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Generic Name: Norgestimate and Ethinyl Estradiol

Brand Name: Ortho Tri-Cyclen / Ortho-Cyclen

Ortho Tri-Cyclen Drug and Medication User Reviews

I took this for 4 years or more. This birth control completely cleared up my cystic acne. It also made my heavier periods lighter and lessened my anxiety during premenstrual period

I have been using this pill for many years and it is very effective. I pretty much know what day I am going to get my period and what day it will be done (usually lasts about 5 days). At first it really helped with my cramping, but recently they have gotten worse (still bearable though). I used to experience nausea with it but not anymore. The only side effects I have really experienced are that I lose a lot of hair and I burn EXTREMELY easy when out in the sun. Other than that, it's been very effective for me.

Im 17 and have been taking it for about a year now. Its caused me to have very bad mood swings, crying for no reason, yeast infections, my boobs to be swore and grow a cup size, and also has caused me to gain weight and made it hard for me to loose weight. Other than all of them side effects. I haven’t got pregnant

When I started taking this pill, I had tolerable cramps for the first few months, and slowly overtime, I noticed that I have severe mood swings from being angry to being sad and depressed after a few hours and usually I'm level headed. I liked this pill because I didn't gain any weight at all. This pill made me look good weight wise because I worked out too on top of that a few days each week. My period only lasts 4 days and very light bleeding. Now I changed to a different pill because I couldn't stand being sad and angry all the time.

Let me preface this by saying I have taken many different kinds of birth control pills throughout my teen and adult years. This was by far the worst bcp for my cystic, hormonal acne. I gave it 6 months in hopes that my body would adjust to the pill, but my acne never got better. It actually got worse! I even tried the monophasic version of this one (Ortho-Cyclen) and the results were no different. The minute I went off of these and switched to Caziant was when things started to clear up. Caziant is by far my favorite bcp for hormonal acne. It's true when they say each pill works differently for each person because I've heard great things about Ortho, but it never worked for me. The only positive side effect of Ortho was bigger boobs.

I'm glad I'm not the only one. I've been taking it for 6 months and am stopping. The pill works against pregnancy but has a lot of side effects. Low energy, very moody (borderline depressive), breast pain CONSTANTLY (they grew at least a cup size), difficulty losing weight, etc. This pill had the worst effect on my mentality than any other birth control I've been on.

I have been on Tri-Cyclen for just over 6 months now. When I started taking the pill I felt nauseous, had constant headaches, and felt extremely sad. The sadness and other side effects for the most part have diminished until recently. I can't go more than 4 hours without crying or feeling upset. I have incredibly awful mood swings and get angry at the smallest things, where I will throw things or scream at people. This pill has been amazing for preventing pregnancy, clearing the bulk of my acne, and reducing cramps, however, the sadness that I am feeling on this pill is unbearable. I have constant suicidal thoughts and it's not worth it anymore. Hopefully this pill will work for you, but unfortunately it did not work for me. (Side note: I am not depressed/felt this way before taking this pill)

I never experienced any side effects with this drug, and even if I missed a pill I found this drug effective. My period is only about 5-6 days due to it. I was on this pill for about 2 years and I have noticed clearer skin, but I'm not sure if that is caused by the pill

This is amazing. I am a very moody person, this pill totally fixed that. My moods along with my periods became very stabilized. Very effective, I was on this for 3 years! A little weight gain as a bad side affect but that was all for me.

THIS PILL IS INSANE. My mother put me on it when I was 12, 16 years later I'm now 4 months off of it and wow, I had no idea all the side effects I was experiencing were from this pill. It doesn't work for acne, I developed PCOS from my body not learning to produce hormones correctly. I am treating it holistically now. But the side effects of this pill include a sedative effect, I was apathetic, unable to feel anything less than apathetic about life, I was depressed. My husband finally started showing symptoms of apathy and being sedated as his penis was being eroded by the thick mucus that the pill secretes from your cervix. I thought it was normal my whole life, its niagara falls and completely gets in your partners blood stream. This pill is a ROOFIE and I highly don't recommend it!!!

Protected agains pregnancy but horrible side effects. Crying for no reason, migraines and temporary blindness!

