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Generic Name: MethylPREDNISolone Dose Pack (methylprednisolone)

MethylPREDNISolone Dose Pack Reviews

For Inflammatory Conditions "If I could give this drug negative stars, I would. I had the worst insomnia and loss of appetite for 2 weeks. I slept maybe 1-3 hours a night. I could not eat, I had to force myself. The heart palpitations and racing heart rate lasted MONTHS and were unbearable. I had burning sensations in my head, chest, and other parts of my body for months. I was red for months. I became paranoid. I had never felt this way before in my life. This is truly a terrible drug for me. Doctors dismissed it as being due to the pandemic we are currently going through, but I knew that wasn't it. I diagnosed myself through research and found many others who have gone through the same thing as I did. I feel doctors need to be more educated about the terrible side effects of this drug, and they need to make patients aware. This drug ruined my life for a long time."

For Inflammatory Conditions "I have three herniated discs in the lower back and a pinched nerve which left me unable to do things for myself. Even standing and walking was impossible. Within hours, it helped with the pain, and in a couple of days, I can walk again."

For Inflammatory Conditions "I was prescribed this medication for a suspected pinched nerve(s) in my back. I was suffering enough symptoms to send me to the ER. I am only on day 2 of 6, and although I feel a bit amped up, my symptoms have already gotten better. I will cross my fingers that this does the trick. I'm thankful it's only a 6-day course."

For Gout, Acute "At 43, I started to get acute gout attacks in my feet and ankle. I ended up in the emergency room twice in 1 month when I started on Allopurinol. They gave me an injection of Toradol, and an hour or so later, the swelling was gone, and I was able to sleep and function. Attacks continued for months and lasted at least a week. Indomethacin, Colchicine, & Naproxen have ZERO impact on the reduction of the inflammation. Last night, I decided I cannot take another $700 bill to the ER and did a Teladoc session covered by insurance. The doc prescribed MethylPREDNISolone, and within 2 hours, I was able to get to sleep. This morning, I woke up after 6 hours of sleep feeling like my foot is 95% back to normal. I am planning on working out this afternoon. While this is great to be pain-free, it is not figuring out the root cause of the problem. I am looking at the gut biome in my research and believe after looking at many studies, I may have an imbalance in the helpful bacteria inside my body."

For Inflammatory Conditions "After three days on this medication, I literally got my life and sanity back. My pain was not allowing me to stand, sit, lie, sleep... Not sure I can take long term, but great relief until my surgery date."

For Gout, Acute "Works quickly to relieve pain. Rarely need full dosage to completely relieve pain. Have tried shots, indomethacin, Celebrex, Etodolac (severe reaction). This works best, have used for over 10 years now. Use only upon attack."

For Inflammatory Conditions "Two years ago, I was diagnosed with reactive arthritis likely caused by an allergic reaction to the antibiotic ciprofloxacin. I had severe pain in my wrist, shoulders, and gluteus. I am allergic to aspirin and all anti-inflammatory medications. My rheumatologist gave me an injection of methylprednisolone. Within eight hours, I was pain-free. However, within a week or so, the pain returned. I then started taking 10 mg daily, which was very helpful for a year. I reduced my dosage to 4 mg every other day for about 10 months. I stopped taking it on May 5, 2016. I still have wrist pain, but it is bearable. I have had no apparent side effects during or after taking the drug. Note: An every-other-day dose is recommended in the PDR, which I followed for the last year."

For Inflammatory Conditions "Got a bee sting, so prescribed this. Day one of MethylPREDNISolone and only have taken 4 of the six prescribed for day one. Every time I take the required dosage, I experience heart palpitations that go away in a short time. Not comfortable with the reaction. Will stop taking meds and have notified my PCP."

For Inflammatory Conditions "I have pudendal nerve pain, and methylprednisolone works amazingly for it. Best thing out there. A little jittery at first, but manageable. I am very sensitive to so many meds and can barely take anything. This works so well. A godsend. I was at my wits' end when Doc let me have this. I was able to work without pain and feel like myself. Unlike other meds that barely work and make you feel like you are on another planet."

