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Generic Name: Claritin-D (loratadine-pseudoephedrine)

Claritin-D Reviews

For Nasal Congestion "As an industrial insulation specialist, I have spent the last 6 years of my life suffering from chronic sinusitis, constant fatigue, pressure in sinuses and behind my eyes, ear infections, sinus infections, colds in all seasons. After extensive doctor visits and lots and lots of medical bills, I finally ran into an amazing doctor in the E.R. My sinuses had taken me on a turn for the worst, constant blurry vision, headaches, sinus pressure and pain, pain in ears, dry throat, disorientation, pain at the base of my skull, and constant fatigue. This doctor turned me on to Claritin-D. I have felt like a brand new person ever since. I am loving life again and living to the fullest. Thank you so much for changing my life, Claritin-D."

For Allergic Rhinitis "On its effectiveness, I rate it a 10 because it will completely eradicate all your allergy symptoms. However, the undesirable side effects lower the rating to a 3. It will keep you up all night long. It also made me jittery and nervous, as if I'd drank a dozen cups of coffee."

For Nasal Congestion "Claritin-D did help my nasal congestion, but the side effects I experienced just weren't worth it. It made me nervous, jittery, and caused extreme insomnia. I did notice that my nasal congestion improved, but I can't tolerate the side effects."

For Nasal Congestion "Definitely cleared up my nasal congestion, but totally not worth it due to the side effects. I took it around 9 this morning. It is now past midnight, and I'm still feeling it. All day I have been jittery, anxious, irritable, and had terrible dry mouth. I'm exhausted right now, but I can't sleep. Wish I read these reviews before taking!!!"

For Allergic Rhinitis "Amazing at clearing up symptoms. However, I took this at around 10 a.m. with a coffee and was up all night. It’s 24 hours later, and I’m still wide awake and jittery, even after popping a Valium around 2 a.m. I already have sleep/anxiety issues, so no more Claritin-D for me. The nice thing is my house is spotless after going into some kind of manic cleaning mode while hopped up on Claritin-D."

For Nasal Congestion "I have used Claritin-D 24 for 5 years. I used to get sinusitis all the time. It was so bad, I usually missed 2-3 weeks of work per year. I was tested for allergies, but was allergic to nothing they tested for. I used to take it only seasonally, but as soon as I stopped, I would get sick again. Now I take it every day and am very nervous if the pharmacy runs out. I do experience a few side effects, but have learned to manage them. For instance, I do not take it if I can't take it before 10 a.m., otherwise, it causes insomnia. I also have dry mouth, but have increased my water intake to 8 glasses per day (good for me). I have experienced joint pain in the last few years, but determined it was due to plantar fasciitis. It's changed my life."

For Nasal Congestion "I literally have tried every home remedy and allergy medicine out there. Until I tried Walgreens generic Claritin-D for nasal congestion and allergies, way cheaper, and you get the same results. I had nasal congestion, fever/headaches, itchy throat, and earaches. After one dose, I felt like a new person. I truly recommend this product to anyone suffering from the same symptoms I had... :-)"

For Nasal Congestion "I use Claritin-D for my seasonal allergies. I started again this May. After taking it for a week, I have noticed my heartbeats faster than normal (100s now from 60s) and my blood pressure went up from 110s systolic and 70s diastolic to 140s/90s with headaches. So, I was thinking what's going on with me. I started salad and no salt diet for a week now (lost 5 pounds and feel good), increased my cardio to 45-60 mins 4 times a week, cut sodium intake, but my blood pressure stays high. I started reading about Claritin-D, and BOOM. This is what is causing my blood pressure to rise up! Today, I stopped using it. Sticking to the plain Zyrtec."

For Nasal Congestion "Definitely helps with nasal allergy symptoms but the side effects are not worth it. Thankful to googling & finding this site because I thought I'ld have to take myself to the ER. Jittery, rapid heartbeat, anxiety either from Claritin or from worrying about the jittery uneasy feelings. Thanks to everyone who has shared here. I think I'll just suffer my allergy symptoms naturally."

For Nasal Congestion "Doctors gave this medicine to me thinking I had an allergy. I thought it was a cold. I did not have any runny nose, itchy eyes, or anything as mentioned on the label of the box. I took Claritin-D 12 hrs when I felt I got congestion in the nasal passage and felt like mucus was passing through the passage between my nose and throat all the time and got different side effects all the time. This time I had severe side effects like starting to feel feverish, my heart was pounding faster, felt extremely weak; then I read about the side effects on this website."

For Nasal Congestion "During the winter, I have a lot of trouble breathing because of the dry heaters. Blowing my nose is often not an option. Claritin-D clears up the passages and allows me to breathe freely. I feel more alert and experience no side effects. I use the 12-hour pills no more than once a day."

For Allergic Rhinitis "I took the Claritin-D pill at 3pm and right now it’s 5:29 am..... I cannot fall asleep! Feeling anxious, even trying to force my sleep I can’t, Took a sleeping aid and nothing, I feel like my breathing cuts off.. also i took the 24hr one.. BAD IDEA! I read people here took the 12 hr and can’t sleep... I guess I’ll be like this for 3 days, . If you have allergies or congestion just buy the reg ones not the D! And use saline spray for the nose."

