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Generic Name: ranibizumab

Brand Name: Lucentis intravitreal

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

This drug KILLED my grandmother! People need to know the risks with this drug. She died 2 days after she got her injection. She had a numb tongue, puking, dizziness and fatigue. She went to sleep and never woke up again. I am devastated!!!!!! SHE DIDNT DESERVE TO DIE!!!!!!!!!!!

I had a bleed from one of my branch veins at the back of the eye, my retina was soaked in the blood and water as a result of this and became quite swollen and uneven, after scanning and an angiograam it was determined to give me a course of Lucentis injected into my eye, after the first injection my vsioned over the month improved quite a lot, from seeing everything blurred Ic an now see things without any blurring, whilst my sight is not back to what it was before, I am thankful for the improvement todate.

Two weeks after my second Lucentis injection (at 4 week intervals), I experienced severe loss of muscle strength and coordination in my left arm. I exercise daily, and on the first day I noted that I could not do the 100 presses that I do with 20# dumb bells. I did 80, with difficulty, as my left arm just "gave out". The next day, I was able to do only 53, and the following day, only 22. I reported this to my regular MD, who did tests for stroke. I then had a brain MRI, and an MRI of the affected shoulder. The brain scan came back negative for stroke. The shoulder scan showed mild tendonitis. I was then referred to a neurologist. He commented that my symptoms mirrored that which he rarely saw as a reaction to flu shots. As my case, always on the opposite side from the injection site. I worked at rehabilitating my arm and shoulder. In 4 months, I could once again, with difficulty, do 100 reps of my presses. My strength, coordination and range of motion of that arm is still much diminished (at now 21 months after the 2nd injection. Looking at myself in a mirror, my left shoulder and arm muscles are atrophied. I was switched to Eylea after the sudden muscle strength loss, and have had good results without any side effects. At the time of the incident, I was able to access the professional side of the manufacturer's list of side effects for the product, and it did note sudden loss of strength in a limb as a possible side effect. I feel that I am probably impaired for the rest of my life because of this product.

Lucentis is truly a miracle drug! After three monthly injections, my sight is normal and the wet amd has been stopped. It has been 5 months since my last injection. I highly recommend this drug .

I have been on this medication for 1 yr.It has not been that effective for me. I continue to get the injections every 5 weeks. I have started to have s/e from medicine. I am having increased pressure after the injections. Changing back to another medication.

I received 1 injection in my right eye and went painfully blind one week later

After the first injection I started feeling strange wandering pains in my arms and legs ,I had the impression my tendons would come off and the muscles were loosen ; I reported the disease to my ophtalmologist and she denied any possible connexion. After a blood exam an autoimmune hypoitiroidism was diagnosted . Only few hours after the 4 injection the pains worsened: I had the impression I had nails in all my nervs. The next day I had symptoms as in a cardio vascular accident: the left part of my body( the injection was in the left eye) was slightly paralised ,I couldn't for instance hold the fork in my hand; My tongue was rigid , I had the impression that the left lung was blocked, the left nostril becam closed. I was in the hospital but they couldn't find any reason for my strange illness. My disease became worse : I had crisis with all the described symptoms every day, alternate with some hours of relief. Only when I saw my ophtalmologist she admitted that it could have been caused by lucentis.After 2 months I still have problems: peripherical neurophatie, pains and weakness in the left hand with difficulty to do some movements, numbness of my left limb, muscular cramps.My life has become a nightmare: I' m weak;I had to interrupt any physical activity,often I don't sleep because of the pains.I have started a treatment for the hypotiroidism but even if the hormons are now normal, my problems haven't disappeared.

3 injections and this worked for me. Nurses administered injection, little discomfort, drove home afterwards.No side effects, apart from much improved sight.

Yes have had fainting dizziness drop in blood pressure feel this drug is the cause.

My father was in end stage Macular degenration and had also managed glaucoma. Doctor tried two shots in right eye when he lost his last bit of fovial vision, and he was fully blinded by the injection. All periferal vision is now gone and central vision was already gone. The eye pressure went up in the eye and dr did not monitor. Blind after two mos at eye pressures over 30mm. This drug is DANEROUS for people with glaucoma tendencies. Make sure you get follow up eyepressure tests after EVERY injection. The eye oressure can be oersistent over months.

