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Generic Name: Norethindrone Acetate-Ethinyl Estradiol-Ferrous Fumarate

Brand Name: Minastrin 24 Fe

Minastrin 24 Fe Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have only had good experiences with this birth control. I've been taking it for the last 5 years and was switched from loestrin. Havent experienced any side effects at all.

Next month, I will have been on this pill for 2 years. It has worked fabulously for me. The only side effect I have noticed is decreased sex drive (which does not bother me at all but does bother my bf lol), I have not had any excessive weight gain or trouble with acne. My periods were completely cut out, which my OBGYN said was very normal and healthy, so I have been period-free for almost two years now. Overall very satisfied with this pill.

(short version of story) I was taking this birth control after I had my daughter. I became short of breathe, later found out I had blood clots in my lungs. Doctors are stating it came from the birth control. Would not recommend.

LOVE this pill! No weight gain, no increased or decreased appetite, no acne...almost no period! Spotting for a maybe two at best.

I've taken Minastrin for a year, and it's the best birth control pill I've ever taken. With this pill, I have no bleeding on my period, and only occasional light cramps. I've also had no side effects like I've had on other pills. A new generic is available (Mibelas), so my insurance switched me to that. I hope it will work as well as Minastrin!

When starting this pill I experienced mood swings and breast tenderness but within a few months, everything was fine. I had horrid acne before and when taking it, it all cleared up. My period was always when I expected them and always short. I would have moderate bleeding compared to what I had experienced in the past. I loved this medication, took everyday at 9, but if I missed a night I would bleed the next morning and keep bleeding for a week. Don't miss a pill but loved this medication.

I started taking Minastrin about 3 months ago. I was fine for the first 3-4months and all of a sudden I stared to develop depression and mood swings and uncontrollably crying for no reason at all! It also makes you have acne. I do not reccomend this drug to anyone. It takes a toll on you mentally and can put your relationships at risk! It is not worth it!

I started taking this pill in June 2016. At first I had no issues and it seemed great. It cleared up my acne, didn't make me gain weight, and my period lasted 2-3 days without bloating or cramps. When I started my third pack I noticed that I was always tired. I started taking daily naps or I would just go to bed extremely early and sleep the whole night. I then started having extreme mood swings. I was always sad or angry no inbetween. I would cry multiple times a day for no reason and if I wasn't crying I was yelling. I used to never cry and rarely got upset about anything so this was completely out of character for me. I became extremley depressed and felt like I had no control over my life. I hated how I was acting but I couldn't stop it. When I finally realized that this pill was causing all my problems I stopped it immediately. I began to feel like myself again within a few days. This pill worked great as a birth control method but the side effects are not worth taking it.

if you've done any research about birth control pills, you'll know that they all affect people differently. i've read horror stories from people from taking this pills, but in my experience it's been great. i have taken minastrin for years, starting back when it was loestrin, and have never had any issues. no weight gain, no acne, no increase in anxiety or depression, and obviously no pregnancies. listen to your doctor and realize that it might take time to find the right medication for you.

I would not recommend this birth control to anybody! I was on Loestrin which was discontinued and I was automatically switched to Minastrin which was suppose to be the same except I had MULTIPLE side effects - the biggest and most effecting for me and my partner was no sex drive. My and my boyfriend have been together for five years and out of nowhere about six months ago I lost all interest in sex, had no sex drive and sex was painful emotionally and physically. For a couple that would normally have sex twice a day went to having sex maybe once a month. I found myself crying often and easily and feeling depressed - which is completely not like me at all. I also gained about 10-15 pounds and was hospitalized because they thought I had a blood clot as a result of taking this birth control. Im about a week off of the pill and I could not be feeling any better - my sex drive is 100% back and I do not feel depressed and have not cried since being off the pill.

I LOVED this pill. I've been on many forms of birth control before that have made me crazy, gain weight, and break out. Everything can be improved so the only I would wish they would change is it from being chewable to a regular tablet. I swallowed mine like a pill because I didn't like the taste. I actually lost weight and my skin cleared up while I took this pill. This was recommended to me by my Dr. because I had really heavy and painful periods. My periods were regular, lighter and much less painful while on Minastrin. I was on Minastrin for two years and when I stopped taking it because I wanted to become pregnant I became pregnant right away when I stopped taking it! I'll be taking this again after my baby comes!

