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Generic Name: Norgestimate, Ethinyl Estradiol

Brand Name: Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo

Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have been on this birth control since I was 17 and I’m now 23. I tried the regular dose at first and it messed me up. I had super low blood pressure and had to go home early from school as I felt like I was going to pass out and throw up. This lasted for weeks and my doctor switched me the the lo dose and I’ve been amazing ever since. My body is overly sensitive to hormones, before the pill I had periods every 2-3 weeks. Now it’s Wednesday- Saturday every 4 weeks. On the dot. I haven’t experienced any weight gain or loss, changes in acne or overall feeling. I feel great!

Everyoneâ??s body is different so just because it works for me doesnâ??t mean it works for you. My experience was great with them I started at 18 due to extremely bad cramps and heavy bleeding. It worked great because I never got pregnant while taking it and I never really took it at the same time everyday. I was nervous about it because someone said you shouldnâ??t take BC if you want to have kids eventually. But I got pregnant 4 months after I stopped taking it in 2019. But I would definitely recommend. My body did get use to it so I did have to go up a dose because I begin cramping so bad again. But great product took it for 5 years and honestly only got off of it because I didnâ??t feel like going to the doctor!

This is the 4th day of my 2nd week on Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo generic. Week 1 went by very well I'd say, although week 2 has me frightened due to being slightly nauseas. So far no other side effects other than my face can tend to be a tiny bit tingly and numb. I'll continue with this for the rest of the month to see how it goes. Slightly nervous to go into week 3 due to the nausea I'm experiencing on week 2

I was put on Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo about 2 months ago by my doctor I am 18 years old and this was the first birth control I had ever been on so I was terrified. I had heard horror stories about this specific pill so that didn’t make it any easier lol I figured every body was different and even after all the negativity I went ahead and tried it. The first couple of days everything was fine I didn’t feel a thing for a second I even asked myself “is this even working?” Then around the fourth or fifth day I had one of the worst experiences I’ve ever had in my life I was woken up by cold sweats bad anxiety and an upset stomach I had to stay home from work for the next 2 days I called my doctor and she said that my body was probably just reacting to it she said to give it a couple of days and if it didn’t go away to go back and see her. I was fortunate enough and all that went away by around the third day and ever since I haven’t felt a thing! My period is still regular how it should be I’ve had zero breakouts! zero weight gain! Great sex drive! And well the best part I’m not pregnant! to any ladies out there please please do not stress over this especially if it’s your first time getting on the pill it’ll be okay! If something doesn’t work for you there is other options! Every body is different! :)

Hello, my doctor prescribed this brand to me after I tried to take alysena 28 and had horrible side effects, this one has given me very sore breasts, nausea to the point of almost throwing up, and bloating. almost immediately after taking it my stomach acts up however my doctor claims it will go away within three months, so far I have not had any positive side effects from this medicine.

Ortho Tri-Cyclen lo Lo is GODSEND to me for someone who is sensitive to hormones and has PCOS, I made my insurance cover it because I'm sensitive to hormones. I went to pick up my pack and was told by 3 Different pharmacies this Birth Control Is being discontinued by manufacturer. I called Janseen company which is the manufactur where the lady who is in charge of answering questions about OTCL brushed me off and said that it is still available and would not tell me why all pharmacies are saying the same thing and would not tell me if its actually discontinued. If my pharmacy is telling me this info why are you guys being secretive about it? PLEASE DO NOT DISCONTINUE THIS PRODUCT. MANY WOMEN LIKE ME CAN'T TOLERATE GARBAGE GENERICS SUCH AS TRI-MARIZA OR TRI LO SPRINTEC AND WILL PAY FOR THE REAL THING. THERE IS A THREAD THAT IS 22 PAGES LONG OF COMMENTS FROM WOMEN who hate the generics and switch back immediately and are willing to pay out of pocket

I took Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo for 22 years (from age 18-40), used no other form of birth control, and never got pregnant once. It did not cause me to gain any extra weight (no more than age-related weight, at 18 I weighed 117 pounds, at age 40 I weighed 130. It also controlled my acne. Once I turned 40, I got my tubes tied and stopped taking this pill. My acne got worse, and I was one of the .08 percent of women to almost die from an ectopic pregnancy at age 41. I should have just stayed on that pill! Ultimately, I think I'll go back on the pill just to regulate my periods now, even though I no longer need it for birth control. They completely removed my fallopian tubes. What an ordeal.

