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Generic Name: Tussionex Pennkinetic for Cough (chlorpheniramine-hydrocodone)

Tussionex Pennkinetic for Cough Reviews

"This Tussionex Pennkinetic is hands down the best cough medication available. Over the years, I've tried many prescription and OTC cough medications, and I've had bad side effects or felt no relief from them. When an ER doctor prescribed me Tussionex, I realized I've found the only medication that does not give me side effects and actually works! This syrup clears up my cough and helps decrease my post-nasal drip and congestion. I am now presumptive positive for COVID, and my PCP gave me a fill of Tussionex to help with the cough associated with the illness, and it still works great!"

"I am a 38-year-old female who has lupus, asthma, and chronic bronchitis. After 2 months of violent coughing fits at night, I was prescribed Tussionex Pennkinetic. The coughing ceased immediately, as did the pain, and I could finally breathe! It did cause itching, strong drowsiness (a plus because I was sleep deprived), and dry mouth, but it was absolutely worth it."

"Best cough syrup in the world for bronchitis and asthma. I measured and took it as prescribed for 7 days once a day and didn't get high or addicted. Works better than that trash promethazine cough syrup. The government has cracked down so hard on doctors they're scared to help you with what you really need. This cough mixture deserves a 10 or more, like a 100! I stopped coughing in 5 minutes and felt better, period. No tight chest, although on antibiotics. This is what I'd recommend to any suffering like me."

"Probably the BEST cough suppressant you can ever be prescribed. I had a cough that was SO SEVERE it kept me up 2 days straight and my throat began to bleed. My doctor prescribed 1 tsp every 12 hours and a Z-pack antibiotic. I took the dosage at 6 PM and by 7 I was sleeping soundly. I used it to ward off the cough while the antibiotics cured the cough. No point in getting just cough medicine if you don't get the antibiotics to go with it :)"

"Works very well for cough suppression. Much more effective than guaifenesin with codeine. One adult dose at bedtime, and I can sleep through the night, 8 hours, and wake up with very minor 'hangover' that quickly wears off. Used for deep bronchitis cough, atelectasis after pneumonia, severe flu infection."

"This is hands down the best cough medicine I've ever taken. I had a cough so severe that I wet myself or threw up during uncontrollable coughing fits. Needless to say, I couldn't sleep at night for more than the few hours when I just passed out from total exhaustion. My first dose of Tussionex didn't totally get rid of the cough, but it did cut it by about 50%. The second dose helped more. My third dose was last night, and it made it possible for me to get a good night's sleep for the first time in two weeks. I did wake up once with a bad headache, but I can't tell if it's a side effect of the medicine or just part of being sick. Anyway, I'll trade a headache for vomiting from coughing fits any day."

"A doctor once described this medicine to me as the "cough syrup of champions." He wasn't joking. My cough is gone within 10 minutes of drinking this golden liquid miracle. The only reason I didn't give it a full 10 is because of the risk of addiction. It feels amazing- so amazing that you might be tempted to take a little more. Just be careful and take it EXACTLY as prescribed."

"This is the ONLY cough medicine that works for the bronchitis/asthma nightime cough I have, unfortunately, for about 20 years. I just discovered this about 7 years ago maybe. To me, & I have other family members who get this awful cough that OTC meds & other RX cough meds don't even come close to touching.....one dose of this does the trick. We dubed it "liquid gold" not to mention most insurances won't cover it & at anywhere from $80-125 a bottle (big OUCH!) I have bought it in desperation of sleep & feeling better. PLEASE sell the antihistamine part separately!! I don't care about the narc part."

"This cough syrup really works great on quieting my wicked cough (bronchitis).....however, I am one of the few who has a terrible time sleeping when I take it. It also makes me woozy - the equivalent of drinking two glasses of wine. That said, I try to take it at least 6-8 hours before bedtime. The good effects (cough suppressant) is still working, and I get a good night's sleep. I can not drive while taking it. Stay safe!"

"I was having coughing episodes about 3 hours long. I coughed until I vomited and even until I lost control of my other bodily functions (both of them). I basically did not sleep more than 3 hours a night (if that) for a week and a half. Since I can expect this cough for another 4 weeks to 4 months, I broke down and gave this a try. It is a testament to the sheer physical force of the pertussis cough that Tussionex only stops it by about 80%. But that 80% makes all the difference! I am sleeping adequately and can keep food down. The unpleasantness that goes along with taking opiates is far, far preferable to this vicious pertussis cough."

"This is by far and wide the best treatment for coughing. The worse your cough is, the fewer "high" feelings you will have. I don't mind the hazy feeling all opioids tend to give off, so this is an added benefit for me. The meds help relax your entire body. It can be difficult to sleep on it"

"This is my go to cough medicine, it absolutely works the best for bronchitis cough or sinus infection. I have experienced headaches with this but found that if I drink a lot of water when I take it, that helps. We call it super syrup in our house."

"This medication will take a cough away but I didn't like the side effects. I normally react great to pain meds but not on this. Couldn't sleep the first night. Woke up with severe headache. Had to take another dose for this cough and still bad headache. Can see this will turn to a migraine. Was so hopeful of this medication."

"I have taken Tussionex for a few years. Before that I was on inhalers, etc. for my allergies and cough. New doctor finally prescribed Tussionex for me. I realize it can be addictive if not used right to the letter. My doctor was reluctant to keep refilling my prescription until I would come in and show him how serious my sinus drainage and cough was. I am so thankful for this medicine. I am 70 yrs old, still working and taking care of a 10 yr old grandson. Without this medicine, I can be just sitting and the clear liquid would drain from my nose. It does not make me drowsy or sleepy at all. Love this medicine and make sure I never abuse my dosage."

