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Generic Name: Gabapentin for Postherpetic Neuralgia (gabapentin)

Gabapentin for Postherpetic Neuralgia Reviews

Neurontin (gabapentin) "I was first given Neurontin for the shingles, for a few days nothing helped the pain of the shingles, most painful thing I have ever had. After about a week, I started feeling better, was sleeping all night, and now I have no pain. Even though I still have the shingles, best medicine for pain I have ever taken."

Neurontin (gabapentin) "I have taken Neurontin for over five years. I have Multiple Sclerosis and lots of nerve pain. This medicine works... But it will change your personality. BEWARE... It can make you violent. However, for nerve pain, best medicine out there."

Neurontin (gabapentin) "Have been on this for over a month and each increase by my doctor provides no relief whatsoever. The last increase has resulted in severe dizziness, light-headedness, memory loss and forgetfulness, fatigue, racing thoughts during sleep, inability to sleep more than a few hours, and most importantly, no effect on the severe pain from postherpetic neuralgia. I will not be accepting another increase from the doctor, the side effects are intolerable, not to mention the side effects of weaning off this ineffective drug that I have yet to suffer."

Neurontin (gabapentin) "My doctor started me on this after I had crazy nerve pain due to shingles. It works amazing for me! When I don't take it or it's time for my dose, it feels like I've been shot in the area where my shingles were worst. So I have nothing but great things to say about this medicine for me."

Gralise (gabapentin) "I have nerve damage caused by surgery for removal of a Bartholin's Gland cyst. The nerve damage causes me constant pain, when untreated, from a scale of 8-10. The Gralise (along with Norco) makes it tolerable and in the mornings, sometimes my pain goes all the way down to a 4 (not every morning). The side effects I have are dizziness, inability to find words, blurred vision, and, strangely (because of where my pain is), increased libido. I can't even sit in a chair, yet all I think about all day is sex. The Gralise has helped a lot with my pain, but I only rated it an eight because of all of the potential side effects. As soon as my doctor finds another treatment (like a nerve block), I'm going to get off of it."

"I was given gabapentin for shingles nerve pain. If I take 100 mg, I go to sleep. I only take 50 mg a day. Everybody is different on this drug, and if you are having side effects, and a doctor is telling you to keep taking it... I would either lower the dosage and/or get a second opinion. Too many drugs are given out at a dose that somebody said is 'the norm.' Well, we are each unique. If you are ever uncomfortable or having bad side effects, I would read up on the drug and talk to your doc again, and... in the end, only you know exactly how you feel. If side effects are not getting better, not going away, and they are interfering too much in your life, not the correct drug or dose for you."

Neurontin (gabapentin) "I had an accident and broke my leg in half and had to be life-flighted to Pittsburgh hospital. I live in West Virginia. They wanted to amputate my leg, but I said no and ended up with 15 surgeries and 20 pins. I am disabled due to it, but I have my leg. The pain was the worst I have ever felt. I was on OxyContin 40 mg 3x a day with 30 mg oxycodone 8x daily instant release tabs, with Neurontin as well. But as I was weaning down on pain meds, I was left with Neurontin. I have severe nerve damage to my whole leg. I'm on two 400 mg tabs 3x daily, so 2400 mg total daily. I will be on it for the rest of my life. It has made my life so much better. I can walk without pain, but sleep is rough with night terrors for me. But short of that, I would recommend it for nerve damage. It helps me function mentally as well. It's great!"

Neurontin (gabapentin) "Due to a loss of oxygen to my brain (hypoxia) and two minor strokes, I have no feeling in my feet. My hands have some feeling, but only about 40%. Hands hurt really bad. Using Neurontin for four years. Pain is almost gone. I can flex my fingers. I take a high dose as I also have chronic neck and back pain: 800 mg three times a day. I have had no side effects whatsoever. Very safe and effective."

"I came down with a terrible bout of shingles on my head and left side in Dec 2016. The pain was terrible, and the only thing that gave me relief was gabapentin and Effexor. I'm youngish, only 38. I have been taking 600 mg of gabapentin and 150 mg Effexor antidepressants. The combination works for relief from nerve pain. I'm nearly six months with PHN. In my experience, gabapentin is the best treatment for shingles. The side effect I have the most is constipation, but I take a fiber supplement in my morning coffee. Shingles pain is horrible."

