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Generic Name: Aubra EQ (ethinyl-estradiol-levonorgestrel)

Aubra EQ Reviews

For Birth Control "This is my second month on it, I was really hesitant about taking any sort of birth control, but I was recommended this by a Planned Parenthood physician. This is my first time using any sort of birth control. I am 27, and my periods have always been all over the place. With this, I am now regular and no spotting! As for side effects, the first two weeks were the WORST, but hang in there! All I had were terrible migraines! I was always irritated, and it almost felt like my emotions were heightened... Other than that, I have no bloating, no weight gain— which, by the way, I lost about 15 pounds, but I am at the gym maybe 3-5 times a week! My sex drive did not change, if anything, it increased! I highly recommend this pill! Just be consistent with time, and you should be fine! Best of luck, ladies! ❤️"

For Birth Control "I have been on Aubra EQ for a little over a month now and I have no complaints. This was my first birth control, and after reading some of the bad reviews I was nervous about how this would work. But, I have had no side effects whatsoever! Even my extremely stubborn acne seems to be clearing up. For me, this birth control is great; don’t be deterred by the negative reviews and give it a try, everyone’s body is different."

For Birth Control "Before Aubra, I was on the copper IUD and had awful pain during my week long periods. I had the IUD for almost a year and had every side effect possible. I started Aubra in September 2019 and I am living the dream now compared to when I had the IUD. I was always afraid of hormones but I have experienced only good things. I skip my periods when I want to, my weight stayed normal, and when I do have periods they’re short, light and painless. I have also noticed that the pill has helped stabilize my mood and I feel way more in control of my anxiety since starting Aubra."

For Birth Control "Saw reviews on here when I first started taking this and I was scared because of all of the negative reviews. I have not been negatively affected at all by Aubra and everything is great! Greater libido and a light period. What else could you ask for?"

For Birth Control "Planned parenthood also switched me to Aubra EQ & I'm so sad about it. I LOVED Aubra. I had no symptoms whatsoever and I felt like myself. I’ve been on Aubra EQ now for 2 months and I literally have the WORST migraine every other day. I have no sex drive & I always feel depressed. I don’t even feel like myself. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it."

For Birth Control "I’m on my 4th month of taking this pill and honestly it’s working better for me than any pill has yet! I know it’s still pretty early on to tell, but I am currently at a happy state with it. I was getting super freaked out about trying it after reading all the comments on here. For the first two weeks, I had light spotting, minimal cramping, and mentally felt super positive. Since then, I have experienced some light mood swings and nausea, but nothing compared to what I was dealing with before. My skin has cleared up a lot as well which was really improved my day to day emotions. The worst and only downside is that my boobs are so tender and sore 50% of the time, but it’s worth the trade off. I’m planning to write another review in a couple more months though so I’ll keep you all posted!"

For Birth Control "I've only been on Aubra EQ for 2 months and stopping due to a break up, not the meds. I wanted to leave a review as I really love this one and plan to take the other packs down the road if I get to it before they expire lol. The first two weeks I felt a bit nauseous and hormonal, wanted to eat more for sure. But had already expected these things and it was fine and those symptoms went away fairly quickly. I got used to it fast and gained probably 4-5 pounds in water weight but haven't gained more since and also just started an office job where I sit all day. Hormones have been fine and was worried with the pandemic etc, but been all good. My skin looks great but was never too bad anyways and my hair actually felt more full again, prob due to estrogen in the pill which is a major major plus as I'm mid 30s with a 2 year old and my hair never came back all the way after baby. I have noticed some vaginal dryness but nothing a little lubrication won't fix. All worth it."

For Birth Control "Honestly, the first week was the worst. I was irritable and stressed, and started to break out along my jawline a little bit. After the first week or so was over I haven't really noticed anything. I don't feel any different from when I wasn't on it. Just found out the website I normally get it from no longer supplies it and I am a little bit upset because Aubra EQ was working just fine for me."