"I have had a chronic cough since I was a freshman in high school (I'm now 24). I have been to every specialist tried many many treatments and nobody can figure out what is wrong with me. I've even been to Jacksonvilles mayoclinic specialty cough clinic where they ran extensive tests over a 3 day period; took biopsies of my lungs, esophagus, and trachea, had a CT scan of my chest, did a pH probe test checked for asthma (much more extensive test than the traditional method of detecting asthma) and much more. Nobody can figure out what is wrong with me. I'm at the point where the next treatment option will be Botox injections into my neck to paralyze the nerves in hopes that it helps with the cough reflex. Now, you might be asking yourself, is the above relevant? The answer is yes, and here's why. After reading my extensive summed up cough history, and concluding that nobody has any idea what is wrong with me, the only short term relief I am able to get is from tussionnex."

"I have been to several internists, three pulmonary docs, and still have a chronic cough. Other than perhaps an asthmatic condition, so far no specific diagnosis. Nobody could stop the cough. I tried virtually everything until I came to my latest internist, who said he could stop the cough, and he did. He prescribed Tussionex Pennkinetic. Unlike most of the other comments, I don't feel loopy, I feel normal as can be, except I can't sleep. So, with a bit of an Ambien, I sleep, I don't cough much anymore, and feel great. I take two teaspoons daily each and every day, or I am in trouble. I have done this now for about three years, and the end results have kept me off Prednisone and able to live a normal, healthy, active life. Hooray for this medicine!"

"Went to er with breathing issues, tested negative for covid, x-rays, blood work and ECG came back normal but couldn't take a deep breath, and when I did I hurt. Doctor prescribed this liquid gold, 10 minutes after taking it my cough was gone and I could breathe."

"This is the nastiest looking and tasting medicine I have ever taken. With that said, the medicine works the best for a cough. I kept myself and my husband awake at night coughing. I took this medicine (only at night) and it worked like a charm. This is the best medicine for a cough (I don't waste my money on Robitussin or Mucinex) and is my go-to medicine whenever I get a pesky cough."

"Whenever I get a cold I get a wicked cough that actually makes me throw up it is so bad. I took every cough syrup known to man and nothing worked until my dad who is a doctor tried Tussionex. It was incredible I was better in 48 hours! I only get a cold like this every few years but this medicine is the only one that works and doctors are afraid of it because it is a narcotic but if nothing else works why make people suffer?"

"This stuff is a miracle cure for nasty coughs. I was prescribed this for a painful, dry cough that was unresponsive to codeine and OTC cough medicines. It completely killed my cough and allowed me to relax and sleep. If I were a doctor I'd give this stuff out instead of codeine."

"First of all , if you go to a doctor and request this medicine, he/she will see this as drug seeking behavior. It is an opiate . The only difference between Tussionex and Vicodin is the antihistamine in the Tussionex. It is highly addictive. I should know ...I have been to drug treatment two times for my addiction to Tussionex. I didn't take it as prescribed though - worked my way up to 3oz. Each day - sometimes twice a day. Be very careful."

"Like others have said, this cough medicine is the only Rx that effectively treats a cough (due to combo of reflux, post nasal drip and allergies…perfect storm) that I have dealt with over the past 30 years!! When this coughing “season” occurs, I cough to the point of vomiting throughout the day and especially at night. I only take this medicine at night when incessantly coughing has kept me awake for several nights. The question is how do you get doctors to prescribe as needed without thinking you are drug seeking or addicted? Other meds just don’t impact the coughing like tussionex…it eradicates the cough!!"

"As others have stated, this medicine is great. I have been so sick for over a week; coughing and spitting up constantly, unable to talk without going into a severe coughing spell and unable to sleep due to the cough and having to clear my throat so I could breathe. I finally went to the doctor today. He gave me Z-pack, a Celestone shot AND the Tussionex Suspension. I know it was the Tussionex that did the trick so quickly. I remember having it years ago, and same thing; my "impossible to cure" cough went away very soon. Next time I get a bad cough, I'm going for the Tussionex Pennkinetic Suspension immediately. NOTHING else that I've used the past week came anywhere near to eliminating my symptoms. Excellent product."

"My Dr. prescribes this for me every fall/winter. I get a cold, it turns into bronchitis and then I can't sleep or function normally due to the horrible coughing. I take it about an hour before I go to bed and I sleep like a baby, no coughing and wake up refreshed and ready to go. Side effect is I feel a little groggy until around 11 am but that's not a big deal for me when you aren't coughing and able to sleep."

"I first used Tussionex in 1981. At that time it was called Tussionex Susp. and contained only 5mg hydrocodone per dose. They also had a tablet version available back then, which equaled one teaspoon of the suspension. The reason that it is so effective over other cough remedies, even other syrups which contain hydrocodone, is due to the type of hydrocodone used. "

More about Tussionex Pennkinetic (chlorpheniramine / hydrocodone)

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: upper respiratory combinations

Patient resources

  • Tussionex PennKinetic drug information
  • Tussionex Pennkinetic (Advanced Reading)

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TussiCaps, Vituz

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  • Tussionex prescribing information
  • Tussionex Pennkinetic (FDA)

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Related treatment guides

  • Cold Symptoms
  • Cough