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Generic Name: Oxaprozin Caplets

Brand Name: Daypro

Daypro Drug and Medication User Reviews

I took Daypro for only 3 wks after a wreck and I became extremely ill with nausea,a rash with intense itching from head to toes and swollen lymph nodes and then after a liver biopsy it was determined that I had drug induced liver cirrhosis from the Daypro and I was told to never even be in the same room as Daypro. My liver enzymes have remained above normal range since 1996 when this occurred

I had disc-ectomy in 1994. After several protocols Daypro worked. Along with Baclofen and Nortriptyline it has kept me mobile. The Generic version always upsets my stomach. Normally I would take 1200 with breakfast and I am good to go. Now it is not available and i have to take the generic - not as effective. DAYPRO has worked for several years, Now i have to take Oxaprozin with anti-acids.

Took this medication for 5 days and broke out in a rash all over my body which turned into hives. Lips and throat swelled up had to go to ER and Dr. office. Missed over a week of work. Toothpaste burned the inside my mouth. The medication was a disaster for me to take.

This is my 2nd day taking the medicine. It seems to be helping,but I am getting these awful headaches/migraines within an hour of taking Daypro. I don't know if I will keep taking them if this is going to be a constant side effect.

I took it for 10+ plus yrs for arthritis pain, no side effects. Had knee replacement so was off the drug for 5 mos, am considering taking again due to stiffness in back, hips, shoulders.

Experienced mental clouding and unusual tiredness.

I have been on this for over 14 years. each time I try something different the pain increases. it pretty much takes the edge off. I highly recommend it.

Couldn't sleep because of pain in knee and hip. After taking Daypro before going to bed, slept all night without pain.

I've been taking Daypro for years and, I to had really awful dreams/nightmares...I found out the manufacturer of the generic was to blame with the added (non-narcotic) ingredients...Dr. Reddy's is THE WORST...try to stay away from that pharma manufacturer.

I have been taking DayPro for about a month and I have noticed a difference with my pain but I have been having sleeping problems; weird dreams that are somewhat odd and sometimes scary. I am struggling between going off of this med or continuing because I have found it to be benefiticial with my arthritis.

I had been taking Mobic for over 10 years for arthritis and the effectiveness of it seemed to be diminishing. My dr. suggested daypro. I am only on my 2nd day and realize it needs time to get into my system but can barely move. Does anyone know how long this will take to make a difference? I may have to go back to Mobic if this pain and stiffness doesn't get better.

I know this works for my arthritic pain because I tried to go off of it and I was in severe pain. I am back on my Daypro and I have been taking it for 5 years and I shall continue.

like this stuff it realy helped after a week.

I have severe Osteoarthritis in my hip. It was something I was born with. Until I am ready to have a hip replacement, I'm only 29, this is the only thing that allows me to be able to walk. I've been taking it for almost 4 years now and have had no side effects. The only thing I notice is a little car sickness (when I'm not driving) and when I don't take it, my hip is in pretty bad shape and it's hard to walk. My would not be functioning without Daypro.

this drug worked well for me, but I had to quit taking all drugs in this class.Because of bleeding in my stomach and instetines,which they cannot find because of the test I need W Va.Hospitals don,t have.I have been waiting 2 years for them to resove this problom. I am in a lot of pain.I have a lot of medical things going on. Intermittent Porphyria, CFS, Fibermyogia,restless leg, I have had 4 back surgeries. I just had 2 back to back had rods and pins put in my neck. So the pain is very bad. I miss the Daypro, It worked.

It took two weeks before the medicine helped. Has allowed me to be active. Take with food it causes stomach upset.

this is the opnly drug to relieve my pain. and it works in hours!!i don't take it everyday but whenever the pain ans stiffness gets too asful. daily use is too hard on my stomach and prn use works for me.

helps releave somewhat of my joint pain