For Birth Control "Planned parenthood gave me 18 month worth of this birth control. I use to take ortho tri cyclen lo for 3 years until they discontinued it and I was so sad a for me it was the best birth control and gave me no side effects. The Dr. at PP said Aubra EQ was similar to ortho. WRONG ! I've been on this birth control for 2 months and it has been bad. The first day I took this pill, immediately I got a huge headache and was nauseous. I still took the pills every day, same time, for 1 month. Throughout the month I had severe depression, headaches, tiredness, and regular spotting. And now all of a sudden I got my period again which is horrible because I just got my period last week. This birth control is awful do not take this. I'm getting off this and finding a different brand."

For Birth Control "I've been taking Aubra EQ for 9 months now and I've had a great experience with it. Prior to this, I was on the Depo injection for about 9 months as well but decided to stop because I had gained 25lbs in 6 months and was ALWAYS in a horrible mood. I would snap for the smallest things and it also affected my sex drive. I haven't experienced any of this on Aubra EQ. My period has been consistent and I haven't noticed any major side effects. I cry a lot easier watching movies or seeing anything wholesome lol so it has made me a little more sensitive/emotional, but nothing I can't handle!"

For Birth Control "I started taking Aubra EQ six months ago before this I was on Aubra which I started in October of last year and had no problems I loved it! When I started Aubra EQ the first month I had some anxiety and throughout my cramps, mood swings, and anxiety were a lot worse. My boyfriend told me to stop taking it and find something else but I read that after 6 months your hormones will level out. Now that its been six months I've had the worse anxiety ever and crying so randomly. I keep telling myself since my cycle is supposed to start I just need to get through this week and I'll be fine but know one should have to feel like that. I want to stop but without having something to switch to its giving me anxiety. The pros I don't have bad acne anymore, no excessive weight gain and not getting pregnant (unprotected sex)."

For Birth Control "I have been on Aubra EQ for six months now. I take it at night with food to prevent too much nausea, but I have gone to bed most nights feeling slightly nauseous because of it (not enough to make me throw up or unable to sleep). I have noticed it has definitely given me bad anxiety and makes my mood swings super drastic, when I have never been one to have major mood fluctuations. It has made me PMS really bad and for longer than I usually do. One upside though is that it has made my periods way lighter and shorter. I have never had acne so I do not notice any change in my skin. I have gained maybe 5-10 pounds since I started it, but my water retention is horrible and makes me feel heavier than I am a lot of the times. Overall, this pill can affect everyone differently so it is worth a try, but I plan on switching birth control soon mostly because of the drastic mood swings I am constantly fighting to balance."

For Birth Control "I’ve been on Aubra Eq for 11 months. The first 7/8 months I felt fine and did not give me any problems. After that I began PMSing really bad, I now feel depressed and have migraines almost everyday. My anxiety has increased a lot and my brain feels foggy most of the time. I have a breakdown almost everyday. I notice when I’m on my placebo pills I’m even more emotional because PMS but I don’t feel foggy. Nothing in my life has changed so the only explanation for feeling this way is my birth control. I do not feel like myself on it and plan on switching methods. Doesn’t hurt to try it out, it might be fine for some people, but at the end of the day it isn’t working for me."

For Birth Control "I got this birth control Aubra EQ at Planned Parenthood, It's barely my 3rd month my body had no side effects. Although my acne did seem to have gotten much worse and didn't seem to get better. But hey works very well at not getting pregnant."

For Birth Control "I'm 38 years old and have been on: the nuvaring, patch and aubra eq. I have never had such bad side effects as on Aubra EQ. I should mention that I have depression/anxiety issues since I was 16 years old. Aubra EQ made my depression/anxiety 10x worse. I didn't want to do anything. Getting out of bed was a challenge. My friends were noticing the dramatic mood change but I chalked it up to this year being rough. I mean who didn't feel depressed during a pandemic. But no, it's this birth control The constant nausea was also overbearing. Top this off with triggering migraines and I'm done with it completely. I will never consider this birth control again."

For Birth Control "Just started Aubra Eq because I needed some affordable birth control. Planned Parenthood gave it to me. Experienced some anxiety at first and some mood swings. Had some very slight nausea. I am 5’4 120 and 32 years old. I’m a very active person who runs and exercises daily. Weight stayed the same. No gain or loss. I’ve been sleeping much better since I’ve been on this."

For Birth Control "I’m 27 and it’s the first time being on birth control. The first few weeks my skin looked terrible and I was feeling super sad but now I’ve officially been on it for one month and my skin cleared up and I feel fine. Just takes a bit for your body to get used to it."

