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Generic Name: Carbidopa / levodopa for Restless Legs Syndrome (carbidopa-levodopa)

Carbidopa / levodopa for Restless Legs Syndrome Reviews

Sinemet (carbidopa / levodopa) "I have been on Sinemet for at least 15 years. I have not had to raise the dosage due to augmentation as of yet. This is the very first medicine I tried for restless legs syndrome, and it works so well for me I don't feel the need to try the newer medicines. I have had restless legs syndrome since my teens and am now hitting 60."

Sinemet (carbidopa / levodopa) "I worked on my feet for 10 years now and developed restless leg about 2 years ago. No one understands what it is until they've encountered it themselves. I am prescribed Sinemet and I love it. I usually only take it when symptoms start (when those legs start feeling funny). I am very fortunate because I suffer no side effects. I do not get sleepy and it doesn't bother my stomach. I would highly recommend this medication for anyone who is unfortunate enough to suffer from this."

Sinemet (carbidopa / levodopa) "This has been a godsend for me. I have been prescribed carbidopa-levodopa 25/100 for 10 years and am currently 53 (age). While it may affect others differently, I have seen absolutely no side effects. If I am beginning to feel restless legs syndrome, this medicine seems to take about an hour to eliminate the symptoms. Since these symptoms seem to come over me as I relax into the evening, I simply take one in advance and another just before bed. I also take it just before long drives and flights. Works great for me and I hope others may be as fortunate. I tried Requip at one time but it made me groggy."

Sinemet (carbidopa / levodopa) "I have been taking Sinemet for many years for restless legs (RLS), and it's the only thing that works. I developed severe RLS after having Guillain-Barré syndrome. None of the home remedies have any effect at all. I have had to increase the dose over time and take a dose at 6 PM, 8 PM, and when going to bed. This gets me through the night. Sometimes I need to take it in the day before a meeting or a long drive or flight, etc."

"RLS is horrible. My legs were jumping like an acrobat. Sometimes, during the day, my legs would give out. My neurologist prescribed 25/100 - 3X per day. It was a miracle drug. Stopped RLS immediately. But I had other problems. My body hurt all over and was stiff. My muscles were weak. My legs were heavy, and it was hard to walk. However, the 25/100 fixed it all. I feel great! I have more energy and am getting stronger every day. Cutting down on pain meds, and at 68, I have a wonderful and new quality of life. I've only been taking it for 2 weeks, and I am so thankful. I now sleep 100 percent better. The dose only works around 7-8 hours. I take it every 8 hours. I take it at 8:00 PM, and I wake up around 3-4:00 AM with symptoms starting again. It takes 30 minutes to work."

Sinemet (carbidopa / levodopa) "I have had restless legs syndrome for years due to iron deficiency. I took Sinemet for about a year, and it seemed to work great for me. However, I could not take the full or even half of the dose because it really made me feel drowsy the following day, so I would break it up and take a very small piece of the pill. Also, if you don't go to bed after taking it and stay up for a while, it can have the adverse effect on you. Makes you really sleepy, but makes your restless legs symptoms worse. Good luck!"

Sinemet (carbidopa / levodopa) "I have suffered from restless legs syndrome for 14 years and have been taking Sinemet since. The only medication that works for me, but it only lasts for 2 to 3 hours, then I need to take it again. For nearly 2 years, I have come to realize that after eating food or drink containing MSG/monosodium glutamate - 621, 627, it contributes to my suffering. So, if I eat less of this, I will suffer less."

"This medication has completely rid me of my RLS. I've never in 12 years had to change the dosage and the RLS has never augmented. I can't imagine people living with RLS their whole lives without having any relief."

Sinemet (carbidopa / levodopa) "At first I thought Sinemet was the greatest thing ever. I took it for two years and began to suffer all sorts of odd side effects which I didn't at first associate with the drug. But the worst was one that nearly killed me. I didn't even realize it was happening at first because I was having brief periods of blackout. I'd be walking and suddenly feel as though the earth had shifted under my feet. It finally happened while I was driving. I snapped out of it, fortunately without hitting anyone or anything, but didn't know where I was. I stopped taking it and all the symptoms I'd experienced disappeared."

"This medicine has provided effective relief this past year. Timing is everything. I am finding I need to take earlier in the evening as it may take as long as an hour and a half to kick in. Then effects wear off by 3:30 a.m. or so, and another dose is needed to get through the rest of the night."

"Been on this for going on 15 years now. It has worked so well for me that I haven't even bothered to try the newer things out there. I very rarely have to take more than one even after taking it for this length of time."

"This combination has kept my restless legs syndrome at bay. Occasionally, I'll feel the symptoms between doses, so I take a 1/2 pill, which seems to take care of the problem. I don't think I have any side effects from it. All in all, I'm very satisfied with this medication."

"I've been taking carbidopa/Levidopa (generic for Sinemet) for almost 20 years. No side effects. However, timing is the key. I try to eat dinner very early around 5 o'clock, so the food is totally digested by 11 -12 o'clock midnight. Otherwise it could take a long time to feel results, especially if you've eaten a lot of protein or fatty foods. It even states in the "fine print" of this drug that it's effectiveness is determined by how much protein you eat. I take one 25/100mg Carbidopa/Levidopa(CL) at 9:30 pm PLUS one 25/100 and one 50/200mg of CL after 11:00 pm. My doc also prescribed half of a 10mg Flexeril to take before bed. It's "knocks me out" and I SLEEP!!"

Sinemet (carbidopa / levodopa) "I have been taking Sinemet for several years.... it has work great for me. I take one every night before bed. But I have recently stopped taking it and turned to using essential oils instead, I have not taken a Sinemet for the last 10 nights and have had no issues with my RLS! But I would recommend it to any one who is looking for relief from the symptoms! Myself I prefer natural ways to help with my ailments!"

