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Generic Name: Propranolol for Migraine Prevention (propranolol)

Propranolol for Migraine Prevention Reviews

"The secret to this medication working with low to no side effects is taking a very low dose (5-10mg) consistently. I take 5mg once and occasionally twice a day for over 10 years now. Migraine reduced by 90% to live a normal life without all the side effects. I got taking high doses 10 years ago when I started with 80mg and was always tired, dizzy, weight gain, fluid accumulation in my feet, nightmares, insomnia, dry eyes, dry mouth, dehydration, hair loss/thinning, etc., wasn't worth it until I read a reviewer mentioned low dose."

"I have suffered from migraines for years! Aura, vertigo, confusion, I mean you name it. It would last for days sometimes. I've been to the hospital several times with debilitating migraines, I've had every test under the sun. BUT here's the kicker, I also suffer from anxiety and panic, and for years, I was terrified to try new medications. The only thing that would remotely help was naritriptan but that's obviously not good to continue taking. So I finally, after being suggested on multiple occasions, decided to try propranolol. Because I was so scared, I just started by taking 5 mg and for the first time in my entire life, I have been over 10 days without head pain. I'm still in shock. I literally cannot believe it. If you are someone who is scared to take medication like me, please give this medication a try because it has been life-changing for me. I rarely ever write reviews but I felt it was so important to share this because all of your reviews have helped me so so much."

"I've taken this drug propranolol for close to 2 years for chronic migraines, and it's just as good, if not better than Topamax, Gabapentin, Aimovig, and Amitriptyline. I've tried every possible migraine preventative, and this medication makes it possible for me to function. Without it, I experience daily headaches and full-blown migraines with vomiting, light and sound sensitivity, and inability to talk. Very few, if any, side effects. Highly recommend it if you don't want something as high risk as Topamax but as effective. It also helps with my anxiety greatly by reducing my heart rate and feels like the racing heartbeat isn't nearly as intense during anxiety attacks. HUGE thumbs up. I never let the prescription run out."

"I have been on APO-Propranolol for almost 2 months. I haven't had a migraine for 37 days! That is incredible. I have barely even had a headache. Just had a very mild headache on the weekend - took some aspirin and it was gone in minutes! It's such a relief. However, I have gained about 10 kilos. I'm exhausted all the time. Can't sleep properly anymore (I used to be a deep sleeper). My heart feels fluttery and I actually feel anxious and a little depressed. I have always been an upbeat, highly motivated happy person. I'm torn because the medicine is working to keep the migraines away, which is fantastic, but I feel fat and in a low, sad mood. Not sure what to do - whether to stay on them or not?"

"Went from getting migraines 3 times weekly (lasting 12 hrs), to less than 3 times yearly on the propranolol and I experienced zero side effects that I am aware of. Extremely life-changing as it pretty much alleviated this debilitating condition completely. Would recommend propranolol for Migraines"

Inderal (propranolol) "Started getting severe migraines regularly at about age 27. By 35, it was debilitating, and I would not have been able to hold down a job. Several bad migraines each month. Imitrex would help, and I could function if I caught it early enough, but sometimes would wake up with them. Tried a lot of things, and finally at about age 45, started on Inderal. Changed my life, and now practically never get them, although I do think that menopause might have helped as it did for my mother. Highly recommend this drug and just wish I had started on it earlier. My kids would have had a more fun and reliable Mom."

"I used to get extremely severe migraines which affected my life and also my family's as I needed to go to bed for 1-2 days, vomiting constantly. I started taking propranolol 10 years ago and have not had any migraines since. My quality of life is now 'normal' and I don't worry about ruining my family's life anymore. I have missed so many important days in the past due to migraines. This drug has literally changed my life!"

Inderal (propranolol) "Inderal is my miracle medication - No migraine headaches, no tremors, no feelings of anxiety. It's an 'old school' drug that's been around for many years. Even my doctor uses it! It's been proven to be relatively safe. Give it a try."

"After trying a ton of different medications and having no luck, my doctor finally decided to put me on propranolol. After trying so many meds with no luck, I didn't have much hope. I have been on this medication for 3 days now and I am ECSTATIC! I am taking 40mg twice a day (once in the morning and once at night). I used to wake up with headaches and go to bed with headaches and for these 3 days I have not had ANY pain! I usually have headaches at least 4-5 days a week and for me to wake up with no pain and go to bed with no pain feels so amazing. I didn't get any dizziness or any side effects at all so far. Although it's only been 3 days so far, I can tell it's made a huge difference already."

