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Generic Name: Xanax XR for Panic Disorder (alprazolam)

Xanax XR for Panic Disorder Reviews

"Makes me very sleepy, which is hard to deal with, but worth it not being paralyzed from the flight or fight all day and night. Also want to say shame on the ones of you for talking about the horror stories of withdrawal, that it is so bad for you and benzos ruin your life. Your horror stories stopped me from taking the med when I got it, which made me suffer longer. Withdrawal DOES not happen to everyone. Did you ever think about the fact that some people can't take antidepressants or other options? Some of us have to rely on therapy and benzos. Don't go scaring the people who clearly need the medicine. Please, just take the med if prescribed and get a doctor you trust. I cried and refused treatment I needed because of what some people have written. Rated lower right now because I haven't found the right dose yet."

"I absolutely love this generic alternative to regular Xanax because I can attest to previously having urges and cravings to take more when I was on regular than I ever do for Xanax XR. SOO thankful for this drug, one of those XR formulations actually turned out to be useful in deterring abuse and misuse. I would recommend this 10x over than any other benzodiazepines currently available on the market for anxiety. This drug has changed my life and it doesn't negatively impact it, nor do I find myself running out early. I actually have more than needed at the time my medication was due for refill."

"I’m a proud United States Veteran, unfortunately I suffer from several mental illnesses due to service-related issues. Panic disorder with agoraphobia being the worst and most debilitating one for me. I have been on almost every SSRI, SNRI, MAOI, TCA’s, Beta blockers, and antipsychotics. With nothing working but benzodiazepines! I have been on Klonopin, Valium, Ativan, and Xanax. They all work well but Xanax ER, out of the Benzo family, works best in my opinion. I was recently put on Xanax XR instead of Xanax IR and it works amazing for me! It lasts throughout the whole day nice and steady, and I’m not even thinking about the next dose. Words can't describe how much it has changed my life in this past month. I take 1mg twice a day!"

"I use alprazolam ER. Have been on some form of benzo for panic issues 20-30 years. Xanax worked best. Problem was with its relief time, # of hours it would work before needing to take another. I think the main issue was with my system's ability to notice the absence of fear because the medication would give me comfort by inebriation, feeling intoxicated. Which is fine for some people, but my system began needing more. Stopping would magnify my fear, bring on withdrawal, make life beyond miserable. I was given Xanax ER, and my fear almost disappeared without intoxicating me; wish I could describe it more precisely. All I know is I do not feel like my fear is being replaced by 2-3 pints of lager. It is gone almost always without having to increase medication. Pretty amazing for someone who has medication issues."

"Started Xanax XR 1 mg about 10 years ago. I took it on and off for GAD. Then increased to 1 mg plus 0.5 mg if needed. Due to extended release, my doctor kept telling me that it is not an addictive drug. Rubbish. Also, tapering off is a problem because you can only do 0.5 mg at a time. So now, after cancer and death in the family, I had to stay on it for anxiety. New doctor (psychiatrist) after 10 plus years. First word out of his mouth: I don't like prescribing Xanax XR that much. Great. Plus, appointments are with telemedicine, which stinks. The drug works, but definitely dependence and tolerance. Any feedback would be nice."

"I've had severe panic attacks for most of my life. At first, I began with 0.25mg of regular Xanax (IR) as needed, but found that I would feel it wear off. I now take 0.5mg of Xanax XR every morning, and it has been a complete life-changer. I also struggle with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, and Xanax XR has also helped lessen the symptoms of both of those as well, which I was not expecting. Xanax XR completely helps the racing thoughts, helps me stay in the moment, and overall helps me feel calm and at ease."

"I was on 0.5 mg (1/2 mg) 2x daily of regular Xanax for 15 years for panic attacks and anxiety disorder. It worked wonderfully, and I had a very good quality of life with it. Suddenly, last month, my psychiatrist of 20 years decided he no longer likes to prescribe regular Xanax anymore. Well, I had a very bad anxiety relapse when he prescribed me Xanax Extended Release 1 mg one time per day instead. It was horrible! It felt like I didn't even take my Xanax, and I had waves of normalcy mixed with horrendous rolling anxiety and intermittent panic attacks daily and nightly. What I didn't know was that it was only giving me 0.25 mg at a time 4 times per day. Well, I was used to the 1/2 of a mg 2 times per day, which was much stronger. People with anxiety or panic disorder notice every subtle detail and bodily change, so I started panicking when I felt like they weren't working. My anticipatory anxiety shot through the roof, and I felt panicked for the past month. It has been a roller coaster ride!"

