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Generic Name: Norgestimate and Ethinyl Estradiol Tablets

Brand Name: Sprintec

Sprintec Drug and Medication User Reviews

I started this birth control December 2021. When I started it I was having horrible mood swings and just felt constantly angry. This is typical when I start a new birth control because I have been on a few. The main issue I have with this pill is that it has made me gain almost 10 pounds. I kept my same diet and worked out just as much yet I just kept gaining weight. Other than that it has been fine.

I started taking Sprintec August 19, 2021. I’ve been feeling normal and have regular periods and acne disappearing. September came and I noticed my tongue was swelling a little, but I didn’t think nothing of it because it was one of the side effects. Fast forward to April, I started feeling suicidal, sad, less sleep, and my swelling on tongue worsened. On April 9, 2022, I went to my doctor to get a blood test on stds to make sure I was negative for everything after loosing my virginity to my bf on March 11, 2022 and the results came back negative. On May 31, 2022 I stopped taking Sprintec birth control due to uncontrollable side effects I was having. I haven’t contacted me doctor yet about it but I will! It’s a scary experience and it doesn’t feel normal. I looked it up on google and it said after stopping birth control, it’ll take 4-6 months to clear out your system. Let’s hope ot works for me.

Terrible do not use. Boobs are 4 times the normal size, I'm always bloated and it looks like I'm 2 months pregnant. Constant fluid retention that won't go away no matter how hard I work out. Restless all the time because of this pill and depressed. Don't let birth control CONTROL YOU!

Hormones affect everyone differently. I had tried other brands of oral birth control and bleeding and pain got worse and on onother I got pregnant anyway so when my doctor put me on Sprintec for menorraghia, and horrible pain due to fibroids, I had low expectations. However, this was like a magic pill and it completely made my periods normal, the pain was normal level. I had no weight gain or side effects. In fact after my hysterectomy, I opted to keep taking it without the 1 week cycle, to avoid PMS (your hormones still cycle if you have your ovaries) and it's been working so mental health is better with no PMS mood swings. Lately I have put on some weight so I'm going to stop, though I think that's more due to the hysterectomy and being almost 40. If anything I've read taking estradiol helps but I'm gonna see how things go. Anyway, Sprintec has been my saving grace for years.

I was on Sprintec for 2 years after Loestrin stopped working for me. I had extremely heavy long periods. I guess my body was already used to being on birth control because if I skipped a pill I personally never had any break through bleeding. Yes there occasionally were some tender breast symptoms but that happened when I wasn’t on any birth control as well. When I started on Birthcontrol it took several months for my body to adapt to it but over all it was effective. I later developed diabetes and so I had symptoms due to that but I don’t feel was related to the birth control.

Sprintec works amazing in preventing pregnancy and regulating my period. HOWEVER, there is a list of negative side effects that come with this medication. I’ve been on the pill for over 2 years and ever since I’ve started it every month (at least 12 days before my period) I am hit with consistent migraines, feet and back pain, feet swelling, all over body pain, constipation, and EXTREME bloating. The bloating hits about a week before my period and it is terrible. I get so bloated I look about 8 months pregnant. Nothing helps the bloating either, I tried taking Midol and that won’t even help. When I wake up in the morning in hopes of seeing that “morning skinny” I look as bloated as I did when I went to bed. Once my period starts the bloating goes away- a little bloat is okay but this extreme bloating is very frustrating.

Let me start this by saying, everybody is different, and WILL react differently to anything hormonal. I started Sprintec in 2017 at the age of 16. It was my first ever pill and it wasn’t that bad. I took it as religiously as I could (only missed a pill or two, and if I did miss one I took it early the following day), and had little side effects. GRANTED, before getting on it I barely had a period, and when I did it varied drastically. Sprintec never made my period easier, it just made it regular. I still had it for 5-6 days, and it was moderate. I had bad cramps the first three days but the rest of the cycle was easy. I’ve always had anxiety, but Sprintec did make my worries more active than usual. I never got pregnant, and I was definitely happy about that! However, in 2021 as a 21 year old I had to switch birth control, as I experienced break through bleeding. Then my doctor prescribed me Junel FE (worst thing ever)

I'm a 33 years old, healthy, petite female and I've been taking Sprintec for over 4 years. I started feeling sick and had a bad cough so I went to the ER, all COVID and flu tests came back negative. Due to my cough and other symptoms, they did blood work and did a scan of my torso area. So, good news, no COVID, bad news, you have a pulmonary embolism. The doctor found several small blood clots in the bottom of my left lung. I literally cried myself into a panic attack. How did this happen? I eat extremely healthy, do not smoke or drink, lead an extremely active life, and I am so safe with literally everything I do... I was in shock, fear and disbelief. They kept me in the ER for 3 days with an IV of Heparin (a blood thinner)in one arm and a saline drip in the other, had blood withdrawn every 6ish hours, sometimes more, and then was placed on another oral blood thinner called Eliquis when discharged. As of now, I have to take blood thinners for 3 - 6 months, maybe longer, need to see a hematologist, and have to now re-teach myself how to live my life as if I'm in a bubble. I can bump my head because I can have bleeding in my brain, getting a cut could be serious because my blood will now take longer to clot. You don't think it'll happen to you until it does. I caught mine early, and I hope this saves my life, but now I have to fight for it. Im writing this to warn others. I am an extremely happy, optimistic person and my entire life has been thrown into chaos, fear and instability.... Find something safer.. I read the reviews and always thought "I don't know anyone that has had blood clots from this, it'll never happen to me, I'll be fine." And now here I am.

