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Generic Name: leuprolide

Brand Name: Lupron subcutaneous

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Young patient. Within the first 4 months, noticed emotional instability, daily hot flashes, discontinuation of menstrual cycle, and a difference in body shape, notably in the hips, chest, and legs. Months 5-8, depressive episodes and ongoing fatigue. Nothing debilitating, but enough to knock even a very optimistic person such as myself to a considerably quieter and antisocial state. Overall, works as advertised and no unexpected side effects have presented.

Kept Psa low. Nine months into quarterly injections, more side effects occured - rash, swelling of ankles, feet, muscle joint and bone pain,. Testicle and penis shrinking in first three months. Slight breast enlargement, weight gain

I can’t deal with all of the symptoms at the same time. It was taking all the good that I put in my body.

Hasn’t been all that bad. I’ve only had a few weeks so far but the experience hasn’t been life changing or anything. I’ve had a few hot flashes and such, and getting an injection so deep in your thigh is never fun, but it’s doing it’s job. Overall it wasn’t as scary as some of these comments make it out to be for me. That may just be because I’m quite young

On Lupron for 2 years. Last injection was 9 months ago. Still having all of the bad side effects. When does this drug wear off?

Worst experience I've had. Gave me hives & water blisters & intense itching all over my body - ears, arms, chest & back, thighs & legs, even my palms & back of hands, top & bottom of feet. It's now 3 months later & still have itching, rashes and scabs & leathery skin. Also still getting hot flashes, shrunken "manhood", slightly enlarged breasts including pain & fluid leaking at the nipples. The fluid dries crusty and is also coming out of every sore & rash area. I refuse to get this poison ever again. My urologist only suggested using Benedryl - which by the way should NOT be used when your prostate is enlarged and blocks urine flow - so there is NO REMEDY to reverse these horrible side effects. The injection I got was a 6 month dose so my hope is within the next 3 months the bad side effects will subside. Just finished 39 sessions of radiation. Oncologist recommended a total of 24 months hormone therapy so this means going back for monthly doses of firmagon for an additional 15 months. Not looking forward to that & may seek other alternatives.

Please note that many of these women are inaccurately reviewing this Lupron Solution when they have actually take Lupron DEPOT, a long-acting whopping dose of the drug. Similar side effects in many cases but they are not reviewing the correct drug.

I have been diagnosed with advanced endometriosis and have been on lupron for over two years. I have suffered severe depression and anxiety along with nightmares and hot flashes. I seriously suggest not taking this medication at all costs. I believe it is very lethal and dangerous.

Has caused my prostate to shrink but has also made me nuts.Brought back unpleasant memories from 50 years ago that I had completley forgotten about and I can't stop thnking about.I have crying spells that last for 15 or 20 minutes almost every day

six month injection for prostate cancer. My reaction has not been good. Lots of bone pain, lower back pain, trouble breathing, enlarged heart, so tired I can hardly get out of bed. The doctor didn't take this part of my health problem: CFS and fibro. I am at the end of the six months and still having all the issues.

Loss of Balance and muscle strength

dont take this poison, it has very bad side effects, and they are permanent, memory loss, fatigue body aches, very high blood pressure ,and a lot more and they are permanent

Prostate removed 2001; Gleason score 7. PSA zero until 2013, when it started to increase. Started quarterly Lupron injections mid-2013. Testosterone and PSA have been zero since then. Fatigue, awakening every 2-3 hrs. at night to urinate and hot flashes are difficult, but overall I consider myself lucky. Daily Vitamin E seems to help hot flashes. Libido and urinary retention were affected by my prostate removal, so are not new issues.

has helped prostate cancer side effects terrible. hives are on going hives since may 30 very debilitating, had them all over body ears eyes mouth. can nonger take for my cancer

I was on Lupron for 6 months 2 years ago. It was wonderful while I was on it, but my endometriosis and fibroid pain were back within 5 months of being off the Lupron. Now, not only do I contend with that pain, but severe joint pain and bone loss, too. All the exercise, diet and supplements have not protected me from what I am going through now.

I am only 1 week into my first shot but so far I have gained 7lbs in a week. My feet are swelling and my "cramps" are worse. So far no good.

I was put on Lupron as an alternative to taking birth control pills. I was on it for 6 months and was going to be switched to Depro, which after reading reviews,I have decided not to take. My side effects have been hot flashes and changing to extremely cold, night hot sweats, insomnia, fatigue, some moodiness,and loss of ability to have orgasms regularly. I also realized that I did have bad breath which may be a side effect, I read it on someone else's review and thought of the correlation. I was previously diagnosed with endometriosis but was later told that I didn't have it, but I did have abdominal pain which the Lupron helped. Also, no cycle for 6 weeks, that was GREAT! Other than the negative side effects, which I just tolerated, I think that if it is effective for you or will improve your condition, then take it, but not long. I was told 4-6 months is the limit. Now, I guess it's back to dealing with the fibroids and the symptoms that will occur from them.

I am taking this med due to endometriosis. My abdominal pain has decreased substantially. The side effects that I am having are no more than were warned prior to use. I am experiencing depression but honestly with the severe pain prior to treatment created depression as well. Fatigue and hot flashes which again were all issues prior to use as well. This drug is a phenomenal medication that has saved many of lives for those suffering with cancer. Yes it comes with side effects as all medications do. The great thing is that we are made aware of the possible side effects so that we and our families know what to watch for. The side effects may last months but are usually not long lasting compared to the on going pain and misery most suffer without treatment. I also want to point out that this course of treatment is an OPTION for an individual to choose after considering all options set forth infront of them. It is not forced it is merely an option that 8 out of 10 times is the best choice. As for the osteo issues they have preventatives used along with the lupron to help counteract that side effect. We all have an individual choice you shouldn't be able to make it for me just as I can't make it for you. STOP blaming the drug it has ALWAYS had the possibility of the side effects as does aspirin.

4 1/2 yrs after da Vinci radical prostatectomy PSA started to rise from <0.01 to 0.5 to 0.9 (possible mis-read as it was 0.6 a day or two after the 3 month shot a month ago. Now after the first month it is down to <0.01 with another test in a month just prior to probably starting radiation. Injection was below and behind hip (side of buttock). Next day it felt like a bad bruise but no pain after 3 or 4 days. Only symptom seems to be occasional hot flashes but I am California and it has really hot for several weeks! Also prescribed, in parallel, daily tablet of 1x 50mg Bicalutamide.