"Years and years of pain, misery, vomiting. Sometimes I thought I was dying. Ruined my life, work life, social life. Last migraine, went to hospital emergency, had to be given morphine as I was crying for hours in pain. My doctor then prescribed propranolol. It's been the best time ever in my adult life, it's just so fab to wake up pain-free. Yes, I'm dopey tired but rather that than that evil pain... good luck to us all on this... only us migraine sufferers can experience this relief of a medicine that actually works."

"I have been on propranolol since mid-January 2013. If I remember correctly, it began working within a few weeks. I am on 80mg (can't remember if I worked up to that or not, was in rehab at the time so not everything is crystal clear) and have found that my daily headaches have pretty much completely disappeared. I read that the normal dose is between 80 and 240mg, but I obviously want to be on as little as possible, especially considering possible side effects. But 80mg works for me. Rarely I get one and ibuprofen is enough to relieve it. This medicine was truly life-changing for me. I have had chronic headaches from the age of 9! Point being, if you are considering this medication to help prevent headaches, I highly recommend you try it."

"I had experienced stress-induced migraines from work for years... truly agonizing... Once I discovered beta-blockers, I studied them for quite a while, and over time I correlated the migraines to a surge of catecholamines resulting from stressors acting on the fight or flight response mechanism, which operates via catecholamine release in the brain. Bottom line, 20 - 40 mg a day has completely eradicated the migraines."

"My experience, while only 2 days so far, has been life-changing. I have had migraines for 16 years. Now at age 32, they seem to have only gotten progressively worse. I have resisted daily medication for many years, feeling that it would somehow mean that I've given in to my headaches and went against my idea of being a healthy, vibrant person. However, after recently having a migraine for 30 consecutive days, I realized that migraines had come to control me more than a daily medication ever could. Vacations, my career, my relationships were being threatened. The day I took propranolol, my 30-day migraine went away within just hours, and has since stayed away! I feel great! Side effects: drowsy, slightly spacey, serene, peaceful, tired."

"It's been a month since I started propranolol for my migraines. Before this, I had at least 2 migraines each month. They lasted three days, complete with light/sound sensitivity and nausea. I would frequently have 4+ migraines a month, especially if I was under a lot of stress. A month in, I have not had a single migraine. I've had some pressure in those typical (for me) migraine areas and even some slight light sensitivity, but no pain. So, my body is trying to have migraines and can't. I'll take it. I haven't noticed any major side effects, though I will say if I miss my morning dose, I can tell come afternoon. I feel sweaty and my heart gets sort of fluttery, like I'm having a severe bout of anxiety, which is not fun. I think I'm also benefiting from the anxiety applications of this medication. I am generally less tense in my shoulders and neck and feel more relaxed in my day. So far, I am extremely pleased with my experiences with propranolol."

"My doctor prescribed propranolol, explaining how he'd like to try to prevent the migraine in the first place, rather than treating it after it arrived. I explained I'd prefer that as well. Propranolol was prescribed, 1 tablet twice daily. After trying the 60 mg tablets for three months, I reported only having 6 migraines during that time period. He thereby increased the strength to 80 mg, and I currently experience an average of 2 migraines a year! And it's so inexpensive!"

Inderal (propranolol) "My neurologist had me try many different medications for migraines including Amitriptyline, Topamax, and Cymbalta. I was not comfortable with taking medications that are meant to help individuals with seizure disorders and depression. In addition, these medications did not stop the migraines and I experienced many side effects including nausea and decreased appetite. Then I tried Inderal, a low-dose medication used to lower blood pressure, paired with B2. My migraines are now fewer and less severe. I still keep Imitrex with me wherever I go to tackle a migraine, but I have found that Inderal was the most successful medication that I have tried. Just be sure to take it as recommended. I hope that it helps other migraine sufferers."

"I'm 51 and had regular headaches since a teen. Took birth control every day to avoid hormone migraine, but was having headaches every day. Took Maxalt, then read it leads to more headaches. Many drugs over the years, Dr. stuck with tension headache meds. 3 years ago, explained how Maxalt works for me almost immediately, but used every day. He said 'you are having vascular headaches' and prescribed propranolol. His mother took it, so it has been around a while. Changed my life, just wish I started 30 years ago. Don't give up trying this based on the side effects mentioned. I have none, it is worth at least trying."