"Over 40 years with panic disorder, bipolar II, PTSD, the only drug that worked was Zyprexa, which caused 80 extra lbs., so the doctor discontinued it. I continued with Zoloft and Depakote and 0.5 mg Xanax 2-3 times a day. Two years ago, I was pulled off the Depakote due to liver issues. My Xanax 0.5 mg IR intake went up and up and still felt panic. A new doctor prescribed 2 mg XR, and wow, it changed my life. I take it twice a day, never craving it like the IR. I just get up and go about my day! Honestly, I’ve used it all, and Xanax XR has calmed my anxiety and evened out my moods. Sometimes I forget to take the second dose. It’s so nice not to be up and down all day fighting anxiety, panic, and dread! It’s not a high for me, never has been, I just feel normal and do more writing, going out, etc., than I’ve done in years. I honestly did not see this coming, but this drug has given me a whole new lease on life and life possibilities."

"I have been on and off Xanax since its release in the '80s. Two years ago, I attempted to wean myself off. My reasoning was that 0.25mg twice a day was too much and I was still panicking. After 3 days, I had a full panic attack. I took 1/2 of a Xanax and called my MD. He said that he did not know what to do. I called a psychiatrist. I continued on the 0.25 mg twice a day. I continued to be panicking and paranoid. He prescribed Xanax 0.5mg XR in the morning and 1mg XR at bedtime. I feel so much better. I continue to worry about withdrawals, but having to take two pills a day is no big deal if you have ever had an attack. I also did not try to hide the fact from people I thought would find me flawed for taking Xanax. This was freeing."

"I took Xanax for over thirty years, and it worked great for my anxiety and depression. I had one problem with it, I took another med that I should've used, and there were extreme side effects. I asked for Xanax IR, and the doctor wouldn't prescribe it, but after trying different meds that failed, I was put on the XR, and I am doing well after two months. I just filled another Rx for XR, and I am glad it works for about eight to twelve hours. I take two 3 mg twice a day, and I wouldn't switch for any other med on the market. As another person posted, I forget to take the second dose."

"When big pharma came out with XR, my life has really changed. I'm no longer anticipating my next dose, as a matter of fact, I've forgotten to take my dose and been fine, just waited until the next dose was required. I recommend anyone on regular Xanax to ask their doctor to change them to XR just to see if it's easier and less worrisome about the next dose."

"This was the first medication I was prescribed for anxiety, panic attacks, post-traumatic stress disorder, and a few other problems I had going on at the same time. I started taking 1mg once per day, then 1mg twice per day... this worked well for quite a while. Then I changed to 2mg once per day and after several months went to 2mg twice per day. I took this for about 4 years total and had no nightmares, seldom had racing thoughts, the panic attacks stopped pretty much altogether after the first week or two, and this also kept the general anxiety at bay as well. The only problem was that if you have no insurance or discount card it's very expensive! I had to go to 10mg valium 3 times daily at 1/3 the cost, but wish I could still afford the XR's because they work well!"

"I used to live with severe panic attacks and overall was always full of anxiety. This medication works so well that I feel very normal again. The nightmares, shaking, nausea, panicking, sweaty and restless feeling, and anxiety all stopped. I highly recommend this medication for people who genuinely need a benzodiazepine to regulate the central nervous system. Make sure you don't abruptly stop taking them though, as you will feel extremely ill! Do keep your doctor informed of any side effects. They are pretty mild, however, they can cause weight gain and lower sex drive."

"Xanax XR (2 mg every morning) has controlled my anxiety and panic attacks since 2008. One of the SSRIs I tried worked (Zoloft), but the side effects were unacceptable. The XR does not have those side effects and keeps working at a constant dose, though I occasionally need 0.5 mg Xanax PRN. Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy and Mindfulness Meditation have helped, too, but they are not enough."

"I was taking Xanax XR 1 mg for panic disorder. I was having them so bad and couldn’t do my job, lost my job, lost my family, and had to completely start over. The Xanax helped my panic attacks about 93%, and I just had to tough out the rest. I took the medication for 2 months with a beta blocker. I had to take a DOT (Department of Transportation) drug urine test, so I dropped the medication like a hat. Completely stopped taking it! Oh my, you talking about miserable! Not only was my anxiety so much worse, I was having constant panic attacks, extreme chest pains, couldn’t breathe, feeling lightheaded, and muscles twitching. It was awful. After four days of it, I took a 1 mg XR Xanax last night, and I feel so much better. It truly helps with panic disorder. I take it exactly like the doctor says. No more or no less."

"In my opinion, this medicine has saved my life. It keeps me calm and relaxed. It has been my miracle drug. I never knew life could be this good again. I try not to remember the life I had before taking Xanax."

