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Generic Name: Pancrelipase Delayed Release Capsules

Brand Name: Zenpep

Zenpep Drug and Medication User Reviews

i had pancreatic cancer in 1992 these Zenpep medican has been a blesion. i am going on 81 years old. they work if you take them with meals and snacks

They do not manufacture a dosage that I am taking (12,000 3x/day) so I am taking 8 pills 3,000mg. I do not understand why my doctor cannot prescribe a dosage that is available to take only 2 pills 3x/day but taking 8 pills is a bit much.

It has improved my condition, but still have same problems. Hard for me to remember to take them sometime, still not use to taking meds all during the day.

have taken it for 3 years weight has stayed pretty good was down to a 118lbs before then found what was wrong now weight 140 to 150 lbs.

prescribed zenpep for low pancreatic enzymes that doc thought may contribute to diarrhea even though I was diagnosed with microscopic colitis The diarrhea quick worsened and became very watery and quite a bit more frequent than it had been. It went from 2-3x/day to 7-8 times/day also had abdominal cramping. Stopped taking after 1 day. Cramps are gone but diarrhea continues to be watery, 4 days later

I have been taking this medication for two months for chronic pancreatitis and haven't exhibited any positive results. I am taking it in the hopes of gaining weight, but I haven't gained an ounce. Will keep taking it to see if anything changes.

My hands ache taking this medication. Is that a side effect?

Not hav an official diagnosis yet but my doc prescribed these for me and they r helping greatly. I hav symptoms of extreme nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, pain in right side travels to the back, fatigue and short of breath after eating also pains throughout stomach like in intestines and get sharp pains. still undergoing tests. Gallbladder gone several yrs ago but if I still had it I'd say it's it! Actually didn't get this I'll when that went bad but very simular.

I was diganosed with Chronic Pancreanitits and Was hospitalized in June of 2010 and Nearly died from this horrible disease! I have taken Zenpep every since and it works lovely! I recently had the TP/IAT done at Baylor of Dallas which I had my pancreas removed and the islet cells were transplanted into my Liver which I still have to be on these ensymes but to me the Zenpep is so much better then the other enzyme Creon.

I was diagnosed with acute pancreatitis stemming from pseudocysts. It resulted in me having surgery due to the fact that one of 2 cysts were aggravating the main vein flowing through abdomen. I had spleen removed and part of my pancreas. I was taking zenpep about a month before surgery and still 6 months later am taking it. From my experience, it has done its job as I am able to eat low in fat content as well as higher fat foods once in a while. No side effects (knock on wood) so far and I would recommend. It is very pricey, with insurance, it still cost me $200 for 4 bottles of 200 pills each bottle. Costly, but worth no pain and good health.

has not stopped fatty diahrrea after pancreas removal.

i still have pain in abdmoen

my husband was just diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis and since he has had to take this medication it seems to work for him but it is very hard to get. my husband has no insurance and this medication costs over $80 for 100 pills. he is suposed to take 4 pills 4 times a day. we can't afford this. if anyone has any suggestions on how to get help with this i would greatly appreciate it.

My diagnsis was acute pancreatitis and acute gastrtis,with pancreat cyst/pseudocyst.also a blockage of a gall stone.I had the gall bladder removed,but I was still very sick.My MD said my stomach and pancreat and part of my liver and kidneys look like some poured battery acid all over my organs.I stayed in the hospital for two months.I could only have Ice chips,he said I had to let my pancreatis rest.I started taking Zenpep DR 10,000 units capsules 3 times a day with food or snack.it really help me with breaking down what ever I ate,which was not much.Zenpep has worked for me, I did not have any side effects from it,I am waiting now for my new CT scan report.I am in hopes that this time we can see some inprovement.I have never been so sick in my life.I am on mostly liguid diet.I stay very weak all the time,as of now I have lost almost 100 pds.I recumend Zenpep, for it has really helped me thru this illness.best wishes to all who have this illness.