Ortho tri cyclen lo was prescribed to me because of my horrible pms and painful periods. I'm 42 years old and was worried about stroke, etc.so the dr wanted me on the lo estrogen pill. This pill was great until I started getting my migraines back. I hadn't had a migraine in 10 years then after a week on this pill I got one. I thought it was a fluke so I stayed on it another month and I got another migraine. I felt good otherwise. The doc said the tri phasic pills can cause people with migraine to get more migraines. So I switched to sprintec, a mono phasic pill, and the migraines are gone and minimal side effects.

I was happy with this birth control for 2 years until it gave me blood clots in my groin and lungs. Now I have to change everything, including my lifestyle. You never think it could happen to you, especially at 22 years old.

I have been on Tricera Lo for 9 years now. It has regulated my periods and made my skin clear. I tried going off of it and noticed my boobs decreased in size! I highly recommend this pill. And of course- never got pregnant.

I took this birth control hoping it would help with my periods but it did the opposite. I am a hormonal monster because of this bc and my periods and cramps have gotten worse. I now have 2 a month. I would not recommended this bc.

Every day I feel nauseous and close to throwing up. I spot and bleed almost 2 weeks before my period is even due. The bloating and hormonal mood swings definitely don't help either. After I finish this pack I am sooo done

Although the pill regulated my period, I've experienced a period for 5 months straight. I'm on month 6 and I've felt nauseous every morning for the past three months.

I used this for multiple conditions that were very similar to PCOS and it was the worst experience ever. I took it a few years ago as part of HRT and it made me extremely depressed; almost to the point of being discharged to a ward. Didn't work in reducing androgens as well as depressive bouts as I had hoped for.

I am very satisfied with this pill. The first two weeks of taking it, i felt pretty sick, but thats normal and I was expecting that. It regulated my period completely, I have not gotten pregnant, although I dont know if this pill has been 100% effective because we also use other methods. I dont have any side effects at all, except maybe a little lower of a sex drive but nothing crazy. I was expecting way worse since i have never been on any birth control besides this one and i am very happy with it

Problems from the very first day, nausea, dizziness, headaches, mood swings and after 3 months of weight gain the nausea stopped and the boils started. On my back so bad I couldn't sleep, wear a bra, huge swatches of them and on my face. I thought it was acne, changed my cleanser, routine, laundry soap and finally changed my pill. Boils are nearly gone after 24 hours. Andy periods tricked down to continuous spotting, never stopping, despite my doc running the pill packs together without the placeholder pills being used. I have been on birth control pills nearly twenty years, various brands and types...Ortho tri-cyclen worked great, but never again for Ortho tri-cyclen Lo it was the worst experience with adverse drug interactions I have ever had.

Like someone else said about the going absolutely NUTS thing and wanting to kill someone yeah I had that feeling all the time, too on this pill! Really lost it on some people NOT that they didn't deserve it, they totally did! But, I would have liked to have felt more in control of my emotions and not so, sick all the time from Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo so ,I maybe would have handled some situations better, but oh well... It works for some people NOT well for others There should be better options than BC pills for women and girls who just have seriously bad PMS problems that's for sure!

Helped clear up my acne, lost weight and helped with my moods. I was taking loestrin. I will never go back. This pill is awesome.

I started taking this when i was in highschool because no creams/cream or face wash would work for my Acne. So i went on this and been on it for 6 years now and it continues to work for me and my acne cleared up right away. ive had no side effect or anything and of course it protects me when having sex which is a good thing haha. never been pregnant. i recommend this to anyone. before this one i was on yaz and it gave me extremely sharp pains in my vag. so i got off it and switched to this one and i rarely get them.