"I am a very anxious person. I am diagnosed with panic disorder, which has had an extreme impact on my quality of life. I have been on various benzos throughout the years, namely Xanax for about 5 years. I used to take 4 mg a day and then went down to 3 mg a day for the past year due to circumstances outside of my control. I recently discussed with my Dr. how my anxiety has been consuming me and how I think I need to be back on 2 mg twice a day. She wanted me to try 1 mg of Xanax XR (slow release) a day in addition to the regular 3 mg I take. I find little to no relief with the Xanax XR. If I take it in conjunction with 1 mg of regular release, it helps better, but I shouldn't have to do that. So now next month, I have to talk to her yet again. I'm a first-time mom, and all I want is to live life without anxiety dictating my every thought. Anyone have a similar experience?"

"I used to take Klonopin 1 mg once or twice a day as needed, but it would stress me out because I was always trying to figure out if my anxiety was bad enough to need it (I have OCD and general anxiety disorder), so a lot of times I really should have taken it but I didn't, which resulted in way more anxiety for me. My psychiatrist changed me to Xanax XR 1 mg to take each morning to help me with that, which worked better but didn't feel quite strong enough. So after that month, she increased it to Xanax XR 2 mg each morning instead, and it's been wonderful. I'm much less anxious, and I used to be so anxious constantly that life was just miserable for me."

"I take 0.5 mg every morning for almost the past 5 years. I use this in conjunction with Lexapro and Trazodone. After being a long-time sufferer of anxiety, which then resulted in depression, I finally sought help. My doc prescribed the Xanax XR, and it worked immediately. Within days, I felt good again. I was told that the Lexapro took about 6 weeks to work, which it did, and I even felt better. Taking the Lexapro, I think, has helped me not to increase the dosage of the XR, which has helped me with my maintenance. The Trazodone ensures my full night of sleep. Although I don't like having to take all these meds, my life has improved significantly."

"Switched from xanax 2mg 1/2 to one tab 2x daily (AN for anxiety, PTSD, panic disorder) to Xanax xr 1mg twice daily with .5 xanax once daily AN for panic. The only thing Xanax Xr did was give me waves of relief, along with waves of anxiety also. Went through my xanax script quicker as it helped greatly compared to XR & needed less. Alprazolam is meant for short acting Anxiety relief. XR is marketing scheme, cost 26$ comp. to 0$ for xanax(w/ ins) Clonazepam,or Diazepam is much more suited for longer acting benzos that help with anxiety. Xanax XR makes it more difficult to stop using & get addicted much easier,than safely taking your regular xanax, as can break em apart, if you feel you need less one day, one week, you can wean yourself easier"

"I started seeing a psychiatrist about 2 weeks ago, and since I have been on Xanax XR 1 mg every day. Before that, my primary care doctor had me on 0.5 mg and only taking half to one a day. At some point, I had to start asking for more and explaining that I needed to take one at least twice a day because I was having multiple panic attacks every day with every symptom of those you can possibly have. My life was miserable until Xanax XR came along. I take it at noon as it seems I am okay until then, and it wears off about 8 pm-ish. I know I have only been taking it a couple of weeks, but it's been a lifesaver for me. I feel normal again...for myself at least."

"I've been taking Xanax for 7 years. Been taking Xanax XR for the past 2 years. It's great. Before I started taking the XR, I was taking 2 mg bars 2 or 3 times a day and would start to have panic attacks after taking one in about 5 hours and would always wake up around 4:30-5:00 AM in severe panic, heart pounding, shaking uncontrollably, vision distorted, sweating, and totally paranoid. After taking the 3 mg Xanax XR once in the morning, all that stopped."

"This has been very effective at helping me control panic disorder with agoraphobia. I am on 2 mg 2 times a day and have been for 5 months or so. I have not found it to be a panacea; I still have occasional attacks that require the intervention of regular alprazolam 0.5 mg, but, in general, this medication has been helpful in evening out my feelings of anxiety throughout the course of a typical day and certainly helps to eliminate some of the rebound anxiety that comes with the use of regular alprazolam."

"Been on so many med Paxil buspirone Zoloft ‘ lexapro welbroten and five others with such bad side affects. Was taking Xanax er 0.5 in the morning then another in the afternoon still a little anxiety with no side effects. I called the new doctor being I moved to and she don’t want me on Xanax. I am not a Guinea pig ! So if I have to will travel to see my old doctor if I have to"

"These Xanax XR time release tablets are extraordinary at controlling panic and anxiety without feeling intoxicated. The best I have tried, resolved issues I had with Xanax IR (immediate release) and valium ! Also helps me sleep great. No side affects I have noticed."

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Other brands

Alprazolam Intensol, Niravam

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  • Xanax XR prescribing information
  • Alprazolam (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Alprazolam Intensol, Niravam

Other formulations

  • Xanax

Related treatment guides

  • Panic Disorder