PLEASE TAKE MY ADVICE!!! I started on Minastrin 24fe in February of 2016 because my fiance and I were going to be getting married in April 2016. We both were virgins and I had never been on a contraceptive before but we both wanted to wait a while to have kids in our marriage. Well at first things didn't seem too bad. However I started noticing acne breakout and I was surprised at how I waa easy to cry...however I thought it was due to wedding planning and not birth control. However, after a month and a half into our marriage...about month ago, I started developing extreme mood swings, depression, weird thoughts I couldn't seem to cope with, suicidal thoughts, emotional about everything, losing feeling for my husband (who believe me I adore and love so very much), 15 to 17 pound weight gain, panic attacks, depression, anxiety, fatigue, swollennes in my legs and feet, and even one of my big toes started to go numb. I even started thinking the worse things about my husband and losing loss of of feeling for him. I was scared to death! I was usually full of life and happy and carefree and a very energetic and outgoing young woman who loved her husband and her life! I was always active and tried to be health conscious. My husband has been extremely gracious and patient through all of this and believe me you do not want to start your marriage out like this!!! So he and I decided to stop the pill about 2 weeks ago (mid if June 2016). My acne has cleared, my swolleness has gone down and physically I am feeling better each day. My emotional swings are slowly lessening and I haven't had any panic attacks lately. I am still struggling but each day I feel mire myself and getting back to the real me. SO PLEASE TAKE MY ADVICE FOR YOUR SAKE AND THE SAKE OF THOSE YOU LOVE AROUND YOU!!! Stay away from this pill! These hormones are synthetic and fake and they aren't natural for our bodies. It may work for some people but it is not worth the risk of going through what I have.

I have had a perfect experience with this birth control pill. I'm in the middle of my second month using it and do not have one complaint. No weight gain, no acne, no headaches,no mood changes, periods are much lighter now, with mild cramping. Its been great!

I started taking this to help with the symptoms of ovarian cysts. I bleed the whole first month, and had a constant head ache. My doctor has switched my pills and I start the new ones today.

I was prescribed this medication to prevent the reoccurrence of endometriosis. I had surgery to remove two large endometrioma cysts as well as to clean up extensive endometriosis from various organs as far up as above my liver. Initially I had some headaches but not sure I can really point my finger at Minsatrin. It wasn't terribly uncommon for me to have a headache before starting this medication. My doctor is having me take the active pills continually and skip the inactive ones to avoid having a period. I am in the last part of the second month and so far so good. I have had mild nausea but am hoping that goes away as my body becomes accustom to this treatment. I have had VERY light, almost undetectable spotting a couple of times but nothing worth using a pantyliner. I still experience a little of the moodiness I once had before my period would start but it isn't any worse than it was before, just surprising to me that I still have it since I'm no longer having my periods.

I'm 39 been taking it for 3 months. I'm bummed because it's fantastic, except for the loss of libido and appetite. (No weight loss though. At least not yet.) I tend to have trouble with mood swings on bc but this one is all good in that regard. No real change to my period except for it lingering a tiny bit a couple days longer than when I'm not on the pill.

I was part of the lo estrin to Minastrin switch, I have been on this pill for a long time. Because of my endormetriosis my doctor has me take it for 3 month with straight and on the last month I take the 4 brown pills. It works great. I have not had a period in over 2 years which is what my doctors wants. no period the long it will take from my endometriosis to come back. I have not had any side effects from this BC but I never had from any the the BC's I've been on. This BC works wonders for me.

Been on this pill for about a month now. My new doctor prescribes me this 6 months ago but I recently started taking it because my other bc prescription had no more refills and I switched doctors. So far I have the worst foreheaf acne but hopefully it will go away, and Im bloated 24/7 which is super uncomfertable. Hopefully these side affects will die dowm by month 3

I also use as a birth control and it is great

I'm 48, don't smoke, and was taking this to help with very heavy periods. I started taking it right before an overseas vacation. It worked great and I was thrilled, no periods at all... and then I got blood clots in my legs and lungs and nearly died. If you're on any type of birth control, please educate yourself on the signs and symptoms of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) and Pulmonary Embolism (PE). It could save your life.