I don't have Age Related MD...mine is Choroidal Neovascularization which is virtually the same thing expect the doctors can't call it that because I'm only 32 years old and you need to be over 60(?) in order to have AMD. I received 4 shots of Avastin with limited success and then 1 shot of Lucentis which so far has been successful. Unfortunately insurance will not cover these shots because they are considered 'experimental' for my particular diagnosis. I have not had a shot for 9 months which is amazing since I was having one almost every 3 months for awhile. The shots themselves are horribly traumatizing for me but I haven't noticed any lasting side-effects. My vision in my eye has not completely returned (it's 20/40 but was 20/100) however the bleeding has stopped for now so I consider that a success. I'll go back to see the doctor in a few weeks so here's to hoping I don't need another shot!

Has definitely helped prevent progression of AMD but most recent injections have caused severe headache and confusion, so unfortunately will probably have to discontinue. After reading the list of relevant side-effects herein it's no surprise that I've suffered some of them.

this drug is injected into the eye by a retina specialist. after first use i experienced blood sugar levels that went through the roof. i was in perfect control until that injection. haven't had an injection in a month and now my blood sugar levels are coming back down gradually. during this time i almost doubled my insulin intake. in my opinion they didn't test this enough. it did work the aswelling did come down but i feel safer with avastin

Optphalmologist thought that 4 shots given monthly would correct my problem. Small area of wetness seen at 5 month mark, so she gave me a 5th shot. At 6 month check there were two little spots she could see on the retinal scan, but not large enough to be seen when she examined my dilated eye with her equipment. She gave me a 6th shot justto be sure. The inprovement to my vision was swift (reading 2 lines better after one week). I am now reading five lines better than before teatment. My mother was blinded by AMD and I am so grateful that there is now this medicne to be used.

a very bad experience . This injection has caused an endophtalmysis to my father ,s eye . he can not see anymore . why nobody talks about this serious side effects??? mary labaky lebanon

I have had 3 injections in my eye. The bleeding has stopped. So far I have ssome vision returning in the corner of injected eye.

I am 85 yrs. old female diagnosed with ARWMD which occurred without any warning. Had annual check-up no problem. Two month later noticed black spot in eye. I will receive my 5th Lucentis shot which has helped me 95%. I am very grateful to be able to see again and be independent.

I am 61. I have had only 2 injections of Lucentis. I can drive again, after 3 weeks and 2 injections 1 in each eye. I hope this miracle continues. I have found that getting off ALL SUGAR helps this treatment work better. That means less insulin. I am working toward no insulin at all. Soon I hope. The weight loss and no sugar helps my vascular system work better in order to recieve these injections of Lucentis. Avastin didn't work except put me in the hospital with a DVT and Cellulitis in both legs. Lucentis is making my legs itch, but not cellulitis. I also can't sleep at night. I"m wide awake all night. I think the patient needs to help this drug work better by helping yourself. Getting off other drugs as much as possible is HUGE. Drug interactions with Lucentis may not be all known as of yet. Lucentis is somewhat of a risk , so help yourself by taking at least 1-2 aspirins a day. Ask your doctor if you can. Get your weight off, get rid of all sugar. I found that loosing weight and NO SUGAR helps my vascular system work better. I have little edema as well, so I can tollerate Lucentis better. I was taking lots of Insulin and anti inflammatory drugs daily. This is all ready an overload over time. I was diadnosed as a diabetic when I was 15. I think this is why I have had a better result than many. Oh... and prayers help too. Get started.

Recently noticed change in vision while taking this medication. I have had over 20 shots. Vision improved via eye chart. What is going on now is a recent development thatbwas reported to doctor. Itbeffects my reading & distance vision. Line appear to jump & pieces of one word mix with the other on another line. I see retina specialist this week & hopefully he has answers. I now use a ruler to read newspaper because of lines jumping