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Generic Name: OxyContin for Pain (oxycodone)

OxyContin for Pain Reviews

"Ahhhh, the dreaded drug...no matter what you call it, by whatever media-scare tactic out there, what isn't trumpeted are the success stories...why is that? Does something have to be 'negative' to garner press? And if so, why is that? My story: Two brain surgeries. Mammoth amounts of pain. I tried everything -- nothing lasted like this drug. It has allowed me to go back to work, to live my life, to be a father to my children. Forget the strange looks at the pharmacy...I'm alive!"

"OxyContin has helped me so much to live my life. I have no arms and only one leg from an IED when I was in Afghanistan. I suffer from phantom limb pain and numerous other problems, but I don't care because had I not gotten in the way of the blast, then a 2-year-old and 3-year-old would have died. So, I'm fine with how I look. OxyContin has made the pain bearable."

"To keep this within limits, I will not get detailed on the benefits of OxyContin. As you can read on other forums, it works. I take 80mg 3x a day and it works great. Been on it for 5 years now, and liver tests done last month were excellent. I am tired of the bad rap this medicine gets, though. There are even sites devoted to its removal by people who have lost loved ones who abused the drug. While I feel for these people, no one told anyone to abuse this wonderful drug. When taken properly, this medicine works excellent with little to no side effects. It is said that you become dependent on this medicine, but it is meant for long term, and a good doctor will bring you down properly. So, withdrawals should be minimal. This is a true wonder drug."

"After severely injuring my back while lifting a patient, herniating three discs, three failed back surgeries, and multiple ineffective pain relief measures, I finally accepted that I will need medication until a cure for spinal nerve damage is found. Using oxycodone means I can walk my dog, keep my house neat, enjoy life with my husband, and live life again. I am scrupulously careful about how much I take and keep them under lock and key for the safety of my grandchildren. With great care, this drug can give you your life back. However, if a person doesn't take very seriously the potential addiction properties, it can make a bad situation worse."

"For years, I suffered from severe back pain, and despite medical records from specialists, I was treated like a street-level drug abuser by at least 20 different doctors. I was past the end of my rope. Two years ago, I found a doctor who had compassion and put me on OxyContin, and now I actually have a very productive life!"

"I have been dealing with chronic back, neck, hip, knee, and both ankles pain for ten years now. I'm 48 yrs old. I've always worked until my body broke down. If it were not for the OxyContin, I would be bedridden and in a wheelchair. When taken appropriately, this is a miracle."

"I was recently prescribed this medication, and it has worked wonders for my pain. The only drawback is that many pharmacies in my area aren't carrying it because of its negative press, and I felt like I was being treated like I was a drug addict at each pharmacy I went to. Oh well."

"Works miracles for fibromyalgia. I don't ever want to experience the pain of a nerve attack without OxyContin ever again. I'm 19, so I can't just stay home and suffer and lounge around. I have a life to live, and if it weren't for OxyContin, I wouldn't be able to perform simple everyday tasks. I will say though it is much, much safer to stay with the lowest possible dose, which are the 10mg ones (I don't take generics so there are probably lower doses, I just don't know of them). If you use OxyContin in moderation and as prescribed, it is easy to control dependency. They also work great for rheumatoid arthritis. Hope this helps."

"I was on Oxycodone 5/325 for about two years, and my doctor switched me to 3 20 MG OC's a day. I have been taking them for about 6 months now, and I feel like a new person. I have Chronic Neurological lower back pain. This drug has changed my life. I am able to roll around the floor with my kids again and do many things I could not do in the past. Great drug, but very addicting. If you take this med, take it exactly as the doctor advises. Best pain med out there. I have been through them all."

"I suffer from degenerative disc disease. For years, I was unable to live a normal functioning life. My doctor had me taking 4/10mg Norcos & 4/30mg Morphine pills daily. While they gave me some relief, I was still in a great deal of pain and felt like I was taking pills all the time. I spoke to my doctor about my continuing pain and the constant pill-popping with minimal relief. She told me about OxyContin. She said that she didn't normally prescribe it and only had one other patient on it, but I could try it to see if it gave me any better relief. I take 3/40mg OxyContins daily now, and the difference in my life is amazing. I hate the way people treat me when they learn that I am taking Oxy. It works wonders, so get off our backs."

"With degenerative bone disease, my lumbar spine shows up 'black' in x-rays, and nobody will do another surgery on me. So I've been on everything under the sun since 1999, but they all made me too loopy. Then the wonder drug OxyContin was prescribed to me, and my life was given back. I could clean my house, play with my children, basically get off the couch, and out of my wheelchair. I can walk now, barely use my cane anymore. I am so sick of the bad press, the drug tests, etc."

"I am 58 years old. In my teens and early 20s, I played sports and have had numerous spine injuries. So far, I have had 5 spine surgeries, radiation for cancer. I have lived with constant pain that is unbelievable. My quality of life was poor, to say the least, although I have been very active in hunting and fishing despite the pain. This drug is a lifesaver. Any and every drug can be misused. The government has the doctor community afraid of their own shadows on this drug, but properly used for folks like me, it has no equal. My quality of life without this drug would be zero. Side effects are there but manageable. If you are living with severe pain, seek out a doctor that will prescribe this drug for you and monitor you for the side effects."

