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Generic Name: Norethindrone Tablets

Brand Name: Nora-BE

Nora-BE Drug and Medication User Reviews

So, I’ll start by saying started this mini pill when I was breastfeeding my first born. Back in 2020, it’s was recommended by my doctor. She didn’t give me any other opinions. I guess I trusted her, she never mentioned any risk or side effects my taking this pill. I should’ve done my own research before taking it. We’ll long story short. The pill did it’s job didn’t get pregnant. But, i suffer the bad side effects. I had one ectopic pregnancy (very painful). I was try to conceive so, I stopped taking my pills. Then, suffer two miscarriage at a very early stage. Now, after doing my research and gone through so much disappointment on not being able to conceive. It all looks like Nora- Be has also made my uterus lining thin, to the point no fertilized egg will attach. I really wish my OBYN would of told to stop taking the pill when the ectopic occurred. :( ladies just be careful do your research, doctor are not always looking out for you and your well-being.

8 month use with side effects: mastalgia (pronounced bilateral breast tenderness) for 1 week a month made bearable with use of a downsized supportive compression bra (D size)

Initially, I thought my mood swings and anxiety was triggered solely from work, but it just hit me that i'd started this Nora-BE birth control 3 months ago without realizing that it caused me to spiral out of control in temper. I've been more snappy and easily irritable than ever. Once I'd read all the reviews and consulted my doctor it all made sense!! Ladies- if you're reading this, please STOP using nora-BE and ask your doc for an alternative birth control. Mood swing is something we dont catch easily, until we have a meltdown.

Iâ??ve been taking Nora Be for nearly 4 months now and so far so good. My periods are about the same (fairly light and about 3-4 days). I take each pill at the exact same time everyday and havenâ??t gotten pregnant so Iâ??m happy about that. I have gained 4 pounds so as long as I donâ??t keep gaining weight I donâ??t have any complaints about this birth control.

I have been taking this for 3 years. I was put on it after I suffered from blood clots in my lungs that nearly killed me. My periods are random and have a mind of their own. I get crazy PMS even if I don't have a period. I put on weight that I can't get off. I haven't had any pregnancy scares, so it does work.

I was put on this because I suffer from migraines and other pills have caused me to get them more frequently. I tried this pill for a month and began feeling extremely depressed. So I stopped using it but then found myself giving it another shot more recently. This time around I didn't get the depression side effects as much but now my period is extremely irregular. I have had stomach pains for about a week straight with dark colored bleeding, along with being very bloated to the point where even certain jeans don't fit comfortably! My normal period usually last 3-4 days and stomach pains/cramps last only for about one day. Overall I hate this pill and will be trying the shot.

I started taking this medication two months ago. I already have had terrible side effects. Abnormal bleeding for over 30 days, bloating,migraines,nausea,back pain and weight gain.It has also made my depression worst. I have been off of the medication for about two months and I am still having abnormal bleeding.

Well, I've been taking this pill for 3 months and so far I'm having a lot of weird side effects. I haven't had my period or any spotting, which doesn't really concern me too much. My big concern has been the acne. I've never had skin problems until starting this pill. I also have a small patch at the corner of my eye that looks like a hive but won't go away. My doctor can't even figure out what it is, but it didn't show up until after I started taking this pill. I've also been starting to get the strangest bruises all over my body. I woke up yesterday with a huge bruise below my knee and no memory of how I would have gotten it. I know I've always been easily bruised, but not like this. I had a bruise just from falling asleep with my watch on. I'm stopping this pill and hoping the side effects don't stick around like they seem to have for other people.

I've been on this medication for about 3 years now. My doctor suggested nora-be because my original birth control was a trigger for my chronic migraines. Initially like every woman, I researched and read reviews like crazy on nora be. Most were terrifying, but I more or less wanted the migraines to stop and not to get pregnant! A few months in I noticed pms was much more painful than ever before, my periods were much worse and erratic. I went from a normal 5 day cycle to a heavy full cycle twice a month. (At one point for 27 straight days!!) My anxiety went through the roof, my mood swings were awful and even my husband mentioned I was just not the same person anymore. But I continued to tough it out, bc I didn't want anymore children. The crazy periods continued, the oily skin/acne and weight gain were all still there. The crying and anger, yup..still there too. I finally had a break through and decided enough was enough! This medication was ruining my life. When my prescription for the year ended, my husband and I both decided we would take other steps in protection. He opted for a vasectomy, and I stopped taking birth control. I immediately noticed a difference. Only 5 days in my anxious, always stressed behavior has calmed. And I feel happy again. Maybe this medication is right for some, but for myself... it was a nightmare!