For Nasal Congestion "Have had lifelong issues if Allergies and Sinus Congestion/Infections. This is the first thing that has worked. Only use the 12 hr formula taken early in the morning. 24 hr didn't allow me to sleep well. Noticed a higher heart rate/jittery feelings for abt the first two weeks, then my body got use to it. This med has improved my health and allowed me to stop taking multiple meds that could not provide the relief that taking one Claritin D has."

For Nasal Congestion "This medicine is great. I was diagnosed with sinusitis and could not breathe at all through my nose. After taking Claritin D, what a difference. I could breathe again and finally could get a good night's sleep. It does give me dry mouth, so I just drink more water."

For Allergic Rhinitis "I have suffered from sinus allergies for at least five years. Just recently, fluid behind my eardrum made me dizzy. After five days of taking this, no sinus, no allergies, and no dizziness. Been to ENT, been to allergist, and used their high-dollar medicines, none really helped. This, on the 5th day, is the best day I have had in a long, long, long time. Great medicine, just hope it keeps on working. So far, no side effects."

For Nasal Congestion "Clears up allergies like a charm but side effects are no joke. Jittery, trouble sleeping, massive anxiety, I couldn't sit still went on a cleaning binge for hours on end though lol. Woke up next day drained still feeling some side effects. Scary drug."

For Nasal Congestion "I'm 18 I have a severe sore throat to the point of my tonsils becoming inflamed and to add to that my ears started to hurt! So, I took Claritin D and I understand this is a decongestant so my ears were better but my throat was more dry (that's the side affect I found out later) and I'm up all night! was in bed from 10pm- 4am and now I have a 7 o clock flight great never again!!!"

For Nasal Congestion "I took Claritin D this morning because of severe nasal congestion, it was relieved after few hours but the side effects is not good, I can't sleep. I am so tired and want to rest but I am still wide awake until 1am. How I wish, I read the reviews first before taking it..so no more Claritin D...I will go back to Allegra."

For Allergic Rhinitis "Definitely clears up the congestion and allergy symptoms which is why I'm giving it a 2. The side effects however, are terrible. It makes me so jittery and unable to sleep, it's not worth taking. It took me a few times to make the connection but now I know it's the Claritan D."

For Nasal Congestion "Claritin D 24 hour works well for sinus issues. However the side effects that I experienced supercedes the effectiveness of the drug; decreased urinary stream, cloudy urine, straining to push out urine from bladder, Insomnia, headache, increased heart rate. All symptoms lasted approx 24 hours. Inconvenient to purchase, have to show drivers license as I found out its the main ingredient is used to make crystal meth."

For Allergic Rhinitis "AWFUL. Immediately after I took it I felt nauseous, an extreme sadness, dizzy and anxious. A few hours later my mood went back up but then I became jittery and had insomnia. Didn’t get a single hour of sleep. I DO NOT recommend."

For Nasal Congestion "This product worked well for my post nasal drip. But I felt extreme pressure in my sinuses, especially in my ears. I had terrible dry mouth which created a horrible sore throat. Not to mention I took it at night and I got terrible insomnia. I felt jittery and just absolutely horrible. I wish I read these reviews before taking it! No more Claritin D for me. Stick with the regular Claritin."

For Allergic Rhinitis "I took Claritin-D about five pm. At 11 pm I went to bed but my heart was racing, I was jittery, and absolutely wide awake. My mouth was so dry it was uncomfortable. Watched the sunrise. Was still jittery, irritable, and anxious throughout the entire next day. It was about nine pm (so over 24 hours later) that I started feeling back to normal. Absolutely horrible. If I hadn’t read the other comments on this site I would have probably gone to the ER. Will never pseudoephedrine again take again."

For Nasal Congestion "Super effective! I have been using it as needed for about three years now; however, tonight is the first night that it has ever kept me awake. I mean literally wide awake, cleaning my house at 3AM awake. Definitely worth it and clears up congestion instantly, but taking it in the late afternoon was a huge mistake!"

For Nasal Congestion "I started having allergies about two years ago during the spring and I never took any medications for it. I have two cats, and during this time of year my eyes get red and "poofy", the back of my throat itches badly, I have phlegm when I cough, and my nose is always congested, itchy and runs at the same time. When I sneeze I have to blow my nose about ten times to get all the mucus out. I started taking Claritin about 3 weeks ago, and immediately I noticed no red and itchy dry eyes and my throat is relaxed but I still had my crazy nasal congestion, itchy and runny nose. About a week ago I bought Claritin-D 24 hour dose, and I am amazed. I am able to breath again - through my nose. I highly recommend this medicine."

More about Claritin-D (loratadine / pseudoephedrine)

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: upper respiratory combinations

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Other brands

Loratadine-D 24 Hour, Alavert D-12 Hour Allergy and Sinus, Loratadine-D 12 Hour, Allergy & Congestion Relief, ... +2 more

Professional resources

Other brands

Alavert D-12 Hour Allergy and Sinus

Other formulations

  • Claritin

Related treatment guides

  • Nasal Congestion
  • Allergic Rhinitis