Definitely does its job. Light and manageable periods that last 5-6 days. Ski had never been so clear. About 4 pounds of weight gain which is not problem. But, I am MOODY. I have always been a happy person and this pill causes you to snap easily and cry easily. Still rating it well because it does its job and other than mood swings I have no complaints.

I was on the DEPO shot for 5 years and loved it! But my doctor thought it would be a good idea to switch it up because there were not a lot of studies of people taking it for as long as I have been on it. My mother had used it when she was on birth control. I think it's easy to use and it's effective, but My boobs have been on fire and so sore for 3 months. They aren't as bad as the first month, but they still get fairly tender. I also feel nauseous a lot, so I'm always afraid I'm pregnant with my symptoms.

Excellent in keeping my period regular (you just need to take the pill at roughly the same time each day to avoid spotting or irregularities). I've been taking the pill for nearly 13 years. Never had a pregnancy scare and I've been sexually active since 19. Only negative side effect is mood, but that's open for debate as to whether it's just good old PMS, or the powers that be of being a woman (hormones, for example). Usually only have mood swings right before or during my period anyway.

I was put on Aleese for 3 months and I noticed my acne was getting a lot worse than normal and I was having serious cramping 2 weeks prior before my actual period. I am/have been on Try-cyclen for about a month now and I love it so much more! My body did not gain any weight (which a lot of reviews say that a lot of people gain weight), acne got amazingly better within the month and I have very little cramping. I strongly suggest taking/trying Try-cyclen.

It's soon approaching a year of me taking this BC and I'm so happy with it. My periods are regular now, my acne is better, and my sex drive is up. I've had no pregnancy scares. Took Plan B a few times to ease my partner's mind more than mind. It's my first BC but I have no reason to believe I'll be making any changed for any reason/time soon. The beginning I did have bad mood swings, worse than they usually are, but that eventually resolved itself. I highly suggest this BC.

I have been taking Ortho for 4.5 months. I got on this drug because I was having cystic acne on my chin which I believe was caused by some other natural supplements I was taking (either saw palmetto or l-glutamin). My acne cleared up in the first month, which was great and is why I am giving it 4 stars! Who wants cystic acne ever? It seems particularly worse though when you are 35, and single. I have decided to get off this drug after the 5th pack because since starting this pill I have had issues with insomnia and hypoglycemia, and some anxiety once in awhile. I have had the low blood sugar issues in the past but it has been much much worse since starting the pill. Normally my blood sugar would only act up once a year or so. I feel hungry frequently and also feel like I have to eat more per meal to feel satisfied, which is annoying, lots of grumbling stomach issues and have gained a little weight because of having to eat so frequently because of the blood sugar issue. I'm a thin person so this has to change. I started taking chromium picolinate which has been helping the low blood sugar. Also, I have felt very tired on this pill sometimes, and during the week of the placebo pills during my period I have lots of energy, sleep better, and my hypoglycemia calms down... hmmm. Time for a break. Also I have had much more hair shedding since taking this drug, and my hair seems thinner. I also noticed during the last week of active pills, and during the period week I also have less hair shedding, so be aware how much hormones affects things in your body other than the female issues. Everyone is different. Hope this helps anyone.

I have been taking this pill for almost 8 years and i am absolutely satisfied with it.

I've been on this pill for about 5 months, and let me tell you, its been a relief reading these reviews and finding out I'm not the only one with crazy side effects! It was going great up until about my 3rd month. No weight gain, no acne, lighter and shorter periods, everything was good. But then I started getting horrible headaches, so bad I had to miss class, and I started having pains down there. I brushed it off as just stress and went on. Then came the hot flashes and sweating all the time. I kept my fan on in the middle of December. After that was the horrible depression, which I'm still experiencing. Its beginning to take a toll on my relationship with my family, friends, and boyfriend. I cry over nothing, and vet upset so easily, and then be fine a little bit later. My round I'm taking now ends next week, so this week I'm going to the health department to get things straightened out!

Ortho Tri-Cyclen is the second BC pill I tried and, after 5 months and feeling as though my body has adjusted to the hormonal change, I can say I'm truly happy with it. No spotting, light cramping (with my prior BC, the cramping lasted for days and was debilitating), and my period starts on the same day of the pack every month. No pregnancy scares. I will re-review this if things change, but so far I'm very happy.