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Generic Name: Escitalopram for Fibromyalgia (escitalopram)

Escitalopram for Fibromyalgia Reviews

"LEXAPRO is the only medication that didn't have ANY side effects for me! I am super-sensitive to all meds, had awful experiences with several of them. My depression due to FMS faded within two weeks of taking 10 mg of the generic ESCITALOPRAM, that was over a year ago. I still have to take pain medicine, but at least I can cope mind-wise with all the issues FM throws at us. I have a slight problem with loss of appetite, but didn't mind losing 10 lbs. over time and stabilizing at a healthy weight. I'll never stop taking it!"

Lexapro (escitalopram) "I love Lexapro. I was taking Savella before and had to stop due to side effects. Now I'm on Lexapro and I love it. It takes away 95% of my pain and takes away my depression and anxiety at the same time. It's amazing."

"Have been taking 10 mg for over a year. It originally was to try to help with fibromyalgia. I also had some emotional issues I was dealing with. The first two weeks were not very good. My main side effects were dizziness, sleeplessness, some nausea, and headaches, none being bad enough to want to quit. After reading others' comments, I pretty much knew what to expect. One day after about two weeks, I suddenly realized that the symptoms were disappearing and I felt a calmness I hadn't experienced before. Not a drugged feeling, just calm, and the edge had been taken off, a great relief. No weight gain and more drive to be active and productive. I don't ever plan to stop taking this med, it's helped me so much."

Lexapro (escitalopram) "I started with Lexapro about 2 years ago. I was angry at everyone. Someone walking down the street, someone in a car, people I didn't know, let alone my family. I was in pain, working, doing what you have to do, and I was mad. This was a great medicine for me. I take many other medicines, but this is one I wouldn't want to give up."

"I started taking 5 mg escitalopram about 2 1/2 years ago for pain, which was also causing me some very mild but noticeable emotional feelings. After a month, it was increased to 10 mg, which I kept taking for the next 10 months. Because I was feeling much better, I decided to stop taking it. I noticed my pain levels were rising again, and I was becoming (very mildly) emotionally sensitive. 3 or 4 months later, I started on 10 mg, 15 mg, and after two months, 20 mg. I have felt the best on 10 mg. I'm feeling so much better again, but did feel the best on 10 mg. After talking with a professional family member who knows this medication and with my doctor, I have decided to continue long-term on 10 mg, along with common-sense use of pain management. Hopes this helps."

Lexapro (escitalopram) "So far, so good. I've been taking it combined with Neurontin, and I feel great! I tell my husband how happy he makes me every day...my happy feeling is back. Although I have bad days with fibro, I no longer have bad weeks."

Lexapro (escitalopram) "I have just requested to go back on Lexapro. I took it for several years, and it worked wonders for my depression and anxiety. In 2005, I made the switch to Cymbalta due to my diagnosis of fibromyalgia. Although Cymbalta seems to have helped with the pain, I have been so depressed and anxious. Not to mention my out-of-pocket costs for Cymbalta. I welcome Lexapro back into my life!"

"I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 1998, and I have been on a LOT of different medicines. This medicine does NOTHING for my pain, but it DOES help my mood a lot. Like many people with FMS, I suffer from periodic depression, and over the years I have been put on almost every type of antidepressant, but all of them left me feeling numb to everything - including if I woke up the next day or not. That feeling always terrified me, so I had stopped taking any antidepressants. In October of 2014, my doctor suggested I try this, and it has made a HUGE difference in my mood without leaving me numb. If this helped with my pain, I would rate it higher, but it is amazing for depression."

