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Generic Name: Oxycodone HCl USP Tablets

Brand Name: Oxaydo

Oxaydo Drug and Medication User Reviews

i have been on all products and since tapering to 5 mg nightmare of shortages and generics, tried tgis because only med cvs can order brand name???

It is a time released pain med. works very well with my pain issues due to being a time released medication. Does not give you the ‘high’ feeling that most pain meds give you. It has been the best pain management that I have ever taken. And works! Sad thing is the Company has taken the discount coupon away & I can’t afford the cost of this medication any longer, I have been put back on Percocet. I worry now because of the aspirin in the Percocet.

I understand the purpose of this drug. However, it is not working for me. The only reason I am continuing to yake it..is other options have been removed ..I would just lime to say Thanks alot to all the people abusing the pain druggs that do work..now I just have to suffer. This barely takes the edge off. Ideally, I would like to take NOTHING but here I am with no options. It's depressing. I hope to have ablation therapy soon and with any luck..I can chuck these pointless pills out. So frustrating.

Too bad this is not available in 15's. Its a pain having to pop so many of these for any relief. Also as mentioned by another reviewer, these are very soft and as a result tend to break apart quickly so I've found it's helpful to consume some water before after taking to insure it makes it all the way down.

I have been taking either hydrocodone or oxycodone for several years with no adverse reactions. The week of being forced to switch to Oxaydo has left me completely broken. Headaches, abdominal pains, upper respiratory problems to name a few side effects I have had this week. I haven�t be in this much pain and grief in a very long time. I dread taking it

This is the SAME as other pills containing oxycodone. I can only imagine the ones rating this on the low side are on higher doses. That is the only problem with this med. They supposedly have a 15 in the works but as of now (3/2018) they haven't provided the FDA with sufficient data of the effectiveness of the AD system to be granted an approval. But as far as the effectiveness,I've seen NO differece, and I've been taking various oxycodone products for almost a decade.

For three years I took the same dosage of Oxycodone HCL 5mg (3 times per day) for various types of pain and it worked great! Zero side effects as well. I was recently switched to Oxaydo Oral 5mg and I'm here to say this stuff is not much better than taking aspirin, it is NOT the same as Oxycodone and it's basically useless for helping with pain! In addition, it's causing stomach upset. I am a very unhappy customer!


Seems to work when initially prescribed but after a month or two isn't very effective.

this is the worse. I thought it to be placebo.

This medication made me nauseous and itchy and did not help at all with pain! When I told my doctor that it wasn't working he said it was the same as the oxycodone I had before! NO. NOTHING like it. Awful medication!

HORRIBLE medication. This is my first review for anything but I felt I had to say something. I was on oxycodone 10/325 for years for chronic pain and never had a problem with side effects. Since being on Oxaydo, from day one, I've felt sick. Stomach pain and burning, nausea, constipation, horrible headaches and bouts of dizziness not to mention I'm in more pain now than ever. I've barely left the house since I started this crap. While I think an abuse-deterrent is a great idea, something is not right with this medication.

This drug is spread out to much within the pill. It is a small dosage of Oxycodone and does not seem to work as well as its relative Percocet. How do people abuse a 7.5mg??? Talk to the user not the suits, who don't have a clue.

it melts before I can swallow it. The anti abuse is great in theory but I have trouble swallowing, that I never had with peracept. It is also not as strong & does not completely relieve my pain.