Inderal (propranolol) "I started taking Inderal to help with migraines. I still get headaches almost daily, but they aren't migraine-quality and can be managed with Ibuprofen. Negatives: sleep disturbances, feet are ALWAYS freezing, and I'm experiencing frequent orthostatic hypotension. I had normal-to-low blood pressure when starting this med, so I don't think it's the right med for my body, since it lowers BP. I like not having migraines, but can't exercise or live life if I'm always dizzy and weak."

Inderal (propranolol) "After suffering with migraines for 30 years, Inderal gave me a pain-free life! It was the best I've ever felt! However, after several wonderful months, I began to get so dehydrated that it caused intense migraines and ER visits for rehydration. I had to stop taking it because of the dehydration side effect. Beware of dehydration while taking this drug."

"I have had migraines for the past 50 years. I have taken tons of painkillers. You can imagine how my daily life was ruined by the migraines. I was visiting my GP one day, recently complaining about palpitations which I suffered from for the past 2-3 months. He suggested propranolol 80 mg twice a day, and then the miracle started working! As soon as I started taking propranolol, both palpitations and migraines went away. So far, and I am hoping it will last forever as I read the other comments. I am going to give a present to my GP worth at least 1000 pounds if I am headache-free for a month. Fingers crossed."

"Put me on this for chronic daily headaches (some migraine, some not). It has been two weeks, and the headaches which I normally get in the morning are fleeting now and go away on their own, which they never did before. Start low and go slow advised, so I am taking 20mg a day that I divide up. I am very sensitive to medicines, the side effects for me are middle of the night insomnia, which I'm hoping to fix by taking less at night. Stomach upset, which it helps to take with food, and I increased my Prilosec dose. A little lethargic, dry eyes. Pros that I wasn't counting on is it has helped my TMJD. I feel much calmer during the day (have some Social Anxiety), and my overactive bladder is calmer too."

"I have been taking 80 mg of propranolol per day for about 5 years for migraine prevention and high blood pressure. It's an added bonus for me that it also treats anxiety. I've always had mild anxiety, and I blush very easily. I hardly get migraines now, and I do feel calmer, which is great since I had just begun to worry incessantly about my 3 kids, especially now that they are teenagers. In the beginning, it made me tired, but about 2 weeks later, I got used to it. I believe I also have a bigger appetite and have gained about 10 pounds, but to me, it is worth it! Hopefully, I can just stay on this drug for the rest of my life. My mom has been on beta blockers for more than 20 years and is doing well. I definitely recommend this drug for migraine prevention and anxiety."

Inderal (propranolol) "I found immense relief with Inderal, on just 10 mg every morning and night... It was like a miracle as preventative, and I also have found it dulls a migraine if one happens to break through by taking an extra one. I had been waking up with a bad headache/migraine every day, which lasted all day. Codeine was my only vague relief in mega doses. My only complaint is that since commencing Inderal, I have gained 10 kg, and no dieting seems to help! All this in only 12 months. The other side effects have been an increase in my allergy intolerance to certain foods, i.e., chocolate, and a heightened problem with low blood sugar. So, the doctor has just commenced me on Topamax instead, 25 mg every morning and night. Will report how this compares!"

"I am taking propranolol for hemiplegic migraine and anxiety, I am on 80 mg/day, and I feel more calm than ever. The migraine attacks happen less often, are less aggressive, and I can generally socialize normally. On the other hand, I feel depressed, tired, I lack energy to get up in the morning, although I was a very active person. I suffer from insomnia and don't feel like going out of the house anymore. I totally recommend it for extreme cases of migraine such as mine, but if I'd have regular migraine with aura, I'd rather have the attacks than the side effects of this."

"I have been taking Propranolol for many, many years. I was having migraine headaches so bad I could hardly function. After I started taking it, my headaches went away. I was so thankful. I did have side effects like losing my hair and being tired, but it was worth it to get rid of my headaches. To this day, I still haven't had any more migraines."

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: group II antiarrhythmics
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Propranolol drug information
  • Propranolol (Intravenous) (Advanced Reading)
  • Propranolol Injection
  • Propranolol Sustained-Release Capsules
  • Propranolol Tablets

Other brands

Inderal, Hemangeol, Inderal XL, InnoPran XL

Professional resources

  • Propranolol monograph
  • Propranolol (FDA)
  • Propranolol Injection (FDA)
  • Propranolol Oral Solution (FDA)
  • Propranolol Tablets (FDA)

Other brands

Inderal, Inderal LA, Hemangeol, Inderal XL, InnoPran XL

Related treatment guides

  • Anxiety
  • Akathisia
  • Aortic Stenosis
  • Angina