Gralise (gabapentin) "I've had moderate to severe low back pain for over 20 years due to herniated discs. After years of being handed Percocet (which only worked about an hour for me) and everything up to straight OxyContin, I think I have found something that works! It's only been about a month, but in combination with Percocet, the severe pain has been minimized. I gave it an 8 because I never want to overhype a medication and I've only been on this about a month."

Gralise (gabapentin) "I have severe pain from spinal nerve damage in lower back, radiating around my hip area and down my leg. Had multiple injections with minimal relief. Started Gralise in 2014, and it has been a quality of life changer. I take 1800 mg and have no major side effects. I have been able to start exercising again-mostly walking-without the intense pain, and I don't limp anymore. The only negative is the pill size is kind of big, but the shape makes it easier to swallow."

Neurontin (gabapentin) "I experienced severe nerve pain following a second bout of shingles less than 3 months apart. During a 2-year period, my doctors tried me on regular Gabapentin in combination with other medications - all with severe side effects and no relief from the constant pain and lack of a good night's sleep. I gained over 50 lbs as well. My neurologist prescribed Horizant twice a day, and my life changed almost overnight! I choose not to take it in combination with anything else other than 800 mg Ibuprofen when needed because of concerns over past side effects. Even though my nerve pain has continued two years later and another bout of shingles, I have been able to manage the pain with Horizant."

"I was prescribed a regimen of gabapentin to prevent post-shingles pain. It called for ramping up over several weeks to 5 tabs/day, staying at that level for a month, then tapering off over several weeks. After 3 weeks at the max dose, I woke up at 2 am to discover I had wet the bed. Then the next night it happened again! I discovered the joys of the adult diaper aisle at Walmart and immediately started tapering off the drug. The next day no bedwetting - I pooped my diaper in my sleep instead! Vicious diarrhea. Tapered off the drug over a couple of days (not the weeks as prescribed) and once I was done after a couple of days no further incidents. NOT recommended, especially as a mere preventative for a condition I did not have! Google for the side effects, be warned. My doctor did not warn me about any of this."

Gralise (gabapentin) "I have had this condition for 3.5 years now, and no diagnosis as to why it's happening. Epidurals, narcotics, Tramadol, Lyrica don't seem to work for the 'painful tingles.' Gabapentin helps with that, but my pain is still acute. The numbness over my right rib cage is nearly unbearable. 12 doctors want to ease the pain, but no one wants to find out WHY! Plus, they are not very good at easing the pain. Now they want to put a neural stimulator in me, and if it's anything like a TENS machine, all it will do is irritate me. I will not go off the Gabapentin until my diagnosis. The side effect of not being able to remember words really bothers me."

Neurontin (gabapentin) "Prescribed for nerve pain following shingles after crippling left-hand side pain that did not respond to standard analgesia. Two unexpected beneficial side effects have occurred. My long-term and almost permanent anxiety (we are talking 35 years) has been greatly reduced. The problem that I had following a transient ischemic attack some five years prior, where my body's idea of the spatial position of my left leg via external stimulus did not agree with my visual perception, and viewing my leg caused a strange spatial readjustment where the leg shifted four inches to the left but, in reality, stayed still. My visual acuity also improved, as if everything was lit by stage lighting."

Neurontin (gabapentin) "I have been prescribed this drug twice for Trigeminal neuralgia . 4 years ago and I weighed 310 pounds. I took this drug with seemingly no help. The pain went away totally one day. No clue was given. It, ( the pain), has returned with a vengeance. I am on a 600mg 3 times a day and cannot even talk without a painful shock to my face. My face feels like the dentist hit a nerve in a tooth. Wind, water, a wrong touch and I am knocked to my knees, seriously. What is a better choice. The pain has got to stop."

"I have been taking Gabapentin for four months for postherpetic neuralgia. This medicine has been an absolute miracle for me! I had been prescribed all the usual painkillers - Codeine, Tramadol, Amitriptyline, Ibuprofen, with absolutely no effect. I take 400 mg of Gabapentin three times a day. I hope to be able to reduce the dosage over the next few months. This is the only medicine that has enabled me to function and work normally. I don't know where I would be without it."

