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Generic Name: Paliperidone

Brand Name: Invega

Invega Drug and Medication User Reviews

This shot is the worst at giving you a kind of depression. I think it’s safe to say for me that I exchanged one illness for another. I had voices. Now I have full blown depression and anxiety like crazy. Am glad I’m getting off it. It is terrible.

This drug completely cured my paranoid delusions and psychotic behavior. My parents are now able to live with me. It has not helped my lack of motivation at all. I sleep 12-15 hours a day and want to eat all the time. I gained 80 pounds in the first 2 years on Invegga. High prolactin levels (50) mean no semen. And I am really anxious most of the time, not sure if that is the Invegga or just me. I also get dizzy when I stand up a lot.

My 29 y.o. Bipolar autistic Son was on Invega for 4 years, 3mg to 6mg. It was the only drug that worked for his severe mania and anger issues. It was a dream come true until it stopped working. Now he’s ballistic, tried several drugs that make him crazy angry/manic (Geodon, Vraylar, Seroquel). He’s an ultra-rapid metabolizer(did the GeneSights Cheek swab test) and not a lot of drugs to choose from for that. Trying Risperdal with Trileptal right now, not much better. Had to call 911 due to attacking me last summer over nothing. Invega has a long half life and takes forever to come off of. I wish there was another drug this good to alternate with because if I can’t find a drug that works and eventually put him back on this, I already know nothing else works and will be dreading the day that it stops working again.

This is a fairly-trustable drug. Will 3.8 out of 5 help yr mood. Been a great,faithful drug for seven years!!

Murder drug, sucks the life out of you, makes you abstinent and made me crash my truck. Gotta hate it. Northern human services in Conway NH forced me to take this. Can we turn Atiphychotics into placebos already like what the heck. Names benjamin John Gaudreault

Invega is one of the worst drugs on the market. It makes me feal lazy and worthless taking this drug. Don't buy into the other reviews on web md most of those are paid spokespersons for the drug. If you really want to control your schizophrenia stay away from doctors period. Go to the gym, exercise and eat healthy is the only thing that ever worked for me.

Keeps my voices from racing. Go to rx. Com for Kroger coupons only 112. 00...

Invega has taken away what little ability to function I have left. I can't think in a linear fashion. I can't focus long enough to study, to read, or even completely watch a 20 minute video. I'm more depressed than I have been in a long time.

I have gained 65lbs, have high cholesterol, extremely high triglycerides, high liver enzymes, high blood pressure, high Prolactin, and prediabetes all because of Invega. In 2 1/2 years I was never told about my blood work nor was I refered to my primary care physician until I was at "very high risk of a stroke or heart attack at any moment". I filed a complaint with Janssen, the manufacturer, and the FDA for a bad and dangerous drug.

It is probably really good as an impacting drug to fastly cope with mania. Non the less I hope not to take it any longer. I really dislike most side effects related to prolactin (even if it is what it makes it effective?).

This medication gave me two strokes. Dr. Joshua Simon of MHC health care is the prescriber.

I have been on this medication for a week, after coming off of risperdal due to 40 lb weight gain in 2 months. I feel slight weight gain with Invaga 3mg and am experiencing suffocation feelings as I sleep. Not sure I'll continue this medication much longer.

Great to stop delusional thoughts/psychosis...But I gained 80 pounds in 6 months of the shot. I'd stopped taking the pill before and lost 40 pounds before, so I know it is the Invega. I look forward to trying something else. Bad knees/back I can hardly walk...but great for the mood besides that!

I wouldn't wish this drug on my worst nightmare. Pretty sure it destroyed my ability to have orgasms and gave me severe anxiety -uncontrolled movements, etc. Only when I stopped taking the drug and it had a chance to exit my system did this TERRIBLE anxiety subside! I feel like my brain has been re-wired, having zero interest in sex, or possibly even being able to reach climax impossible. Yes it did help with hallucinations, but NOT WORTH IT IN MY BOOK!

It calms my moods, relativizes thoughts importance. However it makes me sleep 12 hrs a day and causes vivid dreams also makes you gain weight. I experienced lower back pain incapacity of remembering words. In the bonus side it calms your mind and doesnt let you fly away with thoughts.

This medicine is actually a terrible thing if your taking this stop its not helping you at all your being told it does so your mind rationalizes what your body is injesting much like a tylennol but in all actuality its absolutely frightening if your taking this medicine it actually means you've likely pissed life off and now life wants you "corrected" or dead whichever happens first i was taking this medicine by court order because my mom had me evaluated after i made one mistake with the law i know right talking about wierd ass parents i havent been in trouble with the law sense.... in fact im in college and going to school to be nurse however this medicine at low dosage has no effect at the higher dosages which they can prescribe 21 mg think on this if they can prescribe it someone is taking it.... however when i took 21mg i wound up losing control of all functions of my body if this drug can shutdown your body functions temporarily in one dose what is it doing to your body over type this "medicine" is actually injesting "death" if death is your thing go for it if its not stop immediately while going to nursing school you learn about compounds if you compound this dosage over time you will be increasing your chance of alzheimers cronus and the ability to use your ligaments TRUST ME IF YOUR ON THIS STOP and the guy who diagnosed this to you is likely just using you as a test subject for this tablet prescription it is not fully tested in anyway

My main complaint about this medicine is the weight gain.Other than that it is a good medicine

I decided to try and this is the results.Medicine causes weight gain, rapid heart beat, sexual dysfunction, this medicine is crap

Where to start , works okay. Side effects are weight gain, and sensitivity to hot weather.

I was diagnosed with "schizophrenia" at the age of 35, so quite late. Invega (6mg) makes the voices in my head completely disappear or preventing them. Besides, bizarre delusions, like equipment that can read your mind, are eliminated. Taking Invega gives you a calm mind, thoughts don't ramble. Furthermore angry feelings are decreased. Because of the gradually and continuous release of the medicine (new release system), one doesn't feel a drug boost - drugged. Now the side-effects : I need more sleep, sleep longer. I feel tired, less fit. Taking Invega for the first time might give you nightmares. And you might drool when you get higher doses. Sometimes a light headache can occur more frequently. When you stop with Invega (or Risperdal) I experienced a little bit of strange movements with tongue/mouth/jaws. This stopped after a few months. And I think I got heartburn (reflux problems) from it. Invega is very effective diminishing the positive symptoms. But I'm not sure about it, when it comes to negative symptoms. Invega makes me lazy, and less motivated - indifferent. I'm not sure about the following fact, but I think it's true : Risperdal gave me a bit of depersonalized feeling (increased it) - like there was a (virtual glass) barrier between me and the outside world ("cloud" in my head). Invega, resembles Risperdal, but didn't gave me that depersonalization / derealization feeling at all!! I don't feel completely OK yet, but for now Invega provides me with the means to manage my life quite well, without help from other people. 3 mg Invega as maintenance dose is still quite effective. I still long for a complete recovery, although extremely rare when one has schizophrenia.