Sinemet (carbidopa / levodopa) "Sinemet worked for RLS for six months then stopped. Now it is ineffective at any dose. Anti seizure meds don't help. The only thing that works is Klonopin. I'd rather not take a benzo but it beats getting slammed every night at 7 PM. Go figure. No increase in dosage in 19 years. Best wishes to all."

"I've had RLS since a child. I began on Carbadopa in the 1990's, but I quickly became used to it, and was switched to Sinemet about 2000. It works well, with no side effects. I'm on a very low dose. Like many others here, timing is everything and there are many other factors to consider: - Take Sinemet at least 1/2 to 1 hour before you eat. - Eat early (so food digests before you go to bed). - Eat a light meal (heavy or spicy foods can amplify the symptoms of RLS). - Refrain from drinking liquids about a hour before bed. - Stress can aggravate RLS symptoms (try yoga or some other stress reduction activity). - Adjust the room temperature to be comfortable. - Maintain a healthy weight. - Exercise!!!"

Sinemet (carbidopa / levodopa) "I've been taking 50mg of Sinemet for RLS every night, just before bed. While it reduces RLS, my wife still says I twitch. Side effects: cold feet, I have to wear socks at night and even during normal activities around the house. Lately, I've noticed forgetfulness, a listed side effect. Am thinking about switching medications. However, all RLS meds seem to have the same side effects. I may go to Gabapentin Enacarbil, or Horizant."

Sinemet (carbidopa / levodopa) "I have Restless legs both at night and during the day. The Sinemet helps some at night, but doesn't last through the night. I can't take it during the day because it makes me sleepy and upsets my stomach. If I take it with food it doesn't work at all. I have a heart condition, so there are some medicines I can't take."

"I have had RLS since I was a child and before it had a name. I'm 66 now and have been taking the 25-100, carbidopa for 10 plus years. I started with a 1/4 table, but now up to full tablet and it's barely working. I can't imagine my life without it. After reading posts of others, I realize some of my experiences are also related, such as short term memory loss, (I was afraid I had beginning stages of Altzeimers. I have also found I can not even think about eating anything with sugar or lots of salt near bedtime. I wanted to share, since taking a full pill now, I have the most vivid and wonderful dreams. Bottom line, I couldn't imagine life without it. (Soap has NEVER worked for me)."

Sinemet (carbidopa / levodopa) "I have been using carbi now for several years and it is a great drug. But I have a problem in the summers. When it gets hot I start getting High Uric acid (gout). I would like to know if any one else has this problem. And if so what did you do. What did your Dr do? "

"I've been taking Ropinirole for RLS for several years, and it has worked well. Last year I started taking Sinemet 25/100 five times a day for Parkinson's, and, without knowing Sinemet was a treatment for RLS, I noticed that even if I didn't take Ropinirole some nights, I still didn't get restless legs. I started wondering if Sinemet was a treatment for RLS and just found out it is, although it doesn't work 100% of the time on its own."

"I've taken Sinemet for 15 years now for RLS. I've experienced no side effects. I actually take Mirapex at night which works well but find it wears off by the next afternoon. I take the Sinemet around lunchtime in order to carry me over until I take the Mirapex in the evening. The timing and combo work very well."

"In 2001, I was diagnosed with RLS while participating in an overnight Sleep Lab to determine if I had Sleep Apnea. Good News / Bad News: No Sleep Apnea / YES to RLS. My doctor prescribed carbidopa/levodopa 25mg tablets 1 to 3 tablets every night before going to bed. It's worked every night (I take 75 mg) and I've never had one issue with RLS. In 2011, I returned to the Sleep Lab and this time they discovered a mild case of Sleep apneoa, prescribed a CPAP machine, but did not find a trace of RLS . My wife could not be happier: NO more RLS and NO more snoring."

Sinemet (carbidopa / levodopa) "I am going on my 5th pregnancy with boy number 5. Around 9 weeks my legs were flopping around like a half-dead fish out of water that is what my legs looked like about every 30-40 seconds all day and night unless I was walking constantly. I begged my doctor to give me something, anything. She refused. I tried every natural remedy I could think of. She finally gave me sinomet at 25/100 mg dose half a pill and it worked wonders but I noticed after a few weeks of taking it wore off faster and then my legs became worse so my doctor has to keep increasing my dosage. I am 30 weeks now and at 2 pills a day. I take in half and quarter increments throughout the day to avoid the onset of the RLS. if taken properly it works great."

Sinemet (carbidopa / levodopa) "I have suffered with RLS for many years off and on and I was initially put on Sinemet and it really helps. Later on I had a very bad episode of RLS and they tried me on one of the newer RLS meds and it gave me bad GI upset so I went back on my Simemet and Gabapentin. Sinemet has always helped my RLS and I highly recommend it!"

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: dopaminergic antiparkinsonism agents

Patient resources

  • Carbidopa and levodopa drug information
  • Carbidopa and levodopa enteral
  • Carbidopa and levodopa () (Advanced Reading)
  • Carbidopa and levodopa (Oral) (Advanced Reading)
  • Carbidopa and Levodopa Extended-Release Capsules

Other brands

Sinemet, Rytary, Sinemet CR, Crexont, ... +3 more

Professional resources

  • Levodopa/Carbidopa monograph
  • Carbidopa and Levodopa (FDA)
  • Carbidopa and Levodopa ODT (FDA)
  • Carbidopa and Levodopa Tablets (FDA)

Other brands

Sinemet, Rytary, Sinemet CR, Crexont, ... +3 more

Related treatment guides

  • Parkinson's Disease
  • Restless Legs Syndrome
  • Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
  • GTP-CH Deficiency