"I have been struggling with general anxiety specifically health anxiety due to chronic pain and stiffness in my lower head and neck. Feeling heaviness in my head 24/7 for past three years now. Just about 2 years back I started feeling chronic pain in my legs, it is difficult to stand or walk. I have been having cipralex 5mg for about two weeks now but increasing it by 2.5 mg and will increase to 10 mg. Anxiety is a bit low but no much difference in pains. I’m not sure if my anxiety led to fibromyalgia or it was the other way round but hoping and praying that this works. Is anyone else in this forum suffering with pains like I mentioned. Trying to give it a fair chance and see if this works on my pains"

"I have been on Escitalopram 10mg for a week. Given to me for anxiety, depression and PTSD. I also have Fibro, CFS, Endo and Interstitial Cystitis. Wow who knew this would help my pain. The first 6 days were awful (nearly quit) due to nausea, pronounced anxiety and depression and worse insomnia - but I am now finally starting to experience calmer mind. The side effects are easing. So pleased that the pain which had caused most of my depression and anxiety is being relieved."

Lexapro (escitalopram) "This is NOT working for me. My fibromyalgia symptoms are back; I am experiencing a lot of discomfort. I am calling my doctor today to request a switch. I was on Cymbalta. My fibromyalgia symptoms were gone with that, but unfortunately, I experienced sweating, like hot flashes. Don't have that with Lexapro, but this joint/muscle discomfort is too uncomfortable!"

"I was given this medication for anxiety. It didn't help directly with the anxiety - but it greatly relieved the cause of the anxiety, which was the intense pain I was experiencing. The pain wasn't home, but it was bearable. The pain relief from an anti-depressant was the clue I needed to work out the cause of the pain - fibromyalgia - and get a diagnosis. Side effects for me were being "hung over" in the morning, and after a year or so of taking it, I started getting depression. I also did feel "numb" emotionally on it. I suspect I got the side effect of depression because my brain was actually healing; when I quit the medication, I no longer had high levels of pain (though some pain did return after quitting this med, but manageable)."

"I was given escitalopram because I deal with OCD and fibromyalgia and it does sometimes work on both. The first time I took it my pain and other many fibro symptoms got much worse. I came off it and tried another medicine that only made my moods and OCD worse. Then came back on escitalopram in order to wait the full 6 weeks for it to kick in and work this time. After the 6 weeks however I experienced no difference. It made my pain much worse and gave me other fibro symptoms I didn't have before. It also made me very depressed with lots of mood swings and sadness at random times. I also have CPTSD/PTSD so I'm not sure if that makes a difference. Everyone's brain is different so I was told that I could now go up to 15mg instead of 10mg and feel better, but I'm afraid that my symptoms will get even worse."

"Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 2012. With pain, it's hard not to get depressed. I was prescribed 10mg Escitalopram and it definitely helped! After a few years, I tried to go off of it. I had four months of depression and noticing the pain more. I have been taking it ever since. I don't notice any side effects. I am very thankful for this med and my Doctor for knowing how to help me!"

Lexapro (escitalopram) "This has almost eliminated my shoulder and neck pain due to fibromyalgia. I am so thankful for it. Prescribed by my rheumatologist."

Lexapro (escitalopram) "Lexapro has helped me so much. It's great! This is coming from a person who has tried nearly every treatment available for relief of my fibromyalgia."

Lexapro (escitalopram) "I went off of Lexapro and couldn't walk, and the pain was awful. I got right back on it, and I feel like I will live!"

Lexapro (escitalopram) "It helped my depression tremendously, but lost its effectiveness within 5 years."

"Escitalopram made my fibromyalgia pain much worse. I had to discontinue using it after only a few weeks."

"works great not in much pain on some other meds right now"

Lexapro (escitalopram) "This medication didn't do anything for my clinical depression or anxiety, but it did help me gain about 90 pounds which I desperately needed due to my anorexia."

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Escitalopram drug information
  • Escitalopram Tablets
  • Escitalopram Solution

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Professional resources

  • Escitalopram monograph
  • Escitalopram Oral Solution (FDA)
  • Escitalopram Tablets (FDA)

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  • Anxiety
  • Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Bipolar Disorder
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