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Generic Name: Oxandrolone

Brand Name: Oxandrin

Oxandrin Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have had unexplained excessive weight loss for the past 8 years (pre-veres peri-menopausally, despite no known chronic diseases), along with recently-diagnosed osteopenia; nothing else was helping me maintain weight and strength/stamina. High calorie, high protein diets along with adequate weight bearing exercise schedule was not enough. After 1+ year of searching for contributing, treatable causes, with no successful results, finally I obtained this medicine and it has started working almost immediately, and effectively. I've had zero side effects so far. With more women this generation having their families later in life (due to for example college and career demands), I do hope that more middle-aged active women will be offered trials with this medicine; we older moms have a need to stay physically strong and high-functioning, in order to raise our young children despite our aging and some declines that tend to accompany menopause. At this time/year, I think (unfortunately)only a very small proportion of women in my situation are even aware of this potential treatment option.

This medicine is effective in helping my hereditary angioedema

Oxandrin has an incredible effect on protein synthesis and also creates a positive nitrogen balance, however it is 17alpha alkylated so my doc monitered my hepatic func. As for the review below mine if your taking the marinol just for pain then yes it will perform the same function, but if the marinol serves some other purpose then it wont. but the marinol is not a cog in the wheel that makes this drug go. As far as myself i feel better when taking it and feel that chemically its the best possible option when considering an orally applicable treatment option

can i take it by itself and it due the same effect as if i take it with marinol

I have type 1 diabetes mellitus and it is very difficult to get my sugars under control. Ever since I have been taking it I have to double and even triple the dosing of my insulin. I am stopping the drug. I would rather have good control of my insulin regimen then to continue being sick.