For Inflammatory Conditions "I injured my hip, which caused severe pain, apparently hip bursitis. Narcotics didn’t help, and neither did Motrin. The doctor prescribed a 4 mg dose pack, and I started feeling better that day. Wish I had this when I fractured my back."

For Gout, Acute "I usually wait to take this drug in the hope that the gout pain will pass. I always regret not taking it right away. You feel relief in a couple of hours, and I have never had a side effect or stomach upset. For me, it works great. Sometimes though, the day after I take the last pill, my toe knuckle swells up again. I wait again to restart the dose."

For Gout, Acute "My first experience with gout. Woke up with left foot pain, thought I got a spider bite while I slept. Quickly worsened, where walking was very difficult. Called a foot and ankle specialist who got me in that day. He identified the condition as gout and prescribed MethylPREDNISolone Tablets 4 mg dose pack. Instructed to take the initial dose at once with my dinner meal. The pain, swelling, and discomfort subsided quickly, and by the next morning, little discomfort remained. Completed the course of medication over the six days, but the condition was resolved in two days. This medication worked very well for me."

For Osteoarthritis "Been on med for only 3 days, and there is a noticeable decrease in the amount of pain and swelling I had prior to taking this med. I could barely walk after having an arthritic flare-up in my knee. By the second day of taking this med, the pain decreased greatly, and I was able to walk. I still had some pain, but not nearly as bad as it was. I still have 3 days to go. I'm hoping for even better news!"

For Allergic Rhinitis "This medication seems to help when I am having an extreme allergy attack. My doctor prescribed this to help with a bad sinus infection I had, and it worked well. I was feeling much better after the first day of pills."

For Neuralgia "I have taken this medicine twice in my life. Five years ago for bursitis in my hip. Worked like a charm. Pain and misery gone! It takes a day or two to get used to the medicine. I have a very sensitive system and can't take a lot of pills. Now, five years later, taking it for pudendal nerve pain and it's working on that. I'm on day five. Doctors have tried me on amitriptyline, gabapentin, and then asked me to try Lyrica and Cymbalta. I asked my uro-gyne to try this med, and she said it wouldn't help me. So I asked the pain management doctor to try this, and he said, 'No one has given you this yet?' acting shocked and then wrote the script immediately. Amitriptyline made me feel like I was having a full-blown heart attack, so that was a no-go after one pill. Gabapentin puts you on planet Pluto and just feels like a band-aid that's not actually trying to heal at all. Said no way to Lyrica and Cymbalta. I think methylprednisolone has been a godsend. Really helping nerve/inflammation and still feeling like myself."

For Inflammatory Conditions "I had not been stung by a wasp in 28 years, and then within a week got stung twice. The first time, I did not go to the doctor for 24 hours and got a cortisone shot and had a lot of swelling, itching, and burning. Six days later, got stung again and this time my hand swelled and burned, and I went to the doctor right away. I got a 6-day dose pack and was instructed to take the first day's dose all at once, then follow instructions for the remaining 5 days. About an hour after taking the medication, the itching and burning quit and by morning there was no swelling or pain. Now I have to keep an EpiPen with me."

For Inflammatory Conditions "To address knee pain, my doctor prescribed several rounds of physical therapy. The last physical therapist seemed to get to the root cause of the pain, and after showing significant improvement, I was discharged. Two weeks later, my knee was too swollen to move. I went to urgent care and was diagnosed with arthritis in my knee. The doc prescribed this dose pack, and after day 1, I thought it was a miracle drug. The pain was gone. The swelling was gone. However, by day two or three, I was bloated. By day five, hints of pain were returning. The day after my last dose, the knee pain fully returned. The relief was great but short-lived."