I've been on this pill for almost a year & every 11 days I spot & bleed for 3 to 4 days some months I have 3 to 4 periods in the same month & I have mre anxiety attacks now than I did before taking this pill going to the doctor soon to get taken off this crazy stuff it's the worst!

I hate this stuff! Before my first child, I took a generic version of yaz, but when breastfeeding you can only use the mini pill like Nora B. I bleed constantly. There will be maybe tree days to a week where I don't bleed and then light bleeding for three or four days. Sometimes a full period bleed. I'm moody and depressed. You HAVE to take it at the exact same time every day; being off even 15 minutes guarantees i'll start bleeding again. I'm so done taking this pill.

I started taking Nora B because of my high blood pressure. When I started Nora B, I noticed I had my period twice a month. Some months I didn't have it at all but, I still had the PMS symptoms like cramping etc( I took a pregnancy test just to be sure, of course it was negative!). Some months I spotted for a few days then stopped, it was all over the place. I didn't have any mood swings or access acne I just found it to be more of a pain than anything. I have switched to a different pill and am having better luck.

I am taking Nora-be to control cramps b/c I get them so horribly I can't walk, hardly talk, and I'm throwing up for over 6 hours. I have migraines with the Aura and I have a liver issue so it's the only BC I can use. I have been on it almost a month and I have gained a ton of weight. I would say I gained about 5 pounds. I typically eat fairly healthy to. I noticed I broke up w/ acne on my face way more than usual. Oh and not to mention I have been spotting on and off the entire month. This pill is not ideal. I might ride the 3 month wave to see if anything changes but if I do who knows how much I'll weigh by then!

Nausea all day. Headaches ! I feel weird. Need to stop this pill ASAP.

I am not pregnant so this pills worked , although I had spots all over my face , some even on my body which I normally never have acne problems :( when I start taking it I had 10 days period but the docter said it was normally because it was the beginning , I have virgina dryerness but it happens with every pills with me , anyway I am going to change it to yaz because of the spots problem

I've been on this pill for 3 months now. I have my period every 2 weeks. I never have any signs its coming just shows up. Its very inconvenient. I am not happy with this birthcontrol at all. My moods change very easily. I'm breaking out more then I ever have in my life. My skin seems more dry, and irritated. My hair lacks its shine.

I was prescribed this medication because of my heavy painful periods. Since I am prone to migraines, I was told this is better for me to use then the combination pill. I started Nora Be 3 1/2 months ago and feel I've given it adequate time to adjust. I am not happy with it all. Though I have not gained any weight (I was terrified of that, so I have been super diligent at eating light and exercising), I have a period every 2 or 3 weeks and feel like I am bleeding or spotting constantly. I've ruined countless underwear because I never know when it is coming; I bleed for longer then usual (I'm going on my 11th day of bleeding as we speak), and I still get cramps. The cramps are not quite as bad, but still painful. My first cycle I had very painful breasts and terrible mood swings, and they really haven't gotten all that much better. The only benefits to me have been that I don't break out as often, and the cramps are not as severe. Unfortunately I don't feel those benefits outweigh the side effects, so I am quitting as of today.

So about a year ago I took this pill consistently, stopped it for a couple months, took a generic brand of it noticed a difference and went back on the Nora Be. When I went back on it I noticed my sex drive wasn't the same and instead of getting wet (like I used too), it's more of a pasty consistency and not lubricating like I used to be. Does anyone know what this is about? I also almost never have my period unless i miss a few days.

I've been taking Nora-Be for almost 7 weeks. I didn't have a cycle my first month, then I started on week 6. My period has been moderate for the last 5 days. I am hoping it is close to ending. The cramping is worse than when I was not taking any BC, but not much worse than when I took the combination pill. I do have two alarms set so I can take it close to the same time every single day, so that can be annoying at times, but overall not unbearable. I'm not pregnant, so it's worked there, but the first month I had a lot of bloating and cramping and breast pain. That seems to have subsided some, and I hope it eventually levels out except at the time for my period. I miss my Yasmin, but I feel better with my family history of breast cancer on not taking anything with estrogen.

Currently nursing 12m old, started taking this pill at 3m post partum when my period began again. Was regular for the first 6months and now I am all over the place. I bled off and on an entire month. And now I am on my second month of a 35+ day cycle. I thought the weird cycles were because I was off an hour or more on taking my pill. But then I've been constant with my pill taking and things are still off. Frustrated.