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Generic Name: Tindamax (tinidazole)

Tindamax Reviews

For Trichomoniasis "I was diagnosed with trichomoniasis in early September after having awful symptoms. I had a foul discharge, pain when urinating, pain during intercourse, slight bleeding during intercourse, and didn't know what was wrong. Since this was my first time having this, I was very scared. My doctor told me it is easily treated and it's a common STD, so while I was still upset, it did put my mind at ease a little. I took 4 pills of 500 mg in one dose and abstained for a little over a week, and it got rid of all the symptoms. I must admit it worked well, and I had no side effects."

For Bacterial Vaginosis "I have dealt with bacterial vaginitis for more than 4 years. This is the only medication that I've ever tried other than Flagyl. I like it better because I did not have the metallic taste in my mouth, and the pills are coated, so you can't taste them. I did not have any side effects whatsoever, and all of my symptoms had ceased in 2 days, but I finished the full 2 pills a day for 5 days of treatment. I also took Diflucan along with the medication just in case it would have caused a yeast infection."

For Trichomoniasis "Tinidazole worked within a few hours of taking it, no side effects, just a miracle cure. Bearing in mind I have already taken 2g of metronidazole 2 weeks ago (no side effects with this either, I think I must have the constitution of an ox), and the symptoms cleared a little after a week but returned. I reckon although this was more expensive, it was worth it. Please don't be scared to take these meds. Don't read too much into reviews, I did and scared myself. Everyone will have different experiences. But I am just thankful we have these cures."

For Bacterial Vaginosis "I was treated with 4 pills once per day for 2 days. I was nervous about the side effects, but they were very mild. The only side effects I noticed were a slight discoloration of my urine and a mild metallic taste in my mouth. I always was pretty tired all day. It wasn't anything keeping me from my day-to-day, but I found it easy to oversleep. All in all, it cleared up the vaginosis quickly. Also, be careful because this medicine may give you a yeast infection, but nothing a little prevention can't handle (I used cranberry pills, ate yogurt daily, and increased my water intake)."

For Bacterial Vaginosis "I've only had to deal with a mild metallic taste for the two days of treatment. It seems to leave the first day after treatment. Tindamax works quickly to get rid of the bacterial vaginitis, which I deal with on a more than regular basis to the point that I can now diagnose myself -- I just call the doctor and he calls in the prescription. I like that I only need to take it for two days and then I'm done and the bacterial vaginitis is gone... once again."

For Bacterial Vaginosis "My insurance covered some but good thing Tindamax gives a discount card for prescription. I have suffered with bacterial vaginitis off and on for 4 years. Finally got a prescription for Tindamax and it was the only thing that cleared it up for a few weeks. When my period came the bacterial vaginitis came back! On round 2 of Tindamax now. Hopefully it gets rid of it for good. 4 pills 2 days. I get a really nasty metallic taste and nausea but the few weeks I was without bacterial vaginitis it was definitely worth it!"

For Bacterial Vaginosis "Battled bacterial vaginitis for years before I found out about Tindamax. It worked wonders my first round of it 4 pills 2 days. I got it again a year later and this time ...side effects kicked in big time. My fingers were sore, severe muscle aches, red inflamed spots on my chest, fever and headaches. It lasted 1 whole day but the bacterial vaginitis was gone and haven't had it since but it gave me a yeast infection."

For Bacterial Vaginosis "The nausea alone is what made me give this medication a 1. Not only are you over-the-top nauseous, but the tired feeling and nasty metallic taste is overwhelming! I will most definitely be calling my doctor tomorrow for the gel."

For Trichomoniasis "I was diagnosed with trichomoniasis and where it came from I'm unsure of. I took the 4 white pills as soon as I got them. I didn't experience any major side effects other than feeling flushed (body temperature was rising) and dehydration. I knew the increase in body temp was an indication the medication was at work. I have not yet had a follow up with obgyn but as soon as I do (couple days from now) I will repost my personal results and will be able to better rate this drug. As for my partner who also took Tindamax, said he felt extremely itchy all over his body and very nauseous and complained of a chemical odor whenever he would urinate. He has yet to go get a follow up with his doctor as well."

For Bacterial Vaginosis "Well I can say the taste the headaches the cramps the fast heart beat which caused my severe anxiety to go bananas is due to this med. day 5 now I feel like it's back. Ugh!!!! I don't get it. My muscles hurt too. It's making my pain from open surgery WORSE! Oh and a loose stool hour after taking it."

For Giardiasis "I was (incorrectly) diagnosed with giardia and took Tindamax. I had a horrible reaction with nausea and diarrhea. This went on and I ended up hospitalized for days. The bad taste in your mouth lasts a LONG time after you take the medication. It takes a long time to clear your system as this is a long acting medication. The reaction I had sounds like what is supposed to happen if you drink alcohol while taking it. I am certain I did not drink alcohol, but I got this ill anyway. The real bummer is that after I took it I was told the lab made a mistake and I did not actually have giardia!!"

For Bacterial Vaginosis "This was the best medication that I have used for a vaginal infection. It works quickly to clear up the pain. I would definitely use it again."

For Bacterial Vaginosis "This medicine makes me have a metallic taste in my mouth. I also have vaginal irritation. "

For Bacterial Vaginosis "I'm on the tinidazole right now. It has caused me severe nausea and severe headaches that I can't even treat with Tylenol 3. My head hurts all day."

For Bacterial Vaginosis "Experienced severe headaches, vaginal discharge, nausea and a metallic taste. I only took it for 2 days."

For Bacterial Vaginosis "This is the only prescription that works for my recurring BV. Other than a mild metallic taste no other problems. Drink plenty of water!"

For Bacterial Vaginosis "I used it about 2 months ago for bacterial vaginitis and it went away but came back now. Bacterial vaginitis is horrible. This is the only thing that cures it."

For Bacterial Vaginosis "Metallic taste in your mouth throughout entire course of therapy!"

For Bacterial Vaginosis "Didn't help and left me tired and with a metallic taste."

More about Tindamax (tinidazole)

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  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Generic availability
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: amebicides
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Tindamax drug information

Professional resources

  • Tindamax prescribing information
  • Tinidazole (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Giardiasis
  • Bacterial Vaginosis
  • Amebiasis
  • Trichomoniasis