"I am so very pleased to read all of these reviews. I have been on OxyContin for just over a year. After one cervical and two lumbar fusions, my ortho doctor refused to prescribe anything stronger than Percocet. He referred me to the pain clinic, and I am so very lucky to have a knowledgeable doctor. Oprah had a show on prescription drug addicts today (my family all have issues with this medication). I would like to see someone brave enough to stand up for all of us in chronic pain that HAVE to take this medication to simply function. I take 60mg 2x a day and have felt guilty, that is until I happened upon these postings. Now I feel like I can ask my doctor to up my dose one more time so that I can get the full benefit of the medicine."

"I'm a chronic back pain sufferer who's endured extensive physical therapy, endless pain medicines, muscle relaxers, antiepileptic/antispasmodics, etc., before reluctantly undergoing surgery - Anterior lumbar fusion with posterior stabilization. Unfortunately, surgery failed to relieve the pain. OxyContin has been a life-saver for me (80 mg 2/daily Percocet 10/325 for breakthrough pain) - Nothing short of miraculous in its ability to allow me to perform daily tasks I was unable to perform previously."

"I lived in torture for years after back and neck surgery failed. Like a fool, I refused to take narcotic medicine until I started studying their intrinsic effects on people. For the past 4 years, I've been taking OxyContin, now 320 mg/day, and I can only thank God for these little green miracles. I've never felt 'high' on them. I take them to function, PERIOD."

"I have been on every ER pain medicine except for methadone. OxyContin is changing my life drastically for the better. I can now walk longer distances, help around the house, play with the kids and much, much more. In short, this medicine is a life changer. I switched from fentanyl which always made me tired and grumpy. God bless my patient wife. I have a new life and I'm so grateful!"

"I have been taking the extended-release tablets of OxyContin for degenerative spine disease for about 1 1/2 years. I had been through so many different pills, therapy, surgeries, etc. I actually got my life back. I was able to do my housework, do some (limited) activities with my child and most of all work. I am only 47 and cannot believe my life has become a continuous back issue. If it weren't for this medication, I would be on disability. I too, am tired of the bad rap people get for being prescribed this medication. The stigma associated with this medication is horrific. It is embarrassing enough that I have this disease and have to rely on medication, but it keeps me productive in society. I refuse to go on disability."

"I have suffered from rheumatoid arthritis for 30 years. I have been through all the NSAID drugs, Celebrex, Methotrexate injections, gold shots, Aspirin in mega doses. I finally found a Doctor who understood. He prescribed OxyContin 40mg 3 times a day for my pain. I still have pain, but it is livable. I am on disability, and am also able to hold a part-time job. I don't struggle to do simple things like take a shower or do the dishes. This medicine has changed my life."

"I see so many people here rating this medicine as a lifesaver, and especially thankful because it allows them to play with their kids. It's the same for me. I still have a very low quality of life and spend a lot of time in bed, but without it, I would barely be human."

"I have suffered from a double fusion on my lumbar spine since 2006. I have tried every known pain medicine in the book with no success until the doctor prescribed the last and only medicine that actually worked, OxyContin."

"I have been in pain for 3 years and Oxycodone has been a lifesaver. I take 3 x 40s and 3 x 30 IR a day, and I can get up and live my life as best as I can. I still have pain, but these have made it better to live. I hate how everyone looks down on this medication that my doctor has helped me with. Thank goodness for doctors who help."

"I have suffered RLS since about 5 years of age. Now 78. Nothing would stop it - neurologists tried all usual medication, pergolide, clonazepam, etc. Then saw new GP in 60s who also suffered badly and he had in desperation tried OxyContin with great relief. Suggested I tried one 10 mg tablet before going to bed or when traveling as a passenger in a car - this was intolerable. Found tablet worked like magic and although reliant on it still take the same 10 mg but one tablet first thing in the morning and one prior to going to bed - about 1 hour before. Found it does not always work at night so I can be up until 3 am walking the floor nearly going insane as pain in legs is so bad. However, 90% of the time I do get incredible benefit."

"I'm 19 years old and have been suffering from severe testicular and groin pain for the past 5 months, due to a sports injury. It prevented me from doing the things I had previously loved doing. I couldn't go back to school, and I'd be in bed all day. But now that my pain doctor has put me on OxyContin 20 mg twice a day, I feel like I'm getting my life back. This medication keeps my pain at bay. Before, I'd be going through an average of 8/10 pain every day, but OxyContin miraculously brings it down to a 2-3! I really mean it when I say OxyContin is a Godsend for a male who's going through testicular pain caused by numerous problems. Best of all, it doesn't make me tired, so I can properly function throughout the day!"

"I played football in college and took a severe hit in the back. I now have 4 bulging discs and 2 deteriorating discs in my spine. The doctors gave me OxyContin right away knowing the pain I was in. That was 4 years ago and today I take (2) 80mg, (1) 40mg, and (8) Percocet 10/325's daily. Last summer I was able to run a 5K race. OxyContin has given me back what was stolen from me in college. I am 90% pain free and have no regrets about being on this drug. I can't recall ever having any side effects."

"Have had leg/hip pain for over a year now. My doctor finally put me on OxyContin, and it works fantastic, however, I am concerned about the problem of becoming dependent on this medication. This should not be a long-term medication."

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  • Drug class: Opioids (narcotic analgesics)
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

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  • Oxycontin drug information

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Roxicodone, Xtampza ER, Oxaydo, OxyIR, ... +7 more

Professional resources

  • OxyContin prescribing information
  • Oxycodone (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Roxicodone, Xtampza ER, Oxaydo, RoxyBond

Related treatment guides

  • Chronic Pain
  • Pain