For Birth Control "I’m on week two of Aubra Eq, and have had a little loss of appetite, and some nausea. I know every pill is different, and I need time to let my body adjust to it. I was a little worried taking it due to all the reviews on here, and also because I already suffer from depression and anxiety, but I have not noticed much of a difference in my mental health which is great. I’ve had a little bit of acne but nothing alarming and other than the nausea I have felt pretty good. I am still going to give it some time to see if my body adjusts to it."

For Birth Control "First day on Aubra EQ. it started with a headache, I didn’t think much about it. The second day I was sure that I must be sick with the flu(or COVID) because I not only had a headache but now was nauseous and feeling terrible. That night I had a panic attack for no reason really, all I can think is the BC. Through the week I tried to give myself time to adjust because there were moments I was feeling OK. Yesterday was my last day taking it.. between the headaches, nausea, increase in my anxiety and depression I cannot even function. I do NOT recommend. Thinking about going back to NuvaRing which with I had no issues in the past."

For Birth Control "On Aubra EQ I have had extreme food aversions, extreme mood swings, crippling depression, painful cystic acne which I NEVER had in my life before. I also never had cramps during my period and I was never a heavy bleeder but this pill made my periods awful, it was excessive and extreme. I took this for 8 months and it has taken a toll on me and my relationship. I also have 0 sex drive and I used to enjoy sex before but while using this pill I’m so disgusted with the idea of it."

For Birth Control "Before Aubra EQ I was on the Xulane Patch for six months. Much higher dosage. I developed anxiety and depression on that birth control and became super hormonal, super moody swingy. The worst I had ever been in my life. Then I went back to planned parenthood and switched to a lower dosage then they gave me aubra. The first week I was positive and excited. The next two weeks right up until my period I had breakthrough bleeding. This only lasted a month. I got no other symptoms other than some irritation during sex. I've been on it for three months now. My anxiety and depression is almost completely gone and I feel my happy self again. I don’t regret changing to aubra. I was already use to hormones so switching wasn’t hard for me it was easier than before. It’s different for everyone but if you don’t risk bettering yourself you’ll never know"

For Birth Control "I’ve been on Aubra EQ for over 6 months now and let me tell you in first 3 months I was just fine I didn’t notice any type of changes with my body or anything in particular, but after 6 months of taking it honestly I don’t recognize myself, my periods are all over place I’m always moody and I feel so depressed all the time, my mind is just playing with me I overthink so much and I feel like I’m drowning sometimes in my own head. I’m so hard on my boyfriend and we been constantly arguing because I flip out over every little thing like is nothing even serious ever I just make it be that way. I’m super emotional and been on my period twice a month, they don’t last very long maybe for two days in total after that it would be only darker red spots, it’s just crazy how drastic change it’s been happening since I started using these pills. Good luck ladies if you consider using them, also not everyone reacts same and maybe it’s just our body’s that don’t react same."

For Birth Control "I’ve been on Aubra EQ for three weeks now and I hate it. First week I had migraines everyday, my boobs have been sore everyday and recently I've had terrible pain in my left boob. I have weird pelvic pain, usually on the left side. I’m moody and feel depressed. I’ve been breaking out a little more than usually which is odd because I have clear skin a majority of the time. My sex drive has gone down a lot. Terrible."

For Birth Control "I been on this birth control for 7 months. It’s effective to prevent pregnancy I didn’t have any issues for the first 3 months. I did experienced hair loss. 5th month I started to not feel myself very sad and depressed. No sexual drive at all. My mind was somewhere else all the time. I really tried to give it a chance but I can’t take it anymore I hated feeling sad everyday. Give it a try and if it’s not for you make the switch right away. Good luck"

For Birth Control "I think it is safe to say these pills ruined my relationship with my partner due to my constant outbursts and mood swings. It also deteriorated my self esteem. I had constant breakouts and crippling anxiety. No fun. Absolutely no sex drive. I took these pills for 7 months and switched to the nuvaring after my breakup because the pills made everything ten times harder after. I took these pills at the beginning of my relationship. RIP my relationship lol. I didn’t get pregnant but god that was horrible."

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  • Drug class: contraceptives
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