I've been on it for six months, originally to shrink an ovarian cyst. Cyst is gone and the pill worked fine at first. I dealt with minor nausea in the beginning, now nausea is too much to bear. I'm considering quitting cold turkey because I'm up late every night feeling horribly sick. It might work for some people, it's miserable for me.

Been on Sprintec for two months after randomly being switched from Estarylla (which I’ve been taken for 2 years). The effectiveness of Sprintec seems fine but I have been breakthrough bleeding for 2 weeks. I had a stomach cramp so bad a couple of days ago that I couldn’t move and the pain went from my stomach straight through my back. I had never felt such a paralyzing pain before (my period cramps with Estarylla/ before birth control were never that terrible). This morning after the “nasty” with my boyfriend, we were going to take a shower and I felt dizzy but was trying to fight it off. I started to pace and shake as I felt the water was too hot and if I stepped in, I’d pass out. Which was odd to my boyfriend for me to say the water is too hot (while on medium) because I shower with scorching hot water all the time. As I walked into the shower, I started to lose my eye sight and black out (something that never happened before sprintec). Shading my experience for someone that may be looking for a comment with similar affects.

I was using this birth control as to regulate my periods and hopefully, regulate my hormones. After a month of taking it, I was always angry and extremely stressed. After 2 months, I had started experiencing symptoms of high blood pressure and was told I would have to be put on pills. After doing research on how to naturally regulate my period and try to find some normalcy with myself, I came across a book that has helped tremendously. Hormonal Birth control is a great option for some, but it isn't the only option. If you are in the process of looking at hormonal bc, do your research before hand because the doctors will tell you all the benefits, but not the side effects.

This pill is magic for acne, its a miracle

I mean first off, I haven't gotten pregnant so I think that's pretty good for me (although I use protection so I would be SHOCKED) and it substantially helped my acne too! No huge flare ups or anything like that. Otherwise, this medication started off a little rough. I think it caused my mental health problems but that's fine. I also could've gained weight from it but that could've also been ~college~ Otherwise, I've been on it for over 3 years now and it doesn't seem to affect me! I'm curious if it'll help my mental health if I get off of it but I need the ~protection~ Otherwise, highly recommend it! I also ONLY use the name brand Sprintec, I have had bad experiences with the off/generic brand.

I’ve been on sprintec for about 4 days now and it hasn’t gone well. I took it last month for about 4 days and stopped because it was terrible. I’m taking sprintec because I have an absence of periods. I know a lot of people, including my doctor say to try it for longer but I just don’t think I can. I feel nauseous every single minute of my life taking this pill, I already suffer from anxiety and this has only made it worse. My depression has fully come back and it feels like it’s so hard to do normal everyday things. I wake up and feel sad and tired. The headaches pop up every now and then and aren’t fun, my asthma is back and I’m wheezing at night. Speaking of nights, I can’t even sleep! It’s been 4 days and I toss and turn all night, I’ve tried sleep tea, oils, lavender and I still have insomnia. I can’t handle these symptoms anymore and I don’t know what to do. There are other smaller symptoms such as leg pain, back pain, arm pain, bloating, faster heart rate, etc. I really wanted to like these pills, I really wanted them to work and make me feel fine but I feel so much happier when I’m off the pills.

Best birth control been using it for 6 years, no pregnancy scares, no mood swings or weight gain. only thing I do experience is muscle pain in leg and feet.

I started taking Spritec about a month ago and I've had some side affects like the boob aches stomach cramp and nausea. Other than that it's been okay I'm pretty sure it's completely stopped my period.

After years of taking Portia and having no luck with my acne, I was switched to Sprintec. I was only on this for 10 days because it was absolutely awful. The only good thing was that it began to clear up my skin immediately. But the moment I began this BC, I had the heaviest period I have ever had. I would pass large clots every time I went to the bathroom and would be up three to four times a night because the feeling of them passing would wake me up. If I wasn't in the bathroom as much as I was (due to being home), I would have needed to change my heavy flow pads multiple times a day. As is, I needed to change them at least once during the night. This also gave me horrible cramps and back pain. I was living off of 600-800mg of Ibuprofen three times a day to help with the pain and to ease the heavy flow. From day 7 to 10 I began experiencing jaw and gum pain as well as heart palpitations in the middle of the night. I was extremely depressed and felt completely hopeless. It also increased my anger and jealousy so much so that I stopped talking to people. If you are at all prone to anxiety/depression, do not take these pills. This pill was the reason I stopped BC all together and I've since felt 100% better.

I have seen so many negative reviews on this medication, every ones body is differnt I know but for me once you get past the 1-2 weeks of the dizzy spells this pill is amazing and has worked wonders for me . Periods are light to nothing , no acne at all (it cleared my cystic acne !!!) no cramps while on period . I have taken this pill for 5 years now and have not ended up pregnant yet. I have unprotected sex with my significant other daily and he never uses protection and finish’s inside of me and I haven't ended up pregnant yet. Over all it’s worth it give it a try.

I have Adenomyosis and Sprintec has helped me so much. It worked immediately month one. My pain lessened from a 10 to a 3. But now that I am on month 7 I have 0 pain. It has totally helped me live a normal life again during my menstrual. I also have not received any crazy side effects. But I do make sure to take it everyday at the exact same time which is 9:45pm. One time the pharmacy didnt have it ready for me on time and had to double up that Monday beginning my new pack and before my period that month i got headaches but that was the only time. Other than that no problems. Sprintec has really been a blessing to me.

I have never had any side effects with Sprintec, no weight gain, no problems. It has worked to keep me from getting pregnant. I have taken it for about 7 years.