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Generic Name: Ezetimibe and Simvastatin

Brand Name: Vytorin

Vytorin Drug and Medication User Reviews

This is the only course that lowered my LDL without also lowering my HDL. I have come to this site because I have severe leg (thigh to toes) pain and severe leg cramps (thigh as well as calf), but I also have fibromyalgia, so cannot determine source of lower extremity problem(s). However, tonic water (not diet) has been VERY helpful in immediate relief from cramping, but no effect on pain. Have had great relief with homeopathic Arnica gel topped with DMSO (to have Arnica absorbed very quickly). ArniCare is brand of OTC Arnica; I get DMSO through Amazon. Would appreciate any method to distinguish which pains are due to fibromyalgia from those caused by Vytorin (but would not likely DC the Vytorin--just "curious"). Began Vytorin about 15 years ago; started arnica about 2 years ago.

Medicine has reduced my cholestrol level, however, I do have muscle problems with my legs. The muscle problem is minor most of the time.

Been taking it about 3 years, Zocor before that. Vytorin is lots more effective. Feel weakness and fog but attributed it to my age, 78. Might be a side effect. I'm OK with it. Going to try Simvistatin and Ezetimibe in separate tablets. Should get the same effect at less cost.

Vytorin has been very effective for me but I can no longer take the side effects. I was tired all the time, foggy headed and ached from head to toe, felt like a wrung out wash cloth. Leg cramps were the worst and my legs always seemed to want to crumble under me. It also seemed to affect my bladder because the feelings I was having have stopped since I stopped the medication. My doctor wanted me to stay on it but I just can't take it anymore.

I have been taking the 10/80mg Vytorin since March, 2008. Within 8 weeks after starting Vytorin, my overall cholesterol was at 129, my LDL's were 62,my HDL's were at 51, and triglycerides were 82. No other medication has ever brought it this low. After another 3 months, it was still low. In April, 2009, my cholesterol has crept up a little to 152, triglcerides 78, HDL' 58 and LDL's 78. It appears to be working for me for now. I have felt great, no noticeable side affects.

I have been on Vytorin for 3 months it lowered my cholesterol from 124 to 46

I have severe constipation and flushing of the neck and face that is very uncomfortable when using this drug. It works but the side effects are not fun.

I can't take the leg cramps any longer. I quit taking it last week.

Its effective for me, don't feel anyting bad and my legs feel good.

I have gone far with my Vytorin. Liptor didn't work, so doctors put me on Vytorin. Although I have muscle pain sometimes, it works for me.

Vytorin was able to get me to my goal! FDA posted a new update in January stating that Zetia is safe and other reports were not statistically accurate to report cases of cancer. I think it is Dr. Nissen trying to ruin Merck's reputation because of past conflicts of interest. I am glad there are newer drugs that don't give you the aching and soreness that a higher dose cholesterol agent may give you.

Looking for what side effects there are

i have had great luck with this drug and no side effects.

Although my cholestrol levels were lowered (lowest readings of my life) the side effects were horrible, muscle pain, profound weakness, mental "fog". I stopped the meds about 4mths ago, the pain and "fog" are gone but the weakness in my legs continues, though is starting to improve slightly. It wasn't till I was almost housebound by the side effects that my doctor suggested stopping the meds. Needless to say I am looking for a new doctor.

I have been having feelings of weakness in my legs as if they will crumble on me at any time. Also feel like I am in a fog. I have some pain on & off all over. Also stabbing pain in feet & cause leg to jump.

Treatment has been successful, but I saw on the national news that the component(Zetia) may cause cancer, so I stopped taking vytorin. What is your opinion?

worked extremely well in bringing down hdl and ldl counts, to good in fact. After three years, came down with two different cancers in 10 months, skin cancer on the face, and leukemia. Stopped the vytorin.