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Generic Name: pneumococcal 7-val conj vacc

Brand Name: Prevnar intramuscular

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Doctor said I have to have it worse feeling my body hates it

Fever. Hard lump. Extreme swelling.Rash. Pain like bee stings. Not able to raise arm without pain. Loss of appetite. Eleven days and still all these symptoms. I was told at my doctor's that this type of reaction had not been seen there. They measured my redness and swelling. This was 3 days ago. I am taking pain med and antihistamine. I am wondering what damage is being done to my arm!

It is 2 days after the injection and I still have aches, pain and swelling at the site. I have a slight temp of 100.2 and chills as well as fatigue. I am feeling slightly better today and hope it continues. Didn't know of these side effects.

I have suffered severe itching and hardness of injection site, muscle and joint pain, lethargy, sleeplessness beginning a day or so following injection. I still have a very persistent chronic cough that is sometime extreme.

My 24 mos grandson received Prevnar as advised by MD. Within 48 hrs he awoke with 103.8 fever, unable to sleep at night, won't eat,regressed speech and behavior, rubbing his head/face"ouchy". I am an RN,the change in his behavior was so abrupt that I had my daughter have him rechecked. He now is on antibiotics after a pending nasal culture and presumed "sinus" infection. I believe this was all caused by the Prevnar. 7 days later he is still not eating,losing weight, irritable and not sleeping. Being seen by MD 3 times since injection costing loss of work. We also have a 9 week old and was instructed not to let them in contact with each other until culture results are back.

My daughter is still having reactions 10 days after being administered her 2nd dose of the vaccine. She has experienced vomiting, diarrhea, fever over 100 degrees, and general discontentment and fussiness up to the present. While some of these reactions can be expected with other vaccines, after reading more on the possible side effects of Prevnar and other data (google - prevar side effects!) I will absolutely not be giving my child any more doses.