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Generic Name: zolpidem

Brand Name: Zolpimist oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

No effects of sleepiness after 1 spray at all. Some effect after 2nd spray. Not worth It , will go back to tablet

I've taken Ambien since 1998. Of course, I am dependent on it for sleep. Without Ambien, I will stay awake for a week. I work out hard every day and am an avid cyclist. I am prescribed 20 mg per night. Zolpimist is far more effective in terms of falling asleep quicker and I can take it shortly after eating if necessary. So, four sprays and I'm sleeping in 30 minutes. I still only get about 4-5 hours of sleep and it's easy to abuse if I wake up at 3 with it sitting right beside me. After 14 years of depending on Ambien for sleep, I wish I had never taken the first pill. I have walked out of my house in the middle of the night, knocked on neighbor's doors, and lost my drivers license for a year because I am dependent on this drug for sleep. I never sleep without it, no matter how much I work out or how tired I might be. Zolpimist works like magic, but it's spell you don't want to be under.

I have a good night sleep after taking Zolpimist. It is works much faster than all the products I used to take before like Ambien, Zolpidem Zaphalon. Very friendly use.

Zolpimist parties are very happening.

I doen't work!

I like it. With hx of substance abuse I don't feel high or done anything unusual. The bottle causes anxiety because I can't tell how much is left.

It is very goos product. No need to swallow pill. very fast acting.

The best product in the market for insomnia

Although it has a bitter cherry taste, it has a faster onset than Ambien or Temazapam. Additionally, have used in middle of night.

Bottle is very hard to open, but understandable. The taste, however, is the most bitter, disgustingly strong taste I have ever experienced! I need a glass of water or something to chase the spray down with to prevent gagging. If the medicine weren't so much more effective than pills, the taste would definitely ruin it for me!

Safety bottle is a little odd but i understand the need for it. The product felt like i was taking anesthesia, i was out before i realized it so prepare yourself to go right to sleep immediately. like others are saying...i had a very happy moment but it was not intolerable just funny effect

I tried Zolpimist following a flight from LA to Vienna. I started to get sleepy much faster than with Ambien (I was actually still Skyping with my kids when I started to make no sense at all). It worked well and I will use again.

This is an spray version of the pill. The taste is ok. However, being a spray must make this work a whole lot faster than the pill. My eyes seemed to get heavy within a couple minutes. And like the other reviewer, it put me in a very good mood like a light beer buzz or something

I fell aspleep so fast i didn't have time to take my glasses off....wow..really works...please note had about 5 minute period of giddiness as a side effect

Works really fast.

way faster than the pills

Fast effective great sleep fro 7 hrs. Would reccommed to anyone with insomnia.