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Generic Name: Nitrofurantoin Macrocystals Capsule

Brand Name: Macrodantin

Macrodantin Drug and Medication User Reviews

No one should be taking this drug. I was prescribed this for kidney infection when I have chronic kidney disease on 22/4/21 I will be alerting doctor who prescribed this that they nearly killed me. Was prescribed dosage of 100 mg 4 times a day, for 7 days. Took it till 27/4/21. Made me feel like I was dying with extreme chills and fever, excruciating back pain, whole body aching, diarrhoea, abdominal aching, gave me asthma and filled my chest with fluid, was very weepy, extreme anxiety, difficulty walking - felt like walking through cement, dizzyness, retained fluid and dropped my kidney function significantly. Was too sick to realise it was the tablets until last day, stopped them and went to another doctor 28/4/21, who wanted me to go to hospital to go on IV etc. Stopped taking the tablets, started a different antibiotic yesterday 28/4/21 and have started to feel better already.

I wish i could turn back time and never take this drug. I was prescribed a small dose daily to stop reacurring uti's. Within a day my hands tingled and the Pharmacist who needed further education advised this was a normal side effect and not to worry about it. 3 months later, when renewing my prescription another Pharmacist asked me if my hands were tingly, he was horrified i had been prescribed this drug and told me it causes nerve damage. I immediately stoppred the drug, but the damage was done. A Nurologist confirmed the nerve damage. The drug stopped my uti's, but i strongly recommend people avoid it due to the side effects. I can hardly use my left hand anymore.

I was given this drug when I was 34 wks pregnant, one full day, 2 days later I had a stillborn, he died while I was on this medicine. No ONE TOLD ME NOT TO TAKE IT.

My Mom has been taking this since she has had a bladder pacemaker device to prevent infection for almost 2 years. Over the last couple of years she has gradually been losing her breath ( indigestion also) She is 83, average weight, walks 2-3 miles daily and is in good mental and physical shape. She worried about her breath and thought it was a tumor, cancer, etc She is a R.N. and sought help from numerous doctors. FINALLY after waiting 3 months for a specialist, he told her it was the Meds/MACRODANTIN….and STOP ASAP! She went to see an old friend out of town last week on her death bed only to find out the reason she is dying is due to MACRODANTIN. This has been devastating to her and to our family! PLEASE STOP if you are taking. Is there a class action law suit??? If not, we should group one here!!

Suffered constant recurrent UTI's from age 18 to 25. Became resistant to over 10 antibiotics. Given Macrodantin as preventative at time of intercourse, one pill right after and 1 pill 12 hours later. No side effects with the brand, no UTI's for the last 30 years. However, do have nausea with the generic. It has worked well for me.

I experienced nausea, morning, noon and night. I followed the directions and took the medication with food, but no matter, the nausea remained. The UTI didn't so the medication worked. Wouldn't want to take it again though.

In 1991, I got Steven-Johnson syndrome which almost killed me from using Bactrim Double Strength. New for UTI's I have used Macrodantin 3-4 times for UTI's. This time, my skin began to itch on day 3. Took Benadryl, since 7 day prescription. Yesterday, the nurse told me I should have stopped immediately. To prevent UTI's: 1) DO NOT reuse plastic water bottles 2) DO NOT sleep w/ panties on, especially in warm weather. 3) Take 1 cranberry extract pill before bedtime with a full glass of water. I wish that we would all come and take a look here before any medication. I was good about this in years past since I had stage 1B breast cancer and had problems big time with Tamoxifen (did only 2 years on that and 3 years on Arimidex).I feel so bad for all of you.

I took this drug for 1 1/2 days and was so ill I could not get out of bed..Severe stomache discomfort, nausea, headache and worst of all could not eat anything and such a bad cough. I really felt like I was being poisoned..

My wife began taking Macrodantin for urinary tract infections.After being on it for two years she turned yellow.Upon further testing it was determined that her liver was failing due to "Macrodantin Toxicity". She had to have a liver transplant to save her life. If you look at Macrodantin in the PDR it lists necrosis of the liver as a possible side effect. This is a very dangerous drug!!!

