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Generic Name: Olmesartan Medoxomil Amlodipine Hydrochlorothiazide Tablets

Brand Name: Tribenzor

Tribenzor Drug and Medication User Reviews

I've been on Tribenzor for over five years. There have been no directly attributable side effects. My BP is steady at 120-130 over ~80. I had swelling of one leg before taking the drug, and I have swelling of one leg now. I tried other BP medication prior to starting on Tribenzor and had a variety of side effects, none of which were acceptable. Any changes in physical ability or mental acuity I've experienced since beginning treatment with Tribenzor could just as easily be addressed as "simply getting older," or the natural effects of aging. For me, this medication has been helpful and clearly of benefit.

I started taking Tribenzor when my blood pressure was 200/120. It helps lower my blood pressure back to normal levels within the first month. It certainly helps lowering blood pressure. But I have experienced a side effect not listed on this drug. I have contracted Raynaudâ??s syndrome. The reason I know this is because I contracted it with in the first month of taking this medicine. I lost my insurance for two years so I couldnâ??t take it and my Raynauds went away. Last year I got my insurance back and started taking Tribenzor again. My Raynaudâ??s syndrome came back with full force. I cannot take this medicine again. Raynaudâ??s syndrome causes blood vessels to shrink making your fingertips toes and nose and tongue turn white and feel numb. If you are experiencing this check with your doctor.

I tied tribenzor for 2 weeks, I was also on a diabetic pill which is not suppose to be taking together. Tribenzor will mask your sugar dropping, this also made me nervous, nausea, joint pain. Doctor has recently switched my bp med. This did how ever keep my bp down. I couldn't handle the side effects

Taking this drug for 3 years now. I have mixed feelings about it. Yes, my B/P is reasonable, in the 130's over 70's/80's, with a pulse in the mid/high 50's. The cost is very high - I'm on 40-5-12.5 mg. - even though I'm on Medicare. Side effects: hard to determine about hair lose as I age, but it is thinning; leg hair is almost all gone, bowel movements 2-3 times per day; leg cramps if I don't take in fluids; up twice a night to urinate - no prostrate issue my doctor says. Concerned about long term usage with this or any drug. Have tried other B/P drugs, had dizziness, low energy levels, and frequent cough on others.

Before taking Tribenzor my BP was 181/99 or higher. My Doctor prescribe this medication and i feel so alive. I call this pill my miracle pill

No side issues on for one year blood pressure in complete control

Been using it now for 3 weeks and my blood pressure is back to normal 115/65 today. It was running 165/80 or less for about a month. I had used diovan hct for over 10 years so think I just needed a change. My blood pressure was good until about 3 months before I started the tribenzor and it just started being high every time I took it. Hope this keeps working.

I used to take Diovan before I started this medicine but my BP was still high (155/78 to 185/90). I started Tribenzor about a month ago and it really works well for me. My daily pressure runs between 117/76 to 130/80 even after running around all day. I haven't had any side effects other than the first two days after starting this medication, I was getting palpitations which I contributed to the fact that my BP was very high.

It lowered BP too low. I wound up being dizzy and lightheaded even when lying down, toes tingled, had trouble wetting, and had confusion and started freaking on the job. Had to be driven to ER. It lowered body salts. Was given an IV and left hospital feeling better. I craved fresh fruit for a week and ate 2 big boxes of blackberries and half dozen bananas for the next three days

If you are allergic to drugs containing sulfur, do not take this drug. I had a severe allergic reaction to this drug because of the sulfur....my entire body felt like it was tingling all over.

I used Benicare 40/25 before, never my BP went down, plus I urinated like a crazy, I did not like. Trebenzor, on the other side, my BP went down quick and stay there basically for 24 hours. No urination anymore. Do I recommend this medication? Yes, of course.

Lowered b/p, but after 3 weeks vision became blurry, very frequent urination and extreme thirst, soar throat, dizziness, very low energy. Had to stop last week, but symptoms have yet to go away.

kneck pain

This is the second review the first was after a week, I had some leg cramps at that time. Now,(one month) I have experience sleepiness, shoulder pain, neck pain, leg cramps, and possibly some I have not associated yet to this drug. Blood pressure is great, at times maybe even low. Tomorrow I am calling my doctor to see if he thinks I could break this pill in half.

My blood pressure is great at this this time. But I think I am expriencing, dry mouth at night, as a side affect.

I have been on this medication for a short time and it has lowed my pressure and I don't feel any side effect. But the cost is a concern.


On tribenzor for 8 months, BP went down, expirience dizziness,short of breath,no energy, allways tired, shoulder pain, joints pain,sometimes i fill i will faint.Have to see my doctor again...