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Generic Name: Paricalcitol Tablets

Brand Name: Zemplar

Zemplar Drug and Medication User Reviews

This medication has done wonders for me. I previously had trouble with Vitamin D deficiency and renal issues. Because of the Vitamin D not absorbing the Zemplar has helped that process.

PTH level went from 245 to 65.

i feel fussy headed, diarrhea, more depressed

Horrible drug! Face swelling, lowered blood pressure, abdomen swelling, hand swelling, excessive snoring at night, aches, pains, eyes tear, nose runs. Major swelling becuase of lowered blood pressure (am a dialysis patient). Trying to discuss with my doc and get me off of this crap!

Works fine, sometimes forget when to take it.

Started med 2 x week, then after 3 mons prescribed 1 everyother day. Swelling in legs/ankels, fatigue, BP low, dizziness, diarrea on next day taken. Not sure want to continue med Will discuss with doctor.

Have been on for over 6 months and my intact pth are now in a normal range. It's very difficult though, to find an OTC vitamin without vitamin D. Any suggestions?

i developed hives when itook it every day

I have been taken this drud since May 2009 and my bloodtests have not changed. I am not sure if it works. Very expensive with little result in my opinion.

I really don't know how this medication will work on me. I have only taken 5 capsules so far. I am just concerned if this will interact with my diabetes medication and insulin

I'm not sure if I am having a adverse reaction from it or not. My doctor prescribed me to take 2 pills Tues. and Fri. morning?

I have Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) and my vitamin D level went down as it does with CKD. One doctor prescribed Zemplar at a very high cost to improve my vitamin D level. I looked up the drug and didn't like the cost or side effects, so I saw my GP and he agfreed that I could substitute regular vitamin D (D3) for the zemplar. After looking at my lab results we setled on 3- 400 i.u. pills daily, which brought my D level up to exactly the right amount. Many precribed medications have safer alternatives such as Omega-3 in place of Plavix and so on. Check with your doctor, but learn everything you can and don't depend on an unknown doctor to know enough. Remember, 100,000 deaths in hospitals are attributed to medical errors. Good Luck.

Originally started with 3xweek and because of recent kidney blood tests have been up'd to once every day. I am in hopes this will help my next blood tests.

Have been taking it about a month.

Too expensive ($232.00 for 30 pills)