For Inflammatory Conditions "Have had surgery on my shoulder twice and my neck all over 11-12 months been dealing with pain about 2 -5 yrs before getting worst up till surgery and then after I go to PT for 6 months after each surgery and each time the pain comes back as bad as before was put on dose pac and it has helped twice pain management Doctor doesn't want to put me on a daily dose. Up till not pain meds really don't help at all Tylenol #3 helps a little. My pain has gotten to the point left neck ,shoulder and left arm the pain is to the point it takes my breath away (take me to my knees) muscle spasms in my neck till no end. Took the dose pack seemed to help was able to get out of the house only lasted about 5 days."

For Gout, Acute "Fantastic. After the first three doses of the first day of six pills I could tell pain has subsided. After 24 hours and six pills from the first day waking up it was about 80% better less pain, inflammation, and redness had gone down immensely. If it worked that good on the first day the next five days it should be completely gone very soon. I would certainly recommend this skip this a 10 out of 10"

For Inflammatory Conditions "The first day, I didn't sleep well. On day two, I started to have a lot less pain in my leg and foot. Today is day four, and happy to say that the meds have given me lots of relief! This is much more convenient than getting pain injections, although I'm not sure how often I can take them, yet & not sure how long the effects will last. If you have chronic pain, I highly recommend this medication."

For Asthma "If you have any breathing issues, this could save your life I promise! Miracle drug and not a narcotic so idk why they don't prescribe it when its desperately needed. I will say be cautious of side effects short term-jittery long term- bloating but for a life without oxygen is worth it. LITERALLY SAVED MY LIFE, GIVE IT A COUPLE DAYS"

For Inflammatory Conditions "Taken twice over the last 7 weeks post-knee replacement surgery. After 6 weeks back at work at a desk for 8 hours, my good leg, lower back hurt so bad, and my replaced knee had pain and swelling from the knee to my foot. Works immediately! Worked the entire time I was on it for 6 days. Then, pain returns. Can't take long term, so I'm not sure how to relief it any other way. OT said exercise but I can hardly stand up straight much less work out."

"I was prescribed this to go along with an antibiotic for a bad case of bronchitis and the beginning of a sinus infection. It made it much easier to breathe and made my flu-like body aches go away within a day of taking it! I felt so much better! As for side effects, I suffer from panic disorder, and taking this medication did make the physical symptoms of that intermittently worse. I experienced shortness of breath, a few heart palpitations, and felt jittery after taking each pill. As long as I took a small amount of my anxiety medication, I was fine. One very unexpected side effect was a striking increase in my libido. I normally have a very low sex drive. I felt like I was a teenager while on this. I wish I could take this every day."

For Inflammatory Conditions "Prescribed today, 7/23/24, for shoulder pain for 3 weeks. I took the 6 pills today, and I can't believe I'm not feeling any pain. How can that be so quick? I have 4 more days to take the medication, but I'm wide awake at 1 a.m."

For Inflammatory Conditions "I had a small cut under my left eye around my birthday (Dec 10th) which then progressed into a full blown swollen eye, it was so bad that I was up all night crying. And not mostly because people stared at me, or didn't want to get "infected" by being too close. My initial diagnosis was celulitis and that was an infection so I was not prescribed this medication yet. It kept getting worse, and soon spread to the other eye. I went to the Ophthalmologist and me gave me a steroidal eye cream after re-diagosing me with Contact dermatitis. It was hell for 3 full weeks. I went back to the doctor, this is now going on 2 months. She gave me this medication and in 1 day I could notice a difference. BUT the pills taste AWFUL like chewing aspirin."

More about MethylPREDNISolone Dose Pack (methylprednisolone)

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: glucocorticoids
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

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  • MethylPREDNISolone Dose Pack drug information

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Medrol, Medrol Dosepak, Solu-Medrol, Depo-Medrol, ... +2 more

Professional resources

  • Methylprednisolone monograph
  • Methylprednisolone Tablets (FDA)

Other brands

Medrol, Solu-Medrol, Depo-Medrol

Related treatment guides

  • Allergic Rhinitis
  • Asthma
  • Adrenogenital Syndrome
  • Asthma, Maintenance