get a kidney infection. It tastes nasty, but she washes it down with water. It still has stained her front teeth, and she often complains that her tummy hurts. It also ruins her appetite. We haven't noticed any of the major side effects, but this drug still makes me nervous, because she's been on it for six months, and she's gonna be on it even longer until she is old enough for surgery. But so far, it has kept her infection-free!