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Generic Name: Alosetron for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (alosetron)

Alosetron for Irritable Bowel Syndrome Reviews

"I was waiting until I had been on this for a few months to leave a review. This drug has been great (so far so good don't want to jinx myself). It does take some time to get used to and find the correct dose. Don't give up. I took a small dose at first then worried I was getting C and stopped then started then felt like I needed more...but after a few months my schedule seems to be a half of a .05 mg tablet every other day. I also go to the bathroom every third day. I was never a once a day person so every third is ok. I do keep a calendar and write down my dose taken and when I have a BM so I'm not getting C or I'd skip a days pill. Drink plenty of water, watch that you still aren't eating a high fat greasy diet all the time. Try it!"

"I can not get insurance or use the discount cards because I am a male. My doctors said that they now are seeing great results on men with IBS. If anyone knows anything that will allow me to reduce the cost from $1200 a month please let me know I would love to try this drug to help with IBS...any information would be appreciated."

"I have taken Alosetron for 6 months for IBS, was working ok depending on food, etc. Yesterday I was in the restroom many times with bad constipation, after which I had severe diarrhea...I don’t understand how I can work like this...I am taking .5 twice/day"

"Man, I feel like we need a support group for those of us suffering from IBS...and having chronic diarrhea makes life miserable, the stress, the misery, the isolation, the frustration...argh! I too, like many of you, tried a many different remedies and consulted a GI doc, who after trying some other meds, recommended this one! It does seem to be the only one to STOP the chronic diarrhea, thank the LORD! You do have to make adjustments so as to not get too constipated, like more fiber, or taking the medication every other day, etc. BUT it's worth it!! It seems having the gall bladder out was the catalyst for increasing GI problems over the years."

"I was on this years ago and it worked. I felt like my condition was getting better. Now I need it again but is would cost me $1,500 a month for the prescription. Why did it get so expensive. I am not living in poverty but I cannot afford that."

"The only issue I have with the medication is that now I have a hard time going to the bathroom. Not really constipation, but difficulty having bowel movements. But on the other hand...... I now don't have severe abdominal pain and running to the BR 6 and 7 times in a day, nausea, and not being able to leave my home on bad days. The trade off is worth it."

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  • Reviews (31)
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  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: serotoninergic neuroenteric modulators
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Alosetron drug information
  • Alosetron (Advanced Reading)

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Professional resources

  • Alosetron monograph
  • Alosetron (FDA)

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Related treatment guides

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Diarrhea
  • Diarrhea, Chronic
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Diarrhea