"I had a case of shingles in March of 2016. Was prescribed gabapentin for postherpetic neuralgia, which developed. I take 300 mg 6 times a day. The medication seems to stem the acute stabbing pains (most of the time), but the feeling of having a severe sunburn persists on my left side. I have had no side effects from this medication."

Gralise (gabapentin) "My issues are Fibromyalgia, Neuropathy, herniated and bulging disks, spinal stenosis, Tinnitus. I started off on Lyrica about 10 yrs ago from my Neurologist - it didn't help. Finally I was put on Gabapentin for 3 years - still no change. So finally Spine specialist switched me to Gralise 600 mg - 3 with dinner. I couldn't believe it!!! Something that finally worked so wonderfully!!!! It even seems to help the Tinnitus which can drive a person insane!!!!"

Neurontin (gabapentin) "My GP prescribed Neurontin to treat pain from PHN, increasing to 1800 mg per day. After 6 weeks, I find it does reduce pain to some extent, and I am able to get a reasonable sleep. Side effects include ringing in ears and tingling in feet and hands, but I can put up with this. I was previously taking Lyrica but experienced very nasty side effects and had to be weaned off it."

Neurontin (gabapentin) "I came down with "Shingles" a little over 2 weeks ago, was put on anti viral drugs, this helped in fading the rash, still there but has faded, problem now is the pain, its in the rash area,its pain full, 24/7, was first given Tramadol,to many side effects, then Hydrocodon acetaminophen, this helped a little, but not much, then regular asprin, helped some, but pain is at the point can't sleep more then 2 hrs, called back to my Dr, now its Gabapentin, for nerve pain, i just took first dose last night, so really its to early to see if this will help, sure hope so!."

"After having shingles (the most painful experience I have ever had), the nerve pain came, and I didn't know there was help. Went to a follow-up appointment, and they gave me gabapentin, and it worked. I am still on it and will stay on it as I feel it is allowing me to live life. I have been out of work after 2 weeks in the hospital, and the recovery with nerve pain since 8-6-14, returning 11-13-14, and saying prayers I can live normally. Side effects worth the good effects. Remembering a word, stuttering, dizzy, blurred vision, I'll take it over the pain any day. I am not a medicine person, it is the only medicine I take at 57 years old. Worth a try for sure."

Gralise (gabapentin) "I have permanent cervical and lumbar spinal cord damage with fusions. I take 1800 mg after dinner every night. It doesn't take away the pain completely, but it makes it tolerable enough to live a normal life. No side effects that I can notice. The only bad thing is the price. It is very expensive. Hopefully a generic form will be on the market soon."

"Originally prescribed this for post herpetic neuralgia. What I'd found out (personally) is that it's a huge blessing for my anxiety &a panic attacks as well as my depression (I think it's bi-polar but I haven't revealed my symptoms to my psych doc yet). I have issues right now with my short term memory and there will be times when I forget to take it and my brain reminds me! Within 20 minutes or less of taking it I am human again. It's a blessing! I need to tell my psychiatrist about this! I have an entirely blessed life because of this med."

"Prescribed for nerve pain due to shingles attack. The C5 C6 nerve branch is what this first (and I pray last) attack of shingles is following. The pain is indescribable! I haven't slept much in the last two weeks. I was told this needs to build up in your system before full advantage is realized. I am still waiting!! I added extra strength Tylenol to mix but true relief hasn't come!! For nerve pain due to shingles, I must say---thumbs down!"

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  • Drug class: gamma-aminobutyric acid analogs
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Patient resources

  • Gabapentin drug information
  • Gabapentin Capsules
  • Gabapentin Oral Solution
  • Gabapentin Tablets (PHN)
  • Gabapentin Tablets 600 mg and 800 mg

Other brands

Neurontin, Gralise, Gabarone

Professional resources

  • Gabapentin monograph
  • Gabapentin (FDA)
  • Gabapentin Capsules (FDA)
  • Gabapentin Oral Solution (FDA)
  • Gabapentin Tablets (FDA)

Other brands

Neurontin, Gralise

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  • Back Pain
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  • Anxiety
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