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Generic Name: Paroxetine Capsules 7.5 mg

Brand Name: Brisdelle

Brisdelle Drug and Medication User Reviews

I had some side effects with Brisdelle, but it did help curb the hot flashes. Hormone replacement worked better for me due to insomnia, hot flashes and vaginal dryness.

Prescribed to me for hot flashes and it was great for a while but hot flashes came back and at times with a vengence. Also, gained about 10 pounds because I cannot get going to exercise. Feel wiped out in the morning and no motivation to exercise. Great for my moods though. Stopped taking as directed by OB and within 2 days started having dizziness and muscle spasms in my head. Now taking something for THAT. No more Brisdelle - great for moods but not much else long term.

This medication has been a life saver! I was having severe hot flashes/night sweats at night, every 45 minutes to an hour. Severe lack of sleep. My Dr. said it would take 6 to 8 weeks to become effective and it did take 6.5 weeks for it to give me relief. She gave me a mile sleep aid to help with the first 8 weeks until the Brisdelle became effective. So glad I got on this medication! I didn't want to go the hormone path as the night sweats/hot flashes were my only symptoms. I have a good experience with this medication and definitely recommend it. Just keeping in mind that it did take several weeks (over 6) for it to become effective.

Huge relief from hot flashes. Just stopped Combipatch on which I had gained 10 pounds, which was initially effective but that stopped after a year. Chose to go the non hormone route and am thankful. I had the worst munchies on Combipatch and found out that the progesterone is the culprit. Since stopping Combipatch and starting Brisdell my appetite is back to normal, actually decreased. Woohoo! Hot flashes hugely minimized, mood stabilized, hoping for the best :) Good luck!

Been taking this med for about a month and my hot flashes almost seem worst (1 an hour) and I am very agitated. Will review again after I have been in it for a while? Hoping for relief

Taking this med for close to a year and its been great= all menopause symptoms have subsided- greatful

I just started taking this medication. I've had only 3 doses as of this post. I cannot take medications with hormones due to a past issue with pre-cancerous breast cells. I had a total hysterectomy 3-years ago and the hot flashes became more intense. I noticed an immediate change after one dose. I slept soundly without hot flashes. I have not noticed any changes other except that I'm "not flashing." I exercise regularly and drink tons of water. It's still early. I'll report back after a full month.

I've taken brisdelle for two years this fall. I had severe hot flashes and sleep disturbances. As in I never slept. Within the first week of taking this I saw improvement. I had some pretty severe nausea which subsided after several weeks. I rarely have hot flashes anymore, but I have had a forty pound weight gain, but that's probably due to quitting smoking at about the same time I started this medication.

Took for 3 1/2 weeks. The whole time had more hot flashes than ever at 67 years old. Other side effects also. Scared me.

Used it for 3 1/2 weeks. Had more hot flashes taking brisdelle than not taking it. Was miserable the whole time with side affects too.

I only took the medication for a month. While it did stop the hot flashes (and no weight gain), it made me extremely anxious, irritated all of the time, and almost aggressive. When I discovered it's a low dose of Paxil, I stopped it immediately.

I first took this medication about two years ago and it helped my hot flashes for a few months, then they started again and I stopped taking it. My hot flashes were so bad at night that I began taking it again a month ago but now they have returned, plus all I want to do is sleep and I've lost interest in many things. I am going to stop taking it again and try to control flashes with a healthier diet. In addition, they've make it so difficult to get the pills out of the individual packaging.

My hot flashes disappeared within the first week of taking it; i was able to sleep thru. the night. Brisdelle helps me w/my anxiety and mild depression. I take the pill 5 hours before bed time and so i have no problem to get up in the morning to go to work. I feel tired w/this med but i keep up my exercise; so far my weight stays the same. I am on my third month and will continue taking Brisdelle.

Packaging is horrible.

I have been taking this for 7 months. At first it worked great in reducing hot flashes and night sweats. But they have been getting worse again. Since I have been on it I had many days of feeling lethargic and tired, unmotivated, etc. Since hot flashes are returning I am stopping it. Hopefully will not experience bad withdrawal symptoms as some have described here. First day off of it I have felt better!

When I first stated using Brisdelle I thought it was the greatest thing ever. However, I immediately started gaining weight. I use this medication for 3 months and gain 12 pounds. I stopped taking it primarily because of the weight gain but also because it gave me a terrible "hangover" every morning. It would take me until noon some days to fully wake up. I felt disconnected. After stopping Brisdelle, I experienced dizziness and nausea. It took a full month to get over this medication. I would not recommend it to anyone.

I had terrible night sweats, having to change 2-3 times per night and averaging 4 hours sleep per night. After taking Brisdelle for 6 weeks my night sweats improved significantly. Now having taken it for 6 months they have dramatically improved. As have my moods, much more even and not so many swings or intense emotions. I highly recommend this drug. It can be costly and a friend of mine is achieving the same results with Paxil 10mg.

Update- I am at month 8 now, taking brisdelle every other night. At month 7 I started having mild hot flashes(maybe 1or 2 a day). At month 8 the weight came, and it came fast. I exercise intensively, and eat healthy. the weight came anyway. It was almost seamed like my brain somehow signaled by body to bulk up. I also noted at month 8, my resting heartbeat went down by about 8 points, which means I burn less calories when resting. However I can still have a glass of wine and not get hot. Brisdelle has its goods and bads. the good being coolness, the bad being weight gain. I also noticed when taking the drug every other night, if you miss a scheduled night, you almost have to wait till the next scheduled night to take another pill. If you get off schedule, you will be hot that first night apparently from the shift in scheduled dose. At this point I am going to ask my doctor if there is something out there that will not cause weight gain, and to give me a schedule to get off brisdelle because of such. I guess I will have to go back to cool showers and lots and lots of water. Marie

Brisdelle was effective for 2-3 months; after that, the hot flashed came back. Furthermore, I had moderate to severe side effect while taking Brisdelle; sweeting, nausea, weight gain. I switched to Lexapro 5mg and all the side effect are gone, plus the hot flashed. I am paying a copayment ofis 2.5 $ now; when I was taking Brisdelle, I was paying 60$ copayment. Do the math.

I had hot flashes so bad I thought I needed to go to the loony bin. It was horrific all day and worst at night. I thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown. My dr asked me to try Brisdelle and I tell you that within two weeks I had absolutely NO hot flashes. No side effects and this was a God send for me. I was at my wits end and I have been on other HRT's but this is the only RX that COMPLETELY worked for me. Make sure you go to their site, they have a coupon that pays up to $125.00 for your prescription each time you fill your RX even if you have insurance.