I suffer with UTI quite often but have never suffered with side affects like this. I woke in the night feeling very sick,& all day I have been in bed with dreadful flu like symptoms, pains in my neck,around my kidneys & legs feeling like they don't belong to me. This is the first time I have taken macrodantin & the last.

I had been on low dose[50mg/day] for a couple of years at least. After this time I started to develop shortness of breath, ended up oxygen dependent and treated by a pulmonologist. On my first visit, the nurse, when reviewing my meds, asked if I had ever heard of Macrodantin Lung - that was the start of a long series of health issues. Final pulmonary diagnosis was Chronic Eosinophic Pneumonia - this was only ascertained after several pulmonary function tests, cardiac catheterization and finally a bronchoscopy. I was then treated with oral steroids for several months, and remained on oxygen for about 8 months. Of course, I discontinued the Macrodantin, substituting Azo Cranberry twice daily. Eventually I did get another UTI - ended up hospitalized with urosepsis, and received IV Levaquin in ER - this led to a partial rupture of the gluteus medius tendon which required surgery. Enough - DON'T take Macrodantin for long term use for UTI prevention.

Almost died from Steven-Johnson from Bactrim double strength in the early 90's This drug worked for me even though only 2 a day for 7 days. I learned the hard way to research a drug before taking. I have had several doctors almost bury me. I find it hard to believe that any doctor would prescribe an antibiotic for any amount of time over 10 days. 2 years ago, I was reusing a PLASTIC water bottle and had 3 UTIs in a row. By accident found out the reason. Sorry for all of your pain, I have been there and now have chronic low platelets and whit counts since my bne marrow was disintegrated by Bactrim.

Nearly died form the side effects of Bactrim double strength in the early 90's every side effect execptfor Lupus. By oncologist now for stage I breast cancer told me I had had Steven Johnson Syndrome. Hence took Macrodantin 2 years ago and ended up fine after finding out that my recurrent UTI's were form reusing a plastic water bottle. This reason, I don't know. Took Macrodantin twice a day for 7 days around Thanksgiving. I I think my infection might be coming back. Have one more at home strip and will take later today. No side effects and I took Acidopholis (yogurt) in between dosages. Feel so bad for all of you, I have been there. Now my platelets and white counts are ALWAYS low. Think it was due to bone marrow gone w/ Bactrim.

Many years ago I was prescribed Macrodantin for a urinary tract infection. From the very firstpill I became severely nauseous, throwing up and feeling weak and very ill overall. I immediately stopped the medication and contacted the physician who prescribed it and was taken off the medication. I wouldn't take it again for any reason whatsoever. This was 30 years ago and I have never forgotten how awful I felt.


This is a SUPER medication for Blader infections.especially since I HAD a reoccuring infection 3 times in four months.

i started this after going to emergency room with leg pain maybe from former antibiotic, and they found i had UT infecteion and started me on this. first morning i threw up and have been dizzy for two days now..hope it gets better or i will have to stop. i am very busy this week of all weeks and cant be feeling sick all week.

Has worked well for my chronic UTI. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth

BEWARE! I was given Macrodantin for repeated UTI's and now have serious lung problems. I have trouble breathing, wheeze constantly, and now have chronic asthma. I have never smoked, and could not believe that repeated prescriptions of an antibiotic would cause serious lung issues. Read the warnings in your Physician Desk Reference! This type of side effect is COMMON for women using Macrodantin in repeated doses. I was diagnosed by several doctors for asthma, bronchitis, etc. and no one figured it out - it was the MACRODANTIN causing the problem! I diagnosed my condition doing my own research! DO NOT TAKE THIS DRUG UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. THE SIDE EFFECTS ARE OFTEN DELAYED, AND HIT ME AFTER 6 MONTHS OF USE. I REPORTED THIS TO THE FDA - ZERO RESPONSE! This drug should be taken off the market!