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Generic Name: leuprolide (4 month)

Brand Name: Lupron Depot (4 month) intramuscular

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Hot flashes every hour, night sweats almost unbearable, gaining weight about 1.5 lbs per week (even on diet). Tried Effexor for hot flashes -- it worked but the side effects were worse than the hot flashes. Will likely not have another Lupron injection -- will try using only Casodex + Avodart.

Have Been using lupron for 15 years, and psa is less than 0.1

Hot flashes, Night sweats, tired, & trouble sleeping. First dose (4 month shot) was Mar. 21, 2014, second was July 21

Many, many side effects such as headache, muscle aches and pain, depression, suicidal ideation, no energy, fatigue, exhaution, decreased strength, mind fog and nocturia

works well but must deal with hot flashes throughout the day...just carry a handkerchief and catch a breeze

PSA 25, Gleeson 7 Had 6 month shot one month before starting radiation. PSA after 42 treatments 0.14- PSA one month later and before 2nd 6 month shot 0.12 today. It did seem to turn me into a somewhat grumpy moss covered rock with no patience, stamina, some hot flashes and seems like dozens of other side effects but it was evened out by lack of interest and memory about bad things that faded quickly. Can't really confirm that it is helping but just consider it as my personal little stealth fighter. Mine is considered a presumptive disease caused by Agent Orange due to service in Viet Nam and is usually more aggressive.

Night sweat's tired all the time and bad shortness of breath

Impotence,increased bone pain ,extreme mood swings, Night swets,along with sleeplessness only positive is my Psa is lower after 2nd treatment.

I too am having severe muscle pain and joints pain such as the finger joints. I am tired all the time but I keep moving, and I do not stop throughout the day. I hate getting out of bed because my body is so sore and painful stiffness has set in the joints. I just had my second four month shot, and I have unwelcome hot flashes and just currently experiencing some GI issues. I was always very sexually active, and that flew out the door real fast, and it has me very upset about the situation. My first five weeks on the Lupron showed only a few side affects such as hot flashes; then all heck broke lose! I am told that I will be on Lupron for a total of 18 months in combination of 45 radiation treatments. I am concerned about the residual chemical still in my system when it is compounded with the next shot. In essence, I have to wait and see as this stuff seems not to hit me until the first several weeks pass; then it's game on... :-(

The hot flashes are a serious nuisance, but better than the alternative of no treatment.

Hot flashes; heavy sweats, day and night; complete loss of libido; ED; sudden weight gain - developed "man boobs"; must continue treatment for the rest of your life.

Been on for over a year. Lost sexual desire, hot flashes, weight gain, PSA down after 1st 4 month shot and 44 radiation treatments from 21+ to 3. Tired, headaches and other pain. Mood swings and depression.

went from getting up 10 times at night to only once and several slept through 6 hrs.

I just received my first injection on 8-11-11 and also started casodex 50mg the same day.

My experience with this medicine has been horrific to say the least. But according to my insurance company I had to try certain things before they would say okay, a histerectomy is obvious since the patient has had no success. I am 3 shots in, due for my 4th on the 16th which i will not be taking. My Dr has me set up for a 6 month shot therapy. I was hospitalized 6/6/11 due to severe right flank pain , nausea, migraines. My pain was so severe that it had become unbearable. Well here it is the 11th & have been diagnosed with IBS, erosive gastritis, & these shots threw my body into menapause. They're hoping I'll be able to go home tomorrow. I've been on a liquid diet because when I would eat within 10-15 minutes everything I ate would come right back up. So I have to be able to eat so I can go home. They're taking me off the Lupron shots & now I have IBS to deal with for the rest of my life. I'm not necessarily wanting to have surgery, I just want to my happy go lucky positive self, be 'me' again. I haven't felt like me for a few months. It has been by the grace of God himself that I made it as far as I have dealing with all this pain & misery. It will also be by the grace of God himself that I will overcome this with the help of my doctors to keep me from living with the pain of endometriosis.

I've taken these injections 4 times in the past. In June 2010 my PSA was 0.2; went down to 0.1 after 4 months; went down to non-readable after 4 months; went up to 0.2 again this month (June 2011). Originally, prior to treatment of radiation (about 12 years ago), my PSA was 9.6.

My Gleason 6 & 7 (2 spots in prostate) but told I had early malignancy. This one 4 month inj. did lower my PSA from 1.7 to .06, however, I felt tired after the 2nd month. When I finally started checking my BP during those times, my Blood pressure was tanking. This happened several times during each day, going from 81/52 to 72/44, 60/40, 62/43, 71/46 and then back to near 107/68 which is still not normal for me (133/80). Webb MD mentions abnormally low BP as rare side effect, however, we could not find a doctor who had ever heard of hypotension as a side effect. I am dizzy, blurred vision, weak/faint during these episodes. It has restricted my activities totally. When I do anything that requires stooping/bending I have an episode. Has anyone else checked their BP during their weak/fainting episodes? Could be low BP. How long does lupron stay in the system as I am 6 months past the one injection and still having Low BP, hot flashes, blurred vision, tiredness dizziness, etc? There was a Heart Attack/stroke warning added by the FDA last October. I wonder what caused that to be added at such a late date.

Had severe endometriosis-pain was excruciating. First month on depot lupron pain was almost gone....the second and third months the pain was gone but the side effects were quite uncomfortable..much better than the endometriosis but still bad. Hot flashes lasting about 10 minutes where I felt dizzy and my chest felt heavy...and the worst was sleeplessness

I received first injection 4 days ago

my husband had prostate removed 1993 and is now 72 years old. he had stage 4 cancer. since taking the lupron injections he has had some unexplained episodes of intermitant head pain (shooting shocks he calls them) that last from an hour to a day. he also began having seriously high fevers, 103-104, and non responsiveness that got him to the ER several times. does this sound familiar to anyone else? we need help.