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Generic Name: ciprofloxacin HCl

Brand Name: ProQuin XR oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

My father is in a wheelchair. For those of you with handicapped family and friends, you know how difficult urinary tract infections can be. Ciprofloxin was a major break through for UTI's. Unfortunately, paralyzed men and women have trouble holding their bowel movements due to the "dumping" effect of cipro releasing directly into the gut. Although not widely promoted just know that Proquin XR has truly changed my father's life. Instead of being hospitalized once a year due to a UTI, he can now take Proquin XR and continue on with his normal daily life/work etc. Proquin XR basically allows the body to metabolize more of the medication and this in turn makes the medication more efficacious. In layman's terms, it works faster and more effectively. If you have digestive issues due to cipro or any antibiotic, you seriously need to try this medication. It has not only helped my father but has made my family's life much easier.