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Generic Name: Olanzapine

Brand Name: Zyprexa

Zyprexa Drug and Medication User Reviews

This medication Zyprexa showed signs of Parkinson’s. My Neurologist told me to not take this medication. I had to be treated for Parkinson’s for two years. I did not have Parkinson’s. It was the Zyprexa. I do not take anymore meds for anxiety. Stay away if you can

The side effects was my legs twitching

This is a good medication if you suffer from depression and anxiety, and want to take something in addition to your antidepressant. I find it really helps with anxiety, and wow does it help you sleep. I take 5 mg at night and my mind settles and I sleep really well. Like everyone else, you will probably put on weight, but you have to exercise self control. Highly recommended.

I don’t even know what to say. My doctor suggested to lower my dose to 2.5mg and it worked for a little bit (this was from 5mg). However, in a month, it’s been absolute hell. Terrible sleep, terrible mood. Only good thing was I lost a little weight. This medicine is both a curse and blessing, but more of a curse.

This medication should never be taken. It causes massive weight gain and has taken me 13 years to lose the weight I gained and I still have a ways to go. It has numerous side effects and leaves you constantly hungry and emotionless.

I’m on 7.5 mg,(5 mg wafer and 2.5 mg tablet) and have lost weight doing the CSIRO total wellbeing diet.Its not restrictive and not like a diet at all.Ive been on the diet for about 4 days and have lost about 2 kg,which is a real surprise because I had doubts that it would work while on Zyprexa because nothing had worked before.I read that the wafers cause less weight gain than the tablets and can even make you lose weight.There is hope if you’re stuck on zyprexa and have failed in attempts to lose weight.I am proof that It can be done.

Warning to all children and adults. It's very very important not to loose your temper or you may be labeled with a disorder and medicated with this drug. Just a warning. Find way to cope and adjust yourself before it happens. Tempers build up. Carefully see if there are signs in you or your children and learn ways to cope thanks.

Like to orgasm? too bad Like to not be extremely overweight even though you exercise regularly? too bad This medication will leave in a dulled down, meaningless existence.

Zyprexa is a powerful drug so I only take quarter of 5mg wafer my neg thoughts and anxiety better not ruminating about hateful things that have happened feel brighter more pleasant.obviously if u feel zombies cut the dose down.it has potential to make you hungry but you have to stay away from junk food.Think I will give a go as seroquel was making me angry.Also take 10mg citalopram.good luck to all and stay positive.

This pill did nothing to stop my psychotic thoughts stemming from Ptednisone

Ive been on and off this medication since I was in my mid twenties. It works to stop the paranoia and psychosis very well but can make you feel very sleepy. Coming off it is a nightmare though. Severe depression and thoughts of suicide so you end up back at square one. Hate to think that I may well need to be on this medication for life to attain any sense of a 'normal' life.

It made me worse all around, lab work with many issues to the extreme weight gain. I would not recommend this for anyone with mental health issues as they will become greater!!!

I was given this med along with Tenex to help with hallucinations and it made them worse and caused me to black out for days do not take it.

Makes you gain weight that canâ??t come off. Stretch marks and blubber. Possibly insomnia if you come off it

This medicine saved my life. I was having intrusive suicidal thoughts for months and as soon as I took zyprexa the next day they were gone. I couldn�¢����t believe how fast it worked. My doctor told me it�¢����s not a long term medicine though so after a few months she switched me to something else. Bad side effects: drowsiness and a huge appetite. I probably gained some weight but I think that the good out weighs the bad in this kind of situation.

I've been on this med for about 2 months now in conjunction with Lamictal, trazadone, & effexor. I take the zyprexa at bedtime. I no longer wake up with anxiety & dread. This has helped me immensely. Took about 6 weeks to really work, but for me this drug is fantastic.

This medication has changed my life. Before taking this, I hallucinated almost constantly, and I couldnâ??t focus. It has made me gain 45 pounds, which I donâ??t like. But on it I can have a life, off it, I cannot.

Recently started taking 2.5mg zyprexa for sleep/depression..lowered lexapro from 20mg/daily to 15..hoping to lower lexapro to 10/mg daily..within a couple days of taking zyprexa I am sleeping better and depression is minimal..hoping it continues working like this

Honesty, for me it sucks. It makes me feel worse than I already do. I take it as a kick starter/anti-psychotic. It never has worked.

It did help me to feel calm but I had severe pain in my legs. Could not sleep at all because of pain. I tried it twice in case the first time was just a fluke but 2nd time was even worse. Idk if anyone else has had this experience. It's not listed in